US Code
Part A— Administration
§ 210–1. Annual and sick leave

(a) RegulationsIn accordance with regulations of the President, commissioned officers of the Regular Corps and officers of the Ready Ready 11 So in original. Reserve Corps on active duty may be granted annual leave and sick leave without any deductions from their pay and allowances.
(b) LimitationThe regulations described in subsection (a) may authorize accumulated annual leave of not more than 120 days for any commissioned officer of the Regular Corps or officer of the Ready Reserve Corps on active duty.
(c) 22 See 1962 Amendment note for subsec. (d) below. DefinitionsFor purposes of this section the term “accumulated annual leave” means unused accrued annual leave carried forward from one leave year into a succeeding leave year, and the term “accrued annual leave” means the annual leave accruing to an officer during one leave year.

Structure US Code

US Code




Part A— Administration

§ 202. Administration and supervision of Service

§ 203. Organization of Service

§ 204. Commissioned Corps and Ready Reserve Corps

§ 204a. Deployment readiness

§ 205. Appointment and tenure of office of Surgeon General; reversion in rank

§ 206. Assignment of officers

§ 207. Grades, ranks, and titles of commissioned corps

§ 208. Repealed. ,

§ 209. Appointment of personnel

§§ 209a, 209b. Omitted

§ 209c. Repealed. , ,

§ 209d. Appointment of osteopaths as commissioned officers

§ 210. Pay and allowances

§ 210–1. Annual and sick leave

§ 210a. Repealed. , ,

§ 210b. Professional categories

§ 211. Promotion of commissioned officers

§ 211a. Repealed. , ,

§ 211b. Repealed. , ,

§ 211c. Promotion credit for medical officers in assistant grade

§ 212. Retirement of commissioned officers

§ 212a. Repealed. , ,

§ 212b. Repealed. ,

§ 213. Military benefits

§ 213a. Rights, benefits, privileges, and immunities for commissioned officers or beneficiaries; exercise of authority by Secretary or designee

§ 214. Presentation of United States flag upon retirement

§ 214a. Repealed. ,

§ 215. Detail of Service personnel

§ 216. Regulations

§ 217. Use of Service in time of war or emergency

§ 217a. Advisory councils or committees

§ 217a–1. Advisory committees; prohibition of consideration of political affiliations

§ 217b. Volunteer services

§ 218. National Advisory Councils on Migrant Health

§ 218a. Training of officers

§§ 219 to 224. Transferred

§ 225. Repealed. ,

§§ 225a to 227. Transferred

§ 227a. Omitted

§§ 228 to 229d. Transferred

§ 230. Repealed. ,

§ 231. Service and supply fund; uses; reimbursement

§ 232. National Institute of Mental Health; authorization of appropriation; construction; location

§ 233. Civil actions or proceedings against commissioned officers or employees

§ 234. Health care professionals assisting during a public health emergency

§ 235. Administration of grants in multigrant proj­ects; promulgation of regulations

§ 236. Orphan Products Board

§ 237. Silvio O. Conte Senior Biomedical Research and Biomedical Product Assessment Service

§ 237a. Health and Human Services Office on Women’s Health