Sec. 5.08. REASONABLE ACCOMMODATION. (a) A disability retirement annuity may not be granted or continued if the chief of the member's department will provide the member employment within the department commensurate with that person's physical and mental capabilities.
(b) A determination under this section is solely within the discretion of the department chief and must be reasonably exercised.
Structure Texas Statutes
Article 6243o. Police and Fire Fighter Retirement System in Municipalities of 750,000 to 1,000,000
Section 5.01. Retirement Benefits
Section 5.015. Backward Deferred Retirement Option Plan (Back Drop)
Section 5.02. Retirement Benefits After Cessation of Membership
Section 5.03. Eligibility for Disability Retirement
Section 5.04. Disability Retirement Benefits
Section 5.05. Medical Reexamination and Reduction of Disability Retirement Benefits
Section 5.06. Removal of Disability and Waiver on Reinstatement
Section 5.07. Outside Income Pension Reduction
Section 5.08. Reasonable Accommodation
Section 5.09. Cost-of-Living Increases
Section 5.10. Coordination With Federal Law