US Code
Part A— Police Corps
§ 12554. Designation of lead agency and submission of State plan

(a) Lead agencyA State that desires to participate in the Police Corps program under this part shall designate a lead agency that will be responsible for—(1) submitting to the Director a State plan described in subsection (b); and
(2) administering the program in the State.
(b) State plansA State plan shall—(1) contain assurances that the lead agency shall work in cooperation with the local law enforcement liaisons, representatives of police labor organizations and police management organizations, and other appropriate State and local agencies to develop and implement interagency agreements designed to carry out the program;
(2) contain assurances that the State shall advertise the assistance available under this part;
(3) contain assurances that the State shall screen and select law enforcement personnel for participation in the program; and
(4) meet the requirements of section 12559 of this title.