(a) In generalThe Secretary may make loans to eligible entities described in subsection (b) so that the eligible entities may relend the funds to individuals and entities for the purposes described in subsection (c).
(b) Eligible entitiesEntities eligible for loans described in subsection (a) are cooperatives, credit unions, and nonprofit organizations with—(1) certification under section 1805.201 of title 12, Code of Federal Regulations (or successor regulations), to operate as a lender;
(2) experience assisting socially disadvantaged farmers and ranchers (as defined in subsection (a) of section 2279 of this title) or limited resource or new and beginning farmers and ranchers, rural businesses, cooperatives, or credit unions, including experience in making and servicing agricultural and commercial loans; and
(3) the ability to provide adequate assurance of the repayment of a loan.
(c) Eligible purposesThe proceeds from loans made by the Secretary pursuant to subsection (a) shall be re-lent by eligible entities for projects that assist heirs with undivided ownership interests to resolve ownership and succession on farmland that has multiple owners.
(d) PreferenceIn making loans under subsection (a), the Secretary shall give preference to eligible entities—(1) with not less than 10 years of experience serving socially disadvantaged farmers and ranchers; and
(2) in States that have adopted a statute consisting of an enactment or adoption of the Uniform Partition of Heirs Property Act, as approved and recommended for enactment in all States by the National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws in 2010, that relend to owners of heirs property (as defined in that Act).
(e) Loan terms and conditionsThe following terms and conditions shall apply to loans made under this section:(1) The interest rate at which intermediaries may borrow funds under this section shall be determined by the Secretary.
(2) The rates, terms, and payment structure for borrowers to which intermediaries lend shall be—(A) determined by the intermediary in an amount sufficient to cover the cost of operating and sustaining the revolving loan fund; and
(B) clearly and publicly disclosed to qualified ultimate borrowers.
(3) Borrowers to which intermediaries lend shall be—(A) required to complete a succession plan as a condition of the loan; and
(B) be offered the opportunity to borrow sufficient funds to cover costs associated with the succession plan under subparagraph (A) and other associated legal and closing costs.
(f) ReportNot later than 1 year after December 20, 2018, the Secretary shall submit to the Committee on Agriculture of the House of Representatives and the Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry of the Senate a report describing the operation and outcomes of the program under this section, with recommendations on how to strengthen the program.
(g) Authorization of appropriationsThere is authorized to be appropriated to carry out this section $10,000,000 for each of fiscal years 2019 through 2023.
Structure US Code
§ 1922. Persons eligible for real estate loans
§ 1924. Conservation loan and loan guarantee program
§ 1925. Limitations on amount of farm ownership loans
§ 1926. Water and waste facility loans and grants
§ 1926a. Emergency and imminent community water assistance grant program
§ 1926c. Water and waste facility loans and grants to alleviate health risks
§ 1926d. Water systems for rural and Native villages in Alaska
§ 1926e. Rural decentralized water systems
§ 1926f. Contracts with not-for-profit third parties
§ 1927. Repayment requirements
§ 1929. Agricultural Credit Insurance Fund
§ 1929–1. Level of loan programs under Agricultural Credit Insurance Fund
§ 1929a. Rural Development Insurance Fund
§ 1929b. Purchase of guaranteed portions of loans; terms and conditions; exercise of authorities
§ 1932. Assistance for rural entities
§ 1933. Guaranteed rural housing loans; Hawaiian home lands
§ 1934. Low-income farm ownership loan program; eligibility; repayment requirements
§ 1935. Down payment loan program
§ 1936a. Use of rural development loans and grants for other purposes
§ 1936b. Intermediary relending program
§ 1936c. Relending program to resolve ownership and succession on farmland