(a) Establishment; functionThere is established a Joint Commission on Research and Development of Critical Agricultural Materials, hereinafter referred to as the Joint Commission. The function of the Joint Commission shall be to assist the Secretaries in carrying out the purposes of this subchapter.
(b) MembershipThe Joint Commission shall consist of the following members: Three individuals designated by the Secretary of Agriculture from among the staff of the Department of Agriculture; three individuals designated by the Secretary of Commerce from among the staff of the Department of Commerce; a representative of the Bureau of Indian Affairs of the Department of the Interior; a representative of the National Science Foundation; a representative of the Department of State; a representative of the Department of Defense; and a representative of the Federal Emergency Management Agency. Each of the members of the Joint Commission shall be an individual who, on behalf of the Department or agency which such individual represents, is engaged in the support of research, development, demonstration, and commercialization activities involving native latex and the production of other critical agricultural materials from native agricultural crops.
(c) ChairmanThe Joint Commission shall be headed by a Chairman who shall be selected by the Secretary of Agriculture from among the three individuals designated by the Secretary as members under subsection (b).
(d) Delegation of responsibilities to Joint Commission; transfer and use of appropriated fundsThe Secretaries may delegate to the Joint Commission one or more of their responsibilities under this subchapter, and transfer to the Joint Commission funds appropriated to carry out the purposes of this subchapter as they deem appropriate to achieve the purposes of this subchapter, and the Joint Commission is authorized to carry out such functions and expend such funds to achieve the purposes of the subchapter.
(e) DutiesThe Joint Commission shall—(1) develop a plan establishing goals, timetables, and tasks to be undertaken in carrying out the purposes of this subchapter;
(2) establish broad policy for implementing the plan carrying out the purposes of this subchapter;
(3) establish criteria for evaluating and awarding contracts for research, development, and demonstration projects; and
(4) review and advise the Secretaries with respect to grants, contracts, and other project expenditures.
(f) Administrative support servicesThe Secretaries are authorized to provide without reimbursement such administrative support services, including the detail of staff personnel not to exceed a total of five persons from each Department, as the Joint Commission may need to carry out its functions.
(g) Advice of scientific, engineering and business communitiesTo the maximum extent possible, the Secretaries and the Joint Commission shall seek the advice of the scientific, engineering and business communities with respect to the activities carried out under this subchapter. The Secretaries and the Commission shall specifically seek the advice of persons with expertise in appropriate fields of agricultural research in land grant colleges and other universities, in State agricultural experiment stations, and in other appropriate organizations; and, persons with expertise in manufacturing and commerce involving rubber and other critical agricultural materials in private enterprise and other appropriate organizations.
Structure US Code
§ 178. Congressional findings and declaration of policy
§ 178b. Joint Commission on Research and Development of Critical Agricultural Materials
§ 178c. Research and development program by Secretary of Agriculture
§ 178d. Research and development program by Secretary of Commerce
§ 178e. Cooperative projects with Mexico, Australia, and Israel
§ 178f. Assistance from States and public agencies; contracts and agreements
§ 178g. Powers of Secretary of Agriculture
§ 178h. Powers of Secretary of Commerce
§ 178i. Coordination of activities with Federal agencies
§ 178j. Laws governing inventions under this subchapter
§ 178k. Disposition of byproducts and strategic and industrially important products