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Section 508.313. Confidential Information - Sec. 508.313. CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION. (a) All information obtained and maintained,...
Section 508.314. Access to Inmates - Sec. 508.314. ACCESS TO INMATES. The department shall: (1) grant...
Section 508.315. Electronic Monitoring Programs - Sec. 508.315. ELECTRONIC MONITORING PROGRAMS. (a) To establish and maintain...
Section 508.316. Special Programs - Sec. 508.316. SPECIAL PROGRAMS. (a) The department may contract for...
Section 508.317. Intensive Supervision Program; Super-Intensive Supervision Program - Sec. 508.317. INTENSIVE SUPERVISION PROGRAM; SUPER-INTENSIVE SUPERVISION PROGRAM. (a) The...
Section 508.318. Continuing Education Program - Sec. 508.318. CONTINUING EDUCATION PROGRAM. (a) The Texas Board of...
Section 508.319. Program to Assess and Enhance Educational and Vocational Skills - Sec. 508.319. PROGRAM TO ASSESS AND ENHANCE EDUCATIONAL AND VOCATIONAL...
Section 508.320. Contracts for Lease of Federal Facilities - Sec. 508.320. CONTRACTS FOR LEASE OF FEDERAL FACILITIES. (a) The...
Section 508.321. Reporting, Management, and Collection Services - Sec. 508.321. REPORTING, MANAGEMENT, AND COLLECTION SERVICES. The department, with...
Section 508.322. Releasee Restitution Fund - Sec. 508.322. RELEASEE RESTITUTION FUND. (a) The releasee restitution fund...
Section 508.323. Audit - Sec. 508.323. AUDIT. The financial transactions of the division and...
Section 508.324. Victim-Offender Mediation - Sec. 508.324. VICTIM-OFFENDER MEDIATION. If the pardons and paroles division...
Chapter 509 - Community Justice Assistance Division
Section 509.001. Definitions - Sec. 509.001. DEFINITIONS. In this chapter: (1) "Community corrections facility"...
Section 509.002. Purpose - Sec. 509.002. PURPOSE. The purpose of this chapter is to:...
Section 509.003. Standards and Procedures - Sec. 509.003. STANDARDS AND PROCEDURES. (a) The division shall propose...
Section 509.004. Records, Reports, and Information Systems - Sec. 509.004. RECORDS, REPORTS, AND INFORMATION SYSTEMS. (a) The division...
Section 509.0041. Use of Risk and Needs Assessment Instrument - Sec. 509.0041. USE OF RISK AND NEEDS ASSESSMENT INSTRUMENT. The...
Section 509.005. Inspections; Audits; Evaluations - Sec. 509.005. INSPECTIONS; AUDITS; EVALUATIONS. The community justice assistance division...
Section 509.006. Community Corrections Facilities - Sec. 509.006. COMMUNITY CORRECTIONS FACILITIES. (a) To establish and maintain...
Section 509.0071. Commitment Reduction Plan - Sec. 509.0071. COMMITMENT REDUCTION PLAN. (a) In addition to submitting...
Section 509.008. Officer Certification - Sec. 509.008. OFFICER CERTIFICATION. (a) The division shall establish officer...
Section 509.009. Training - Sec. 509.009. TRAINING. The division may provide pre-service, in-service, and...
Section 509.010. Public Meeting - Sec. 509.010. PUBLIC MEETING. (a) The division may not take...
Section 509.011. Payment of State Aid - Sec. 509.011. PAYMENT OF STATE AID. (a) If the division...
Section 509.012. Refusal or Suspension of State Aid - Sec. 509.012. REFUSAL OR SUSPENSION OF STATE AID. (a) The...
Section 509.013. Grant Program Administration - Sec. 509.013. GRANT PROGRAM ADMINISTRATION. (a) In this section, "grant...
Section 509.014. Study Regarding Performance-Based Funding - Sec. 509.014. STUDY REGARDING PERFORMANCE-BASED FUNDING. (a) The division shall:...
Section 509.015. Treatment Standards for Certain State Jail Felonies - Sec. 509.015. TREATMENT STANDARDS FOR CERTAIN STATE JAIL FELONIES. The...
Section 509.016. Prison Diversion Progressive Sanctions Program - Sec. 509.016. PRISON DIVERSION PROGRESSIVE SANCTIONS PROGRAM. (a) The division...
Section 509.017. Special Allocation for Certain Defendants Placed on State Jail Felony Community Supervision - Sec. 509.017. SPECIAL ALLOCATION FOR CERTAIN DEFENDANTS PLACED ON STATE...
Section 509.018. Family Violence Pretrial Diversion Pilot Program - Sec. 509.018. FAMILY VIOLENCE PRETRIAL DIVERSION PILOT PROGRAM. (a) In...
