(a) Reports(1) SubmissionThe Resolution Trust Corporation and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation shall each submit to the Congress for each year a report identifying and describing any property that is covered property of the corporation concerned as of September 30 of such year. The report shall be submitted on or before March 30 of the following year.
(2) ConsultationIn preparing the reports required under this subsection, each corporation concerned may consult with the Secretary of the Interior for purposes of identifying the properties described in paragraph (1).
(b) Limitation on transfer(1) NoticeThe Resolution Trust Corporation and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation may not sell or otherwise transfer any covered property unless the corporation concerned causes to be published in the Federal Register a notice of the availability of the property for purchase or other transfer that identifies the property and describes the location, characteristics, and size of the property.
(2) Expression of serious interestDuring the 90-day period beginning on the date that notice under paragraph (1) concerning a covered property is first published, any governmental agency or qualified organization may submit to the corporation concerned a written notice of serious interest for the purchase or other transfer of a particular covered property for which notice has been published. The notice of serious interest shall be in such form and include such information as the corporation concerned may prescribe.
(3) Prohibition of transferDuring the period under paragraph (2), a corporation concerned may not sell or otherwise transfer any covered property for which notice has been published under paragraph (1). Upon the expiration of such period, the corporation concerned may sell or otherwise transfer any covered property for which notice under paragraph (1) has been published if a notice of serious interest under paragraph (2) concerning the property has not been timely submitted.
(4) Offers and permitted transferIf a notice of serious interest in a covered property is timely submitted pursuant to paragraph (2), the corporation concerned may not sell or otherwise transfer such covered property during the 90-day period beginning upon the expiration of the period under paragraph (2) except to a governmental agency or qualified organization for use primarily for wildlife refuge, sanctuary, open space, recreational, historical, cultural, or natural resource conservation purposes, unless all notices of serious interest under paragraph (2) have been withdrawn.
(c) DefinitionsFor purposes of this section:(1) Corporation concernedThe term “corporation concerned” means—(A) the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, with respect to matters relating to the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation; and
(B) the Resolution Trust Corporation, with respect to matters relating to the Resolution Trust Corporation.
(2) Covered propertyThe term “covered property” means any property—(A) to which—(i) the Resolution Trust Corporation has acquired title in its corporate or receivership capacity; or
(ii) the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation has acquired title in its corporate capacity or which was acquired by the former Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation in its corporate capacity; and
(B) that—(i) is located within the John H. Chafee Coastal Barrier Resources System; or
(ii) is undeveloped, greater than 50 acres in size, and adjacent to or contiguous with any lands managed by a governmental agency primarily for wildlife refuge, sanctuary, open space, recreational, historical, cultural, or natural resource conservation purposes.
(3) Governmental agencyThe term “governmental agency” means any agency or entity of the Federal Government or a State or local government.
(4) UndevelopedThe term “undeveloped” means—(A) containing few manmade structures and having geomorphic and ecological processes that are not significantly impeded by any such structures or human activity; and
(B) having natural, cultural, recreational, or scientific value of special significance.
Structure US Code
§§ 1422a, 1422b. Repealed. , ,
§ 1424. Eligibility for membership
§§ 1425 to 1425b. Repealed. , §§ 705, 716, 720, , , 421, 423
§ 1426. Capital structure of Federal home loan banks
§ 1426a. Exclusion from certain requirements
§ 1428. Examination of State laws, regulations, and procedures; studies of values, etc.
§ 1429. Eligibility to secure advances
§ 1430b. Advances to nonmember mortgagee; terms and conditions
§ 1431. Powers and duties of banks
§ 1432. Incorporation of banks; corporate powers; housing project loans
§ 1433. Exemption from taxation; obligations acceptable as credit on debt of home owner
§ 1434. Depositaries of public money; financial agents
§ 1436. Reserves and dividends; emergency suspensions of requirements
§ 1438a. Nonadministrative expenses; expenses of studies and investigations
§§ 1439, 1439–1. Repealed. , §§ 708, 712, , , 419
§ 1440. Examinations and audits
§ 1440a. Sharing of information among Federal Home Loan Banks
§ 1441a–3. RTC and FDIC properties
§ 1441b. Resolution Funding Corporation established
§ 1442. Member financial information
§ 1443. Forms of bank stock and obligations
§ 1444. Eligibility to membership in banks
§ 1445. Succession of Federal Home Loan Banks