Sec. 29. CONFIDENTIALITY OF INFORMATION ABOUT MEMBERS OR BENEFICIARIES. (a) Information contained in a record that is in the custody of a fund established under this article concerning an individual member, retiree, survivor, or beneficiary is confidential for purposes of Sections 552.101, 552.102, and 552.117, Government Code. The information may not be disclosed in a form that identifies a specific individual unless the information is disclosed to:
(1) the individual;
(2) the individual's attorney, guardian, executor, administrator, or conservator; or
(3) a person who has written authorization from the individual to receive the information.
(b) This section does not prevent the disclosure of the status or identity of an individual as a member, former member, retiree, deceased member, survivor, beneficiary, or alternate payee of the system.
(c) To carry out the provisions of Sections 9 through 9E of this article, the board and the pension system shall provide the city actuary under a confidentiality agreement the actuarial data used by the pension system actuary for the pension system's actuarial valuations or valuation studies and other data as agreed to between the city and the pension system that the city actuary determines is reasonably necessary for the city actuary to perform the studies required by Sections 9A through 9E of this article. Actuarial data described by this subsection does not include information described by Subsection (a) of this section.
(d) A risk sharing valuation study prepared by either the city actuary or the pension system actuary under Sections 9A through 9E of this article may not:
(1) include information described by Subsection (a) of this section; or
(2) provide confidential or private information regarding specific individuals or be grouped in a manner that allows confidential or private information regarding a specific individual to be discerned.
(e) The information, data, and document exchanges under Sections 9 through 9E of this article have all the protections afforded by applicable law and are expressly exempt from the disclosure requirements under Chapter 552, Government Code, except as may be agreed to by the city and pension system in a written agreement under Section 27 of this article.
(f) Subsection (e) of this section does not apply to:
(1) a proposed risk sharing valuation study prepared by the pension system actuary and provided to the city actuary or prepared by the city actuary and provided to the pension system actuary under Section 9A(d) or 9B(b)(2) of this article; or
(2) a final risk sharing valuation study prepared under Section 9A or 9B of this article.
(g) Before a union contract is approved by the city, the mayor of the city must cause the city actuaries to deliver to the mayor a report estimating the impact of the proposed union contract on fund costs.
Structure Texas Statutes
Article 6243g-4. Police Officers Pension System in Certain Municipalities
Section 1A. Interpretation of Article
Section 2B. Alternative Retirement Plans
Section 2C. Requirements for Certain Cash Balance Retirement Plans
Section 4. Board Member Leave and Compensation
Section 5. Officers; Meetings; Employees
Section 5A. Qualifications of City Actuary
Section 5B. Liability of Certain Persons
Section 6. General Powers and Duties
Section 7. Removal of Board Member
Section 8. Contributions by Members
Section 9. Contributions by the City
Section 9A. Risk Sharing Valuation Studies
Section 9B. Initial Risk Sharing Valuation Studies; Corridor Midpoint
Section 9C. Actuarial Experience Studies
Section 9F. Unilateral Decisions and Actions Prohibited
Section 9G. State Pension Review Board; Report
Section 10. Investment of Surplus
Section 10A. Report on Investments by Independent Investment Consultant
Section 12. Retirement; Amount of Pension; Annual Adjustments
Section 13. Resumption of Service as Department Head After Retirement
Section 14. Deferred Retirement Option Plan
Section 15. Disability Benefits
Section 16. Rights of Survivors
Section 16A. Beneficiary Designation for Drop
Section 17. Termination of Employment; Refunds; Reemployment
Section 18. Employment by Another Department
Section 21. Determination of Benefits; Provision of Information
Section 24. Actions for Funds Misapplied
Section 25. Federal Tax Qualification of Fund
Section 26. Excess Benefit Plan
Section 27. Certain Written Agreements Between Pension System and City Authorized
Section 28. Nonreduction, Nonalienation, and Nonassignment of Benefits
Section 29. Confidentiality of Information About Members or Beneficiaries