US Code
§ 101512. Conveyance to States of roads leading to certain historical areas

In this section, the term “State” means a State, Puerto Rico, Guam, and the
Virgin Islands.
Authority of Secretary.—
The Secretary may, subject to conditions as seem proper to the Secretary,
convey by proper quitclaim deed to any State, county, municipality, or agency of
a State, county, or municipality in which the road is located, all right, title,
and interest of the United States in and to any Federal Government owned or
controlled road leading to any national cemetery, national military park,
national historical park, national battlefield park, or national historic site
administered by the Service.
Notification by State, Agency, or
Prior to the delivery of any conveyance of a road under this section, the
State, county, or municipality to which the conveyance is to be made shall
notify the Secretary in writing of its willingness to accept and maintain the
Transfer of Jurisdiction.—
On the execution and delivery of the conveyance of a road under this
section, any jurisdiction previously ceded to the United States by a State over
the road is retroceded and shall vest in the State in which the road is located.