US Code
§ 178h. Powers of Secretary of Commerce

(a) make grants to States, education institutions, scientific organizations, and Indian tribes as defined in the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act (Public Law 93–638, 25 U.S.C. 450),11 See References in Text note below. and enter into contracts with such institutions and organizations and with industrial or engineering firms;
(b) acquire the services of biologists, agronomists, foresters, geneticists, engineers, economists, and other personnel having expertise in native agricultural crops which could supply critical agricultural materials by contract or otherwise;
(c) utilize the facilities of Federal and State institutions and other scientific laboratories;
(d) establish and operate necessary facilities and pilot plants to carry out the continuous research, testing, development, and programing necessary to effectuate the purposes of this section;
(e) acquire secret processes, technical data, invention, patent applications, patents, licenses, land and interests in land (including water rights), plants and facilities, and other property or rights by purchase, license, lease, or donation; and
(f) foster and participate in regional, national, and international conferences relating to the activities authorized by this subchapter.