Chapter 510 - Interstate Compact for Adult Offender Supervision
Subchapter A. General Provisions
Section 510.001. Definitions - Sec. 510.001. DEFINITIONS. In this chapter: (1) "Commission" means the...
Section 510.002. Applicability of Chapter 2110 - Sec. 510.002. APPLICABILITY OF CHAPTER 2110. Chapter 2110 applies to...
Section 510.003. Administration - Sec. 510.003. ADMINISTRATION. The state council, the compact administrator, and...
Subchapter B. Texas State Council for Interstate Adult Offender Supervision
Section 510.011. Establishment - Sec. 510.011. ESTABLISHMENT. The Texas State Council for Interstate Adult...
Section 510.012. Composition; Terms - Sec. 510.012. COMPOSITION; TERMS. (a) The state council is composed...
Section 510.013. Duties of Executive Director, Executive Director's Designee - Sec. 510.013. DUTIES OF EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S DESIGNEE. (a)...
Section 510.014. Duties of Council - Sec. 510.014. DUTIES OF COUNCIL. The council shall advise the...
Section 510.015. Liabilities for Certain Commission Agents - Sec. 510.015. LIABILITIES FOR CERTAIN COMMISSION AGENTS. The compact administrator,...
Section 510.016. Effect on Texas Laws - Sec. 510.016. EFFECT ON TEXAS LAWS. In the event the...
Section 510.017. Compact to Be Entered; Text - Sec. 510.017. COMPACT TO BE ENTERED; TEXT. The Interstate Compact...
Chapter 511 - Commission on Jail Standards
Section 511.001. Definitions - Sec. 511.001. DEFINITIONS. In this chapter: (1) "Commission" means the...
Section 511.002. Commission - Sec. 511.002. COMMISSION. The Commission on Jail Standards is an...
Section 511.003. Sunset Provision - Sec. 511.003. SUNSET PROVISION. The Commission on Jail Standards is...
Section 511.004. Membership; Terms; Vacancies - Sec. 511.004. MEMBERSHIP; TERMS; VACANCIES. (a) The commission consists of...
Section 511.00405. Training - Sec. 511.00405. TRAINING. (a) A person who is appointed to...
Section 511.0041. Removal of Commission Members - Sec. 511.0041. REMOVAL OF COMMISSION MEMBERS. (a) It is a...
Section 511.0042. Conflict of Interest - Sec. 511.0042. CONFLICT OF INTEREST. (a) A person may not...
Section 511.005. Presiding Officer; Assistant Presiding Officer - Sec. 511.005. PRESIDING OFFICER; ASSISTANT PRESIDING OFFICER. (a) The governor...
Section 511.006. Meetings; Rules - Sec. 511.006. MEETINGS; RULES. (a) The commission shall hold a...
Section 511.0061. Use of Technology - Sec. 511.0061. USE OF TECHNOLOGY. The commission shall implement a...
Section 511.007. Compensation; Reimbursement - Sec. 511.007. COMPENSATION; REIMBURSEMENT. A member of the commission is...
Section 511.0071. Complaints and Access - Sec. 511.0071. COMPLAINTS AND ACCESS. (a) The commission shall prepare...
Section 511.0072. Complaint Information - Sec. 511.0072. COMPLAINT INFORMATION. (a) The commission shall maintain a...
Section 511.008. Director; Staff - Sec. 511.008. DIRECTOR; STAFF. (a) The commission shall employ an...
Section 511.0081. Advisory Committees - Sec. 511.0081. ADVISORY COMMITTEES. (a) The commission by rule may...
Section 511.0085. Risk Factors; Risk Assessment Plan - Sec. 511.0085. RISK FACTORS; RISK ASSESSMENT PLAN. (a) The commission...
Section 511.0086. Risk-Based Inspections - Sec. 511.0086. RISK-BASED INSPECTIONS. (a) The commission shall adopt a...
Section 511.009. General Duties - Sec. 511.009. GENERAL DUTIES. (a) The commission shall: (1) adopt...
Section 511.00901. Duty Regarding Minimum Standards - Sec. 511.00901. DUTY REGARDING MINIMUM STANDARDS. (a) The commission shall...
Section 511.00902. Reinspection - Sec. 511.00902. REINSPECTION. The commission shall adopt rules and procedures...
Section 511.00903. Inspection Trend Analysis - Sec. 511.00903. INSPECTION TREND ANALYSIS. The commission shall regularly analyze...
Section 511.00905. Jail Administrator Position; Examination Required - Sec. 511.00905. JAIL ADMINISTRATOR POSITION; EXAMINATION REQUIRED. (a) The Texas...
Section 511.0091. Fees; Inspection Account - Sec. 511.0091. FEES; INSPECTION ACCOUNT. (a) The commission shall set...
Section 511.0092. Contracts for Out-of-State Inmates - Sec. 511.0092. CONTRACTS FOR OUT-OF-STATE INMATES. (a) The only entities...
