Texas Statutes
Article 6243b. Firemen and Policemen Pension Fund in Cities of 500,000 to 600,000
Section 4. Conduct of Meetings

Sec. 4. CONDUCT OF MEETINGS. The board shall hold regular monthly meetings and other meetings upon call of its chairman. It shall issue orders signed by the president or chairman and secretary to the persons entitled thereto, of the amount of money ordered paid to such persons from such fund by said board which order shall state for what purpose such payment is to be made; it shall keep a record of its proceedings, which record shall be a public record; it shall at each monthly meeting send to the city treasurer a written list of persons entitled to payment from the fund, stating the amount of such payment, and for what granted, which list shall be certified to and signed by the president or chairman and secretary of such board, attested under oath. The treasurer shall enter a copy of said list upon the book to be kept for that purpose, which book shall be known as the "Record of the Firemen and Policemen Pension Fund Board," of __________, Texas, and the said board shall direct payments of the amounts named therein to the persons entitled thereto out of said fund. No money of said fund shall be disbursed for any purpose without a vote of a majority of the board, which shall be a no and yes vote entered upon the proceedings of the board.