Structure US Code
§§ 1422a, 1422b. Repealed. , ,
§ 1424. Eligibility for membership
§§ 1425 to 1425b. Repealed. , §§ 705, 716, 720, , , 421, 423
§ 1426. Capital structure of Federal home loan banks
§ 1426a. Exclusion from certain requirements
§ 1428. Examination of State laws, regulations, and procedures; studies of values, etc.
§ 1429. Eligibility to secure advances
§ 1430b. Advances to nonmember mortgagee; terms and conditions
§ 1431. Powers and duties of banks
§ 1432. Incorporation of banks; corporate powers; housing project loans
§ 1433. Exemption from taxation; obligations acceptable as credit on debt of home owner
§ 1434. Depositaries of public money; financial agents
§ 1436. Reserves and dividends; emergency suspensions of requirements
§ 1438a. Nonadministrative expenses; expenses of studies and investigations
§§ 1439, 1439–1. Repealed. , §§ 708, 712, , , 419
§ 1440. Examinations and audits
§ 1440a. Sharing of information among Federal Home Loan Banks
§ 1441a–3. RTC and FDIC properties
§ 1441b. Resolution Funding Corporation established
§ 1442. Member financial information
§ 1443. Forms of bank stock and obligations
§ 1444. Eligibility to membership in banks
§ 1445. Succession of Federal Home Loan Banks