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Section 1. Purpose - Sec. 1. PURPOSE. The purpose of this article is to...
Section 1A. Interpretation of Article - Sec. 1A. INTERPRETATION OF ARTICLE. This article does not and...
Section 2. Definitions - Sec. 2. DEFINITIONS. In this article: (1) "Active member" means...
Section 2A. Fiscal Year - Sec. 2A. FISCAL YEAR. If either the pension system or...
Section 2B. Alternative Retirement Plans - Sec. 2B. ALTERNATIVE RETIREMENT PLANS. (a) In this section, "salary-based...
Section 2C. Requirements for Certain Cash Balance Retirement Plans - Sec. 2C. REQUIREMENTS FOR CERTAIN CASH BALANCE RETIREMENT PLANS. (a)...
Section 2D. Conflict of Law - Sec. 2D. CONFLICT OF LAW. To the extent of a...
Section 3. Pension Board - Sec. 3. PENSION BOARD. (a) The board of trustees of...
Section 4. Board Member Leave and Compensation - Sec. 4. BOARD MEMBER LEAVE AND COMPENSATION. (a) The city...
Section 5. Officers; Meetings; Employees - Sec. 5. OFFICERS; MEETINGS; EMPLOYEES. (a) The board annually shall...
Section 5A. Qualifications of City Actuary - Sec. 5A. QUALIFICATIONS OF CITY ACTUARY. (a) An actuary hired...
Section 5B. Liability of Certain Persons - Sec. 5B. LIABILITY OF CERTAIN PERSONS. (a) The trustees, executive...
Section 6. General Powers and Duties - Sec. 6. GENERAL POWERS AND DUTIES. (a) The board shall...
Section 7. Removal of Board Member - Sec. 7. REMOVAL OF BOARD MEMBER. (a) An elected board...
Section 8. Contributions by Members - Sec. 8. CONTRIBUTIONS BY MEMBERS. (a) Subject to adjustments authorized...
Section 9. Contributions by the City - Sec. 9. CONTRIBUTIONS BY THE CITY. (a) Beginning with the...
Section 9A. Risk Sharing Valuation Studies - Sec. 9A. RISK SHARING VALUATION STUDIES. (a) The pension system...
Section 9B. Initial Risk Sharing Valuation Studies; Corridor Midpoint - Sec. 9B. INITIAL RISK SHARING VALUATION STUDIES; CORRIDOR MIDPOINT. (a)...
Section 9C. Actuarial Experience Studies - Sec. 9C. ACTUARIAL EXPERIENCE STUDIES. (a) At least once every...
Section 9D. City Contribution Rate When Estimated City Contribution Rate Lower Than Corridor Midpoint; Authorization for Certain Adjustments - Sec. 9D. CITY CONTRIBUTION RATE WHEN ESTIMATED CITY CONTRIBUTION RATE...
Section 9E. City Contribution Rate When Estimated City Contribution Rate Equal to or Greater Than Corridor Midpoint; Authorization for Certain Adjustments - Sec. 9E. CITY CONTRIBUTION RATE WHEN ESTIMATED CITY CONTRIBUTION RATE...
Section 9F. Unilateral Decisions and Actions Prohibited - Sec. 9F. UNILATERAL DECISIONS AND ACTIONS PROHIBITED. (a) Notwithstanding Section...
Section 9G. State Pension Review Board; Report - Sec. 9G. STATE PENSION REVIEW BOARD; REPORT. (a) After preparing...
Section 10. Investment of Surplus - Sec. 10. INVESTMENT OF SURPLUS. (a) If the board determines...
Section 10A. Report on Investments by Independent Investment Consultant - Sec. 10A. REPORT ON INVESTMENTS BY INDEPENDENT INVESTMENT CONSULTANT. (a)...
Section 11. Service Credit - Sec. 11. SERVICE CREDIT. (a) A member who returns to...
Section 12. Retirement; Amount of Pension; Annual Adjustments - Sec. 12. RETIREMENT; AMOUNT OF PENSION; ANNUAL ADJUSTMENTS. (a) A...
Section 13. Resumption of Service as Department Head After Retirement - Sec. 13. RESUMPTION OF SERVICE AS DEPARTMENT HEAD AFTER RETIREMENT....
Section 14. Deferred Retirement Option Plan - Sec. 14. DEFERRED RETIREMENT OPTION PLAN. (a) In this section...
Section 15. Disability Benefits - Sec. 15. DISABILITY BENEFITS. (a) An active member who becomes...
Section 16. Rights of Survivors - Sec. 16. RIGHTS OF SURVIVORS. (a) For purposes of this...
Section 16A. Beneficiary Designation for Drop - Sec. 16A. BENEFICIARY DESIGNATION FOR DROP. (a) Except for the...
Section 17. Termination of Employment; Refunds; Reemployment - Sec. 17. TERMINATION OF EMPLOYMENT; REFUNDS; REEMPLOYMENT. (a) When any...
Section 18. Employment by Another Department - Sec. 18. EMPLOYMENT BY ANOTHER DEPARTMENT. (a) Except as provided...
Section 19. Persons Rejoining or Transferred by City; Service Credit; Double Benefits; Return to Service - Sec. 19. PERSONS REJOINING OR TRANSFERRED BY CITY; SERVICE CREDIT;...
Section 20. Donations - Sec. 20. DONATIONS. The pension system may accept gifts and...
Section 21. Determination of Benefits; Provision of Information - Sec. 21. DETERMINATION OF BENEFITS; PROVISION OF INFORMATION. (a) The...
Section 22. Legal Advice - Sec. 22. LEGAL ADVICE. The city attorney of the city...
Section 24. Actions for Funds Misapplied - Sec. 24. ACTIONS FOR FUNDS MISAPPLIED. (a) The board may...
Section 25. Federal Tax Qualification of Fund - Sec. 25. FEDERAL TAX QUALIFICATION OF FUND. (a) The fund...
Section 26. Excess Benefit Plan - Sec. 26. EXCESS BENEFIT PLAN. (a) A separate, nonqualified, unfunded...
Section 27. Certain Written Agreements Between Pension System and City Authorized - Sec. 27. CERTAIN WRITTEN AGREEMENTS BETWEEN PENSION SYSTEM AND CITY...
Section 28. Nonreduction, Nonalienation, and Nonassignment of Benefits - Sec. 28. NONREDUCTION, NONALIENATION, AND NONASSIGNMENT OF BENEFITS. (a) No...
Section 29. Confidentiality of Information About Members or Beneficiaries - Sec. 29. CONFIDENTIALITY OF INFORMATION ABOUT MEMBERS OR BENEFICIARIES. (a)...
Section 30. Forfeiture of Benefits - Sec. 30. FORFEITURE OF BENEFITS. (a) Notwithstanding any other law,...