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Section 510.011. Establishment - Sec. 510.011. ESTABLISHMENT. The Texas State Council for Interstate Adult...
Section 510.012. Composition; Terms - Sec. 510.012. COMPOSITION; TERMS. (a) The state council is composed...
Section 510.013. Duties of Executive Director, Executive Director's Designee - Sec. 510.013. DUTIES OF EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S DESIGNEE. (a)...
Section 510.014. Duties of Council - Sec. 510.014. DUTIES OF COUNCIL. The council shall advise the...
Section 510.015. Liabilities for Certain Commission Agents - Sec. 510.015. LIABILITIES FOR CERTAIN COMMISSION AGENTS. The compact administrator,...
Section 510.016. Effect on Texas Laws - Sec. 510.016. EFFECT ON TEXAS LAWS. In the event the...
Section 510.017. Compact to Be Entered; Text - Sec. 510.017. COMPACT TO BE ENTERED; TEXT. The Interstate Compact...