US Code
§ 188a. Surrender of leases

The Secretary of the Interior is authorized to accept the surrender of any lease issued pursuant to any of the provisions of this chapter, or any amendment thereof, where the surrender is filed in the Bureau of Land Management subsequent to the accrual but prior to the payment of the yearly rental due under the lease, upon payment of the accrued rental on a pro rata monthly basis for the portion of the lease year prior to the filing of the surrender. The authority granted to the Secretary of the Interior by this section shall extend only to cases in which he finds that the failure of the lessee to file a timely surrender of the lease prior to the accrual of the rental was not due to a lack of reasonable diligence, but it shall not extend to claims or cases which have been referred to the Department of Justice for purposes of suit.

Structure US Code

US Code




§ 181. Lands subject to disposition; persons entitled to benefits; reciprocal privileges; helium rights reserved

§ 182. Lands disposed of with reservation of deposits of coal, etc.

§ 183. Cancellation of prospecting permits

§ 184. Limitations on leases held, owned or controlled by persons, associations or corporations

§ 184a. Authorization of States to include in agreements for conservation of oil and gas resources lands acquired from United States

§ 185. Rights-of-way for pipelines through Federal lands

§ 186. Reservation of easements or rights-of-way for working purposes; reservation of right to dispose of surface of lands; determination before offering of lease; easement periods

§ 187. Assignment or subletting of leases; relinquishment of rights under leases; conditions in leases for protection of diverse interests in operation of mines, wells, etc.; State laws not impaired

§ 187a. Oil or gas leases; partial assignments

§ 187b. Oil or gas leases; written relinquishment of rights; release of obligations

§ 188. Failure to comply with provisions of lease

§ 188a. Surrender of leases

§ 189. Rules and regulations; boundary lines; State rights unaffected; taxation

§ 190. Oath; requirement; form; blanks

§ 191. Disposition of moneys received

§ 191a. Late payment charges under Federal mineral leases

§ 191b. Collection of unpaid and underpaid royalties and late payment interest owed by lessees

§ 192. Payment of royalties in oil or gas; sale of such oil or gas

§ 192a. Cancellation or modification of contracts

§ 192b. Application to contracts

§ 192c. Rules and regulations governing issuance of certain leases; disposition of receipts

§ 193. Disposition of deposits of coal, and so forth

§ 193a. Preference right of United States to purchase coal for Army and Navy; price for coal; civil actions; jurisdiction

§ 194. Repealed. , ,

§ 195. Enforcement

§ 196. Cooperative agreements; delegation of authority