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Section 58-25-1 - Application of chapter. - 58-25-1. Application of chapter. This chapter applies to all kinds...
Section 58-25-2 - Making of rates--Provisions governing. - 58-25-2. Making of rates--Provisions governing. All rates shall be made...
Section 58-25-3 - Reasonableness and adequacy of rates. - 58-25-3. Reasonableness and adequacy of rates. Rates shall be reasonable...
Section 58-25-4 - Unfair discrimination in rates prohibited. - 58-25-4. Unfair discrimination in rates prohibited. Rates shall not discriminate...
Section 58-25-5 - Grouping of guarantees by classification for rate-making. - 58-25-5. Grouping of guarantees by classification for rate-making. Guarantees may...
Section 58-25-6 - Matters considered in making rates. - 58-25-6. Matters considered in making rates. Due consideration will be...
Section 58-25-7 - Schedule of rates or premiums--Filing with director--Contents. - 58-25-7. Schedule of rates or premiums--Filing with director--Contents. Every insurer...
Section 58-25-8 - Contracts, policies, or guarantees required to be filed with director, exceptions. - 58-25-8. Contracts, policies, or guarantees required to be filed with...
Section 58-25-9 - Change in rates or premiums or in contract forms--Filing with and approval by director required. - 58-25-9. Change in rates or premiums or in contract forms--Filing...
Section 58-25-10 - Filing of rates and policies--Approval or disapproval by director. - 58-25-10. Filing of rates and policies--Approval or disapproval by director....
Section 58-25-11 - Finding of director that prior approved filing does not comply with law--Hearing on request--Affirmance or modification of prior action. - 58-25-11. Finding of director that prior approved filing does not...
Section 58-25-12 - Issuance of contract, policy, or guarantee of insurance contrary to filings prohibited--Special risks excepted--Misdemeanor. - 58-25-12. Issuance of contract, policy, or guarantee of insurance contrary...
Section 58-25-13 - Deviations, rebates, and discounts prohibited. - 58-25-13. Deviations, rebates, and discounts prohibited. Every insurer shall hold...
Section 58-25-14 - Exchange of information and experience data--Consultation as to rate-making. - 58-25-14. Exchange of information and experience data--Consultation as to rate-making....
Section 58-25-15 - False or misleading information as misdemeanor. - 58-25-15. False or misleading information as misdemeanor. No person or...
Section 58-25-16 - Countersignature by agent or abstracter of county required--Violation as misdemeanor. - 58-25-16. Countersignature by agent or abstracter of county required--Violation as...
Section 58-25-17 - Violation of chapter--Imposition of penalties by director. - 58-25-17. Violation of chapter--Imposition of penalties by director. The director...
Section 58-25-18 - Suspension of license of insurer--Failure to comply with order of director--Time of taking effect--Duration. - 58-25-18. Suspension of license of insurer--Failure to comply with order...
Section 58-25-19 - Written order of director for imposition of penalty and suspension of license--Hearing, notice, findings. - 58-25-19. Written order of director for imposition of penalty and...
Section 58-25-20 - Conduct of hearings before director. - 58-25-20. Conduct of hearings before director. Hearings before the director...
Section 58-25-22 - Title insurance company to maintain reserve--Amount. - 58-25-22. Title insurance company to maintain reserve--Amount. A title insurance...
Section 58-25-23 - Reserves restored to net profits over twenty-year period--Amortization rate. - 58-25-23. Reserves restored to net profits over twenty-year period--Amortization rate....
Section 58-25-24 - Calculation of adjusted statutory or unearned premium reserve. - 58-25-24. Calculation of adjusted statutory or unearned premium reserve. The...
Section 58-25-25 - Adjusted reserves restored to net profits or equity. - 58-25-25. Adjusted reserves restored to net profits or equity. The...
Section 58-25-26 - Title insurer to maintain known claim reserve--Amount. - 58-25-26. Title insurer to maintain known claim reserve--Amount. A title...
Section 58-25-27 - Supplemental reserve to cover liabilities. - 58-25-27. Supplemental reserve to cover liabilities. A supplemental reserve shall...