US Code
Part A— Sex Offender Registration and Notification
§ 20915. Duration of registration requirement

(a) Full registration periodA sex offender shall keep the registration current for the full registration period (excluding any time the sex offender is in custody or civilly committed) unless the offender is allowed a reduction under subsection (b). The full registration period is—(1) 15 years, if the offender is a tier I sex offender;
(2) 25 years, if the offender is a tier II sex offender; and
(3) the life of the offender, if the offender is a tier III sex offender.
(b) Reduced period for clean record(1) Clean recordThe full registration period shall be reduced as described in paragraph (3) for a sex offender who maintains a clean record for the period described in paragraph (2) by—(A) not being convicted of any offense for which imprisonment for more than 1 year may be imposed;
(B) not being convicted of any sex offense;
(C) successfully completing any periods of supervised release, probation, and parole; and
(D) successfully completing of 11 So in original. The word “of” probably should not appear. an appropriate sex offender treatment program certified by a jurisdiction or by the Attorney General.
(2) PeriodIn the case of—(A) a tier I sex offender, the period during which the clean record shall be maintained is 10 years; and
(B) a tier III sex offender adjudicated delinquent for the offense which required registration in a sex registry under this subchapter, the period during which the clean record shall be maintained is 25 years.
(3) ReductionIn the case of—(A) a tier I sex offender, the reduction is 5 years;
(B) a tier III sex offender adjudicated delinquent, the reduction is from life to that period for which the clean record under paragraph (2) is maintained.

Structure US Code

US Code


Subtitle II— Protection of Children and Other Persons



Part A— Sex Offender Registration and Notification

§ 20911. Relevant definitions, including Amie Zyla expansion of sex offender definition and expanded inclusion of child predators

§ 20912. Registry requirements for jurisdictions

§ 20913. Registry requirements for sex offenders

§ 20914. Information required in registration

§ 20915. Duration of registration requirement

§ 20916. Direction to the Attorney General

§ 20917. Checking system for social networking websites

§ 20918. Periodic in person verification

§ 20919. Duty to notify sex offenders of registration requirements and to register

§ 20920. Public access to sex offender information through the Internet

§ 20921. National Sex Offender Registry

§ 20922. Dru Sjodin National Sex Offender Public Website

§ 20923. Megan Nicole Kanka and Alexandra Nicole Zapp Community Notification Program

§ 20924. Actions to be taken when sex offender fails to comply

§ 20925. Development and availability of registry management and website software

§ 20926. Period for implementation by jurisdictions

§ 20927. Failure of jurisdiction to comply

§ 20928. Sex Offender Management Assistance (SOMA) program

§ 20929. Election by Indian tribes

§ 20930. Registration of sex offenders entering the United States

§ 20931. Registration of sex offenders released from military corrections facilities or upon conviction

§ 20932. Immunity for good faith conduct