In a proceeding about a seaman’s wages, if it is shown that the seaman was convicted during the voyage of an offense by a competent tribunal and sentenced by the tribunal, the court hearing the case may direct that a part of the wages due the seaman, but not more than $15, be applied to reimburse the master for costs properly incurred in procuring the conviction and sentence.
Structure US Code
Subtitle II— Vessels and Seamen
Part G— Merchant Seamen Protection and Relief
§ 10302. Shipping articles agreements
§ 10305. Manner of signing agreement
§ 10306. Exhibiting merchant mariners’ documents
§ 10309. Engaging seamen to replace those lost by desertion or casualty
§ 10311. Certificates of discharge
§ 10312. Settlements on discharge
§ 10317. Loss of lien and right to wages
§ 10318. Wages on discharge in foreign ports