The Secretary of Defense and the Secretaries of the military departments may each employ, without pay, not more than 10 persons of outstanding experience and ability. However, a person so employed may be allowed transportation, and not more than $15 a day instead of subsistence, while away from his home or regular place of business pursuant to employment under this section.
Structure US Code
Subtitle A— General Military Law
§ 1580. Emergency essential employees: designation
§ 1581. Foreign National Employees Separation Pay Account
§ 1582. Assistive technology, assistive technology devices, and assistive technology services
§ 1583. Employment of certain persons without pay
§ 1584. Employment of non-citizens
§ 1587. Employees of nonappropriated fund instrumentalities: reprisals
§ 1587a. Employees of nonappropriated fund instrumentalities: senior executive pay levels
§ 1588. Authority to accept certain voluntary services
§ 1589. Participation in management of specified non-Federal entities: authorized activities
§ 1591. Reimbursement for travel and transportation expenses when accompanying Members of Congress
§ 1593. Uniform allowance: civilian employees
§ 1596b. Foreign language proficiency: National Foreign Language Skills Registry
§ 1597. Civilian positions: guidelines for reductions
§ 1599a. Financial assistance to certain employees in acquisition of critical skills
§ 1599b. Employees abroad: travel expenses; health care
§ 1599f. United States Cyber Command recruitment and retention
§ 1599g. Public-private talent exchange
§ 1599i. Recruitment incentives for placement at remote locations
§ 1599j. Restricted reports of incidents of adult sexual assault