(a) On discharging a seaman and paying the seaman’s wages, the master or individual in charge shall provide the seaman with a certificate of discharge. The form of the certificate shall be prescribed by regulation. It shall contain—(1) the name of the seaman;
(2) the citizenship or nationality of the seaman;
(3) the number of the seaman’s merchant mariner’s document;
(4) the name and official number of the vessel;
(5) the nature of the voyage (foreign, intercoastal, or coastwise);
(6) the propulsion class of the vessel;
(7) the date and place of engagement;
(8) the date and place of discharge; and
(9) the seaman’s capacity on the voyage.
(b) The certificate of discharge may not contain a reference about the character or ability of the seaman. The certificate shall be signed by the master and the seaman.
(c) A certificate of discharge may not be issued if the seaman holds a continuous discharge book. The entries shall be made in the discharge book in the same manner as the entries required by subsection (a) of this section.
(d)(1) A record of each discharge shall be maintained by the owner, charterer, managing operator, master, or individual in charge in the manner and location prescribed by regulation. The records may not be open for general or public use or inspection.
(2) A duplicate of a record of discharge shall be issued to a seaman at the request of the seaman.
(e) This section does not apply to a fishing or whaling vessel or a yacht.
Structure US Code
Subtitle II— Vessels and Seamen
Part G— Merchant Seamen Protection and Relief
§ 10302. Shipping articles agreements
§ 10305. Manner of signing agreement
§ 10306. Exhibiting merchant mariners’ documents
§ 10309. Engaging seamen to replace those lost by desertion or casualty
§ 10311. Certificates of discharge
§ 10312. Settlements on discharge
§ 10317. Loss of lien and right to wages
§ 10318. Wages on discharge in foreign ports