US Code
Part A— Police Corps
§ 12557. Police Corps training

(a) In general(1) The Director shall establish programs of training for Police Corps participants. Such programs may be carried out at up to 3 training centers established for this purpose and administered by the Director, or by contracting with existing State training facilities. The Director shall contract with a State training facility upon request of such facility if the Director determines that such facility offers a course of training substantially equivalent to the Police Corps training program described in this part.
(2) The Director may enter into contracts with individuals, institutions of learning, and government agencies (including State and local police forces) to obtain the services of persons qualified to participate in and contribute to the training process.
(3) The Director may enter into agreements with agencies of the Federal Government to utilize on a reimbursable basis space in Federal buildings and other resources.
(4) The Director may authorize such expenditures as are necessary for the effective maintenance of the training centers, including purchases of supplies, uniforms, and educational materials, and the provision of subsistence, quarters, and medical care to participants.
(b) Training sessionsA participant in a State Police Corps program shall attend up to 24 weeks, but no less than 16 weeks, of training at a training center. The Director may approve training conducted in not more than 3 separate sessions.
(c) Further trainingThe Police Corps training authorized in this section is intended to serve as basic law enforcement training but not to exclude further training of participants by the State and local authorities to which they will be assigned. Each State plan approved by the Director under section 12559 11 See References in Text note below. of this title shall include assurances that following completion of a participant’s course of education each participant shall receive appropriate additional training by the State or local authority to which the participant is assigned. The time spent by a participant in such additional training, but not the time spent in Police Corps training, shall be counted toward fulfillment of the participant’s 4-year service obligation.
(d) Course of trainingThe training sessions at training centers established under this section shall be designed to provide basic law enforcement training, including vigorous physical and mental training to teach participants self-discipline and organizational loyalty and to impart knowledge and understanding of legal processes and law enforcement.
(e) Evaluation of participantsA participant shall be evaluated during training for mental, physical, and emotional fitness, and shall be required to meet performance standards prescribed by the Director at the conclusion of each training session in order to remain in the Police Corps program.
(f) StipendThe Director shall pay participants in training sessions a stipend of $400 a week during training.