Roads and Trails in System Units.—
The Secretary may construct, reconstruct, and improve roads and trails,
including bridges, in System units.
Approach Roads.—
In general.—
When the Secretary determines it to be in the public interest, the
Secretary may designate, as System unit approach roads, roads whose
primary value is to carry System unit travel and that lead across land
at least 90 percent owned by the Federal Government and that will
connect the highways within a System unit with a convenient point on or
leading to the National Highway System.
Limit on length of approach roads.—
In general.—
A designated approach road shall not exceed—
60 miles in length between a System unit gateway and a
point on or leading to the nearest convenient National Highway
System road; or
30 miles in length if the approach road is on the National
Highway System.
County limit.—
Not to exceed 40 miles of any one approach road shall be
designated in any one county.
Supplementary part of system unit
highway system.—
An approach road designated for a System unit shall be treated as a
supplementary part of the highway system of the System unit.
Construction, reconstruction, and improvement.—
In general.—
The Secretary may construct, reconstruct, and improve approach
roads designated under paragraph (1) (including bridges) and enter into
agreements for the maintenance of the approach roads by State or county
authorities or to maintain the approach roads when otherwise necessary.
Annual allocation.—
Not more than $1,500,000 shall be allocated annually for the
construction, reconstruction, and improvement of System unit approach
Approval of secretary of agriculture
When an approach road is proposed under this section across or within
any national forest, the Secretary shall secure the approval of the
Secretary of Agriculture before construction begins.
Agreement With Secretary of
Under agreement with the Secretary, the Secretary of Transportation may
carry out any provision of this section.