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Section 5.01. Retirement Benefits - Sec. 5.01. RETIREMENT BENEFITS. (a) If a member of the...
Section 5.015. Backward Deferred Retirement Option Plan (Back Drop) - Sec. 5.015. BACKWARD DEFERRED RETIREMENT OPTION PLAN (BACK DROP). (a)...
Section 5.02. Retirement Benefits After Cessation of Membership - Sec. 5.02. RETIREMENT BENEFITS AFTER CESSATION OF MEMBERSHIP. (a) A...
Section 5.03. Eligibility for Disability Retirement - Sec. 5.03. ELIGIBILITY FOR DISABILITY RETIREMENT. (a) An active member...
Section 5.04. Disability Retirement Benefits - Sec. 5.04. DISABILITY RETIREMENT BENEFITS. (a) A member who is...
Section 5.05. Medical Reexamination and Reduction of Disability Retirement Benefits - Sec. 5.05. MEDICAL REEXAMINATION AND REDUCTION OF DISABILITY RETIREMENT BENEFITS....
Section 5.06. Removal of Disability and Waiver on Reinstatement - Sec. 5.06. REMOVAL OF DISABILITY AND WAIVER ON REINSTATEMENT. (a)...
Section 5.07. Outside Income Pension Reduction - Sec. 5.07. OUTSIDE INCOME PENSION REDUCTION. (a) The board shall...
Section 5.08. Reasonable Accommodation - Sec. 5.08. REASONABLE ACCOMMODATION. (a) A disability retirement annuity may...
Section 5.09. Cost-of-Living Increases - Sec. 5.09. COST-OF-LIVING INCREASES. (a) At or before its regular...
Section 5.10. Coordination With Federal Law - Sec. 5.10. COORDINATION WITH FEDERAL LAW. (a) A member or...
Section 5.11. 13th Check for Retirees - Sec. 5.11. 13TH CHECK FOR RETIREES. (a) In any fiscal...
Section 5.12. 14th Check for Retirees - Sec. 5.12. 14TH CHECK FOR RETIREES. (a) In this section,...