US Code
§ 222d. Annual report on industrial base constraints for munitions

(a) In General.—Not later than 30 days after the submission of all reports required under section 222c(a) of this title, the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and Sustainment, in coordination with the service acquisition executive of each military department, shall submit to the congressional defense committees a report detailing the industrial base constraints for each munition identified in the Out-Year Unconstrained Total Munitions Requirement.
(b) Elements.—The report required under subsection (a) shall include the following elements, broken down by munition:(1) Programmed purchase quantities per year.
(2) Average procurement unit cost per year.
(3) Contract type.
(4) Current minimum sustaining rate of production per month and year.
(5) Current maximum rate of production per month and year.
(6) Expected date to meet the Out-Year Unconstrained Total Munitions Requirement in section 222c of this title under the programmed purchase quantities established for the period covered by the report.
(7) A description of industrial base constraints on increased production of each munition, including any supply chain weaknesses.
(8) A description of investments or policy changes made by a defense contractor or by the United States Government to increase production, enable more efficient production, or mitigate significant loss of stability in potential production.
(9) A description of potential investments or policy changes identified by a defense contractor or the United States Government to increase munitions production, enable more efficient production, or mitigate significant loss of stability in potential production, including—(A) direct investments in test and tooling equipment, workforce development, or improvements to existing production facilities;
(B) a pool of rotable critical components or subcomponents for munitions;
(C) multiyear contracts or other contracting strategies;
(D) direct investments in components, subcomponents, or raw materials commonly used across the industrial base;
(E) direct investments in additive manufacturing or expeditionary manufacturing capabilities;
(F) direct investments in simplification of supply chains; and
(G) direct investments in technologies or methods to enable increased scalability and reduced complexity of production processes for current or future munitions.
(10) A list of each contract for a munition with a priority rating of “critical to national defense” (commonly referred to as a “DO-rated order”) or a priority rating of “highest national defense urgency” (commonly referred to as a “DX-rated order”) in the Defense Priorities and Allocation System pursuant to part 700 of title 15, Code of Federal Regulations (or any successor regulation).
(11) A prioritized list of munitions judged to have high value for export for which additional investments would be necessary to enable export, including a description of such investments required.
(12) A list of munitions subject to the requirements of chapter 2 of the Arms Export Control Act (22 U.S.C. 2761 et seq.) relating to foreign military sales that are anticipated to be exported based on developments in the conflict in Ukraine.
(c) Munition Defined.—In this section, the term “munition” has the meaning given by the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition.

Structure US Code

US Code


Subtitle A— General Military Law



§ 221. Future-years defense program: submission to Congress; consistency in budgeting

§ 222. Future-years mission budget

§ 222a. Unfunded priorities of the armed forces and combatant commands: annual report

§ 222b. Unfunded priorities of the Missile Defense Agency: annual report

§ 222c. Armed forces: Out-Year Unconstrained Total Munitions Requirements; Out-Year inventory numbers

§ 222d. Annual report on industrial base constraints for munitions

§ 223. Ballistic missile defense programs: program elements

§ 223a. Ballistic missile defense programs: procurement

§ 224. Ballistic missile defense programs: display of amounts for research, development, test, and evaluation

§ 225. Acquisition accountability reports on the ballistic missile defense system

§ 226. Special operations forces: display of service-common and other support and enabling capabilities

[§ 227. Repealed. , , ]

[§ 228. Repealed. , , ]

§ 229. Programs for combating terrorism: display of budget information

[§ 230. Repealed. , , ]

§ 231. Budgeting for construction, maintenance, and modernization of naval vessels: annual plan and certification

§ 231a. Budgeting for life-cycle costs of aircraft for the Army, Navy, and Air Force: annual plan and certification

[§ 232. Repealed. , , ]

§ 233. Operation and maintenance budget presentation

§ 234. POW/MIA activities: display of budget information

[§ 235. Repealed. , , ]

§ 236. Personal protection equipment procurement: display of budget information

§ 237. Embedded mental health providers of the reserve components: display of budget information

§ 238. Cyber mission forces: program elements

§ 239. National security space programs: major force program and budget assessment

§ 239a. Missile defense and defeat programs: major force program and budget assessment

§ 239b. Certain intelligence-related programs: budget justification materials

§ 239c. Certain multiyear contracts for acquisition of property: budget justification materials

§ 239d. Budgeting for depot and ammunition production facility maintenance and repair: annual report