South Dakota Codified Laws
Chapter 25 - Title Insurance Rates And Policies
Section 58-25-11 - Finding of director that prior approved filing does not comply with law--Hearing on request--Affirmance or modification of prior action.

58-25-11. Finding of director that prior approved filing does not comply with law--Hearing on request--Affirmance or modification of prior action.
If at any time after the approval of a filing, the director should find that the filing does not meet the requirements of §§58-25-7 to 58-25-10, inclusive, or is otherwise contrary to law, or if any party having an interest in such filing should make complaint in writing, setting forth specific and reasonable causes for complaint to the director, or if any insurer, upon notice of disapproval by the director of a filing pursuant to this section, should so request, the director shall hold a hearing within thirty days and shall give notice of the hearing in writing to all parties in interest. The director may confirm, modify, change or rescind any previous action, if warranted by the facts shown at the hearing.

Source: SL 1966, ch 111, ch 14, §3 (5).

Structure South Dakota Codified Laws

South Dakota Codified Laws

Title 58 - Insurance

Chapter 25 - Title Insurance Rates And Policies

Section 58-25-1 - Application of chapter.

Section 58-25-2 - Making of rates--Provisions governing.

Section 58-25-3 - Reasonableness and adequacy of rates.

Section 58-25-4 - Unfair discrimination in rates prohibited.

Section 58-25-5 - Grouping of guarantees by classification for rate-making.

Section 58-25-6 - Matters considered in making rates.

Section 58-25-7 - Schedule of rates or premiums--Filing with director--Contents.

Section 58-25-8 - Contracts, policies, or guarantees required to be filed with director, exceptions.

Section 58-25-9 - Change in rates or premiums or in contract forms--Filing with and approval by director required.

Section 58-25-10 - Filing of rates and policies--Approval or disapproval by director.

Section 58-25-11 - Finding of director that prior approved filing does not comply with law--Hearing on request--Affirmance or modification of prior action.

Section 58-25-12 - Issuance of contract, policy, or guarantee of insurance contrary to filings prohibited--Special risks excepted--Misdemeanor.

Section 58-25-13 - Deviations, rebates, and discounts prohibited.

Section 58-25-14 - Exchange of information and experience data--Consultation as to rate-making.

Section 58-25-15 - False or misleading information as misdemeanor.

Section 58-25-16 - Countersignature by agent or abstracter of county required--Violation as misdemeanor.

Section 58-25-17 - Violation of chapter--Imposition of penalties by director.

Section 58-25-18 - Suspension of license of insurer--Failure to comply with order of director--Time of taking effect--Duration.

Section 58-25-19 - Written order of director for imposition of penalty and suspension of license--Hearing, notice, findings.

Section 58-25-20 - Conduct of hearings before director.

Section 58-25-22 - Title insurance company to maintain reserve--Amount.

Section 58-25-23 - Reserves restored to net profits over twenty-year period--Amortization rate.

Section 58-25-24 - Calculation of adjusted statutory or unearned premium reserve.

Section 58-25-25 - Adjusted reserves restored to net profits or equity.

Section 58-25-26 - Title insurer to maintain known claim reserve--Amount.

Section 58-25-27 - Supplemental reserve to cover liabilities.