Texas Statutes
Chapter 403 - Texas Low-Level Radioactive Waste Disposal Compact
Section 3.04.

Sec. 3.04. The commission shall:
(1) Compensate its members according to the host state's law.
(2) Conduct its business, hold meetings, and maintain public records pursuant to laws of the host state, except that notice of public meetings shall be given in the nonhost party states in accordance with their respective statutes.
(3) Be located in the capital city of the host state.
(4) Meet at least once a year and upon the call of the chair, or any member. The governor of the host state shall appoint a chair and vice-chair.
(5) Keep an accurate account of all receipts and disbursements. An annual audit of the books of the commission shall be conducted by an independent certified public accountant, and the audit report shall be made a part of the annual report of the commission.
(6) Approve a budget each year and establish a fiscal year that conforms to the fiscal year of the host state.
(7) Prepare, adopt, and implement contingency plans for the disposal and management of low-level radioactive waste in the event that the compact facility should be closed. Any plan which requires the host state to store or otherwise manage the low-level radioactive waste from all the party states must be approved by at least four host state members of the commission. The commission, in a contingency plan or otherwise, may not require a nonhost party state to store low-level radioactive waste generated outside of the state.
(8) Submit communications to the governors and to the presiding officers of the legislatures of the party states regarding the activities of the commission, including an annual report to be submitted on or before January 31 of each year.
(9) Assemble and make available to the party states and to the public information concerning low-level radioactive waste management needs, technologies, and problems.
(10) Keep a current inventory of all generators within the party states, based upon information provided by the party states.
(11) By no later than 180 days after all members of the commission are appointed under Section 3.01 of this article, establish by rule the total volume of low-level radioactive waste that the host state will dispose of in the compact facility in the years 1995-2045, including decommissioning waste. The shipments of low-level radioactive waste from all nonhost party states shall not exceed 20 percent of the volume estimated to be disposed of by the host state during the 50-year period. When averaged over such 50-year period, the total of all shipments from nonhost party states shall not exceed 20,000 cubic feet a year. The commission shall coordinate the volumes, timing, and frequency of shipments from generators in the nonhost party states in order to assure that over the life of this agreement shipments from the nonhost party states do not exceed 20 percent of the volume projected by the commission under this paragraph.