Texas Statutes
Chapter 403 - Texas Low-Level Radioactive Waste Disposal Compact
Section 4.05.

Sec. 4.05. Each party state shall do the following:
(1) Develop and enforce procedures requiring low-level radioactive waste shipments originating within its borders and destined for the facility to conform to packaging, processing, and waste form specifications of the host state.
(2) Maintain a registry of all generators within the state that may have low-level radioactive waste to be disposed of at the facility, including but not limited to the amount of low-level radioactive waste and the class of low-level radioactive waste generated by each generator.
(3) Develop and enforce procedures requiring generators within its borders to minimize the volume of low-level radioactive waste requiring disposal. Nothing in this compact shall prohibit the storage, treatment, or management of waste by a generator.
(4) Provide the commission with any data and information necessary for the implementation of the commission's responsibilities, including taking those actions necessary to obtain this data or information.
(5) Pay for community assistance projects designated by the host county in an amount for each nonhost party state equal to 10 percent of the payment provided for in Article V for each such state. One-half of the payment shall be due and payable to the host county on the first day of the month following ratification of this compact agreement by congress and one-half of the payment shall be due and payable on the first day of the month following the approval of a facility operating license by the host state's regulatory body.
(6) Provide financial support for the commission's activities prior to the date of facility operation and subsequent to the date of congressional ratification of this compact under Section 7.07 of Article VII. Each party state will be responsible for annual payments equaling its pro-rata share of the commission's expenses, incurred for administrative, legal, and other purposes of the commission.
(7) If agreed by all parties to a dispute, submit the dispute to arbitration or other alternate dispute resolution process. If arbitration is agreed upon, the governor of each party state shall appoint an arbitrator. If the number of party states is an even number, the arbitrators so chosen shall appoint an additional arbitrator. The determination of a majority of the arbitrators shall be binding on the party states. Arbitration proceedings shall be conducted in accordance with the provisions of 9 U.S.C. Sections 1 through 16. If all parties to a dispute do not agree to arbitration or alternate dispute resolution process, the United States District Court in the district where the commission maintains its office shall have original jurisdiction over any action between or among parties to this compact.
(8) Provide on a regular basis to the commission and host state:
(A) an accounting of waste shipped and proposed to be shipped to the compact facility, by volume and curies;
(B) proposed transportation methods and routes; and
(C) proposed shipment schedules.
(9) Seek to join in any legal action by or against the host state to prevent nonparty states or generators from disposing of low-level radioactive waste at the facility.