Sec. 3. PAYMENTS TO FUND. There shall be deducted for such fund from the wages of each fireman and policeman a sum to be determined by the board of trustees under the provisions of Sections 2, 10A, and 14A of this Act. Any donations made to such fund and rewards received by any member of either of said funds, and all funds received from any source for such fund shall be deposited in like manner to the credit of such fund.
Structure Texas Statutes
Article 6243b. Firemen and Policemen Pension Fund in Cities of 500,000 to 600,000
Section 2. Participation in Fund; Wage Deductions
Section 4. Conduct of Meetings
Section 6. Membership in Pension Fund; Eligibility
Section 7. Retirement Pensions
Section 8. Disability Pensions
Section 9. Death Benefits, Widows, Etc
Section 10. Death Benefits, Father, Etc
Section 12. Medical Examination
Section 14. Use of Public Funds
Section 14A. Contribution Increases
Section 14B. Contribution Decreases
Section 16. Separation of Firemen's and Policemen's Pension Funds in Certain Cities
Section 17. Validation of Proceedings for Separation of Pension Funds