South dakota constitution
Article XIII: public indebtedness
Section 1

For the purpose of developing the resources and improving the economic facilities of South Dakota, the state may engage in works of internal improvement, may own and conduct proper business enterprises, may loan or give its credit to, or in aid of, any association, or corporation, organized for such purposes. But any such association or corporation shall be subject to regulation and control by the state as may be provided by law. No money of the state shall be appropriated, or indebtedness incurred for any of the purposes of this section, except by the vote of two-thirds of the members of each branch of the Legislature. The state may also assume or pay any debt or liability incurred in time of war for the defense of the state. The state may establish and maintain a system of rural credits and thereby loan and extend credit to the people of the state upon real estate security in such manner and upon such terms and conditions as may be prescribed by general law. The limit of indebtedness contained in ยง 2 of this article shall not apply to the provisions of this section, but the indebtedness of the state for the purposes contained in this section shall never exceed one-half of one percent of the assessed valuation of the property of the state, provided however, that nothing contained in this section shall affect the refinancing or refunding of the present outstanding indebtedness of this state.