Section 11.38. Local Fee Authorized - Sec. 11.38. LOCAL FEE AUTHORIZED. (a) The governing body of...
Section 11.641. Amount of Civil Penalty - Sec. 11.641. AMOUNT OF CIVIL PENALTY. (a) The amount of...
Section 14.07. Retailer Sampling - Sec. 14.07. RETAILER SAMPLING. (a) Subject to this section and...
Section 20.04. Transporting Liquor - Sec. 20.04. TRANSPORTING LIQUOR. (a) The holder of a general...
Section 22.03. Deliveries to Customers - Sec. 22.03. DELIVERIES TO CUSTOMERS. (a) The holder of a...
Section 22.12. Breach of Peace - Sec. 22.12. BREACH OF PEACE. The commission or administrator may...
Section 24.05. Prohibited Interests - Sec. 24.05. PROHIBITED INTERESTS. (a) No person who holds a...
Section 24.11. Breach of Peace - Sec. 24.11. BREACH OF PEACE. The commission or administrator may...
Section 28.11. Breach of Peace - Sec. 28.11. BREACH OF PEACE. The commission or administrator may...
Section 32.09. Temporary Members - Sec. 32.09. TEMPORARY MEMBERS. (a) The manager or other person...
Section 32.24. Breach of Peace - Sec. 32.24. BREACH OF PEACE. The commission or administrator may...
Section 61.36. Local Fee Authorized - Sec. 61.36. LOCAL FEE AUTHORIZED. (a) The governing body of...