Section 511.0093. Rules and Fees Related to Out-of-State Inmates - Sec. 511.0093. RULES AND FEES RELATED TO OUT-OF-STATE INMATES. (a)...
Section 511.0094. Exclusion of Jails or Correctional Facilities Housing Only Federal Prisoners - Sec. 511.0094. EXCLUSION OF JAILS OR CORRECTIONAL FACILITIES HOUSING ONLY...
Section 511.0095. Authority to House Out-of-State Inmates - Sec. 511.0095. AUTHORITY TO HOUSE OUT-OF-STATE INMATES. Nothing in this...
Section 511.0096. Termination of Contracts for Out-of-State Inmates - Sec. 511.0096. TERMINATION OF CONTRACTS FOR OUT-OF-STATE INMATES. The commission...
Section 511.0097. Fire Sprinkler Head Inspection - Sec. 511.0097. FIRE SPRINKLER HEAD INSPECTION. (a) On the request...
Section 511.0098. Prisoner Health Benefits Coverage Information; Payment for Mental Health Services - Sec. 511.0098. PRISONER HEALTH BENEFITS COVERAGE INFORMATION; PAYMENT FOR MENTAL...
Section 511.010. Gathering of Information - Sec. 511.010. GATHERING OF INFORMATION. (a) The commission shall be...
Section 511.0101. Jail Population Reports - Sec. 511.0101. JAIL POPULATION REPORTS. (a) Each county shall submit...
Section 511.0102. Information on Licensed Jailer Turnover - Sec. 511.0102. INFORMATION ON LICENSED JAILER TURNOVER. On or before...
Section 511.0103. Notification Regarding Policy Change - Sec. 511.0103. NOTIFICATION REGARDING POLICY CHANGE. In the manner prescribed...
Section 511.0104. Rules Regarding Restraint of Pregnant Prisoner - Sec. 511.0104. RULES REGARDING RESTRAINT OF PREGNANT PRISONER. (a) The...
Section 511.0105. Report Regarding Restraint of Pregnant Prisoner - Sec. 511.0105. REPORT REGARDING RESTRAINT OF PREGNANT PRISONER. (a) Not...
Section 511.0106. Electronic Submission of Forms, Data, and Documents - Sec. 511.0106. ELECTRONIC SUBMISSION OF FORMS, DATA, AND DOCUMENTS. (a)...
Section 511.011. Report on Noncompliance - Sec. 511.011. REPORT ON NONCOMPLIANCE. (a) If the commission finds...
Section 511.0115. Public Information About Compliance Status of Jails - Sec. 511.0115. PUBLIC INFORMATION ABOUT COMPLIANCE STATUS OF JAILS. The...
Section 511.012. Failure to Comply After Report - Sec. 511.012. FAILURE TO COMPLY AFTER REPORT. (a) The commission...
Section 511.0121. Failure to Cooperate in Parole in Absentia Program - Sec. 511.0121. FAILURE TO COOPERATE IN PAROLE IN ABSENTIA PROGRAM....
Section 511.013. Appeal of Order - Sec. 511.013. APPEAL OF ORDER. (a) A county commissioner or...
Section 511.014. Action to Enforce - Sec. 511.014. ACTION TO ENFORCE. (a) Instead of closing a...
Section 511.0145. Enforcement Actions - Sec. 511.0145. ENFORCEMENT ACTIONS. (a) The commission shall adopt rules...
Section 511.015. Annual Reports - Sec. 511.015. ANNUAL REPORTS. (a) Before February 1 of each...
Section 511.016. Audits - Sec. 511.016. AUDITS. (a) Each county auditor shall provide the...
Section 511.017. Duties Related to State Jail Felony Facilities - Sec. 511.017. DUTIES RELATED TO STATE JAIL FELONY FACILITIES. (a)...
Section 511.018. Alternative Dispute Resolution - Sec. 511.018. ALTERNATIVE DISPUTE RESOLUTION. (a) The commission shall develop...
Section 511.019. Prisoner Safety Fund - Sec. 511.019. PRISONER SAFETY FUND. (a) The prisoner safety fund...
Section 511.020. Serious Incidents Report - Sec. 511.020. SERIOUS INCIDENTS REPORT. (a) On or before the...
Section 511.021. Independent Investigation of Death Occurring in County Jail - Sec. 511.021. INDEPENDENT INVESTIGATION OF DEATH OCCURRING IN COUNTY JAIL....
Section 511.022. Advisory Committee - Sec. 511.022. ADVISORY COMMITTEE. (a) The commission shall establish an...
Section 511.023. Intake of Persons With Intellectual or Developmental Disabilities - Sec. 511.023. INTAKE OF PERSONS WITH INTELLECTUAL OR DEVELOPMENTAL DISABILITIES....