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Section 58-24-1 - Purpose of chapter. - 58-24-1. Purpose of chapter. The purpose of this chapter is...
Section 58-24-2 - Application of chapter. - 58-24-2. Application of chapter. This chapter applies to all forms...
Section 58-24-3 - Insurance to which chapter does not apply. - 58-24-3. Insurance to which chapter does not apply. This chapter...
Section 58-24-4 - Making of rates--Provisions governing. - 58-24-4. Making of rates--Provisions governing. Rates shall be made in...
Section 58-24-5 - Excessive, inadequate, or discriminatory rates prohibited. - 58-24-5. Excessive, inadequate, or discriminatory rates prohibited. Rates shall not...
Section 58-24-6 - Making of rates--Matters considered. - 58-24-6. Making of rates--Matters considered. To determine whether rates are...
Section 58-24-6.1 - Failure of rate to reflect difference in expected losses and expenses as unfair discrimination--Averaged group rates not unfairly discriminatory. - 58-24-6.1. Failure of rate to reflect difference in expected losses...
Section 58-24-7 - Risks grouped by classification for rate-making--Modification of classification rates. - 58-24-7. Risks grouped by classification for rate-making--Modification of classification rates....
Section 58-24-8 - System of expense provisions used in rate-making--Reflection of operating methods. - 58-24-8. System of expense provisions used in rate-making--Reflection of operating...
Section 58-24-9 - Uniformity as to rates not required. - 58-24-9. Uniformity as to rates not required. Except to the...
Section 58-24-10 - Filing of rates with director--Effective date--Character and extent of coverage--Exceptions. - 58-24-10. Filing of rates with director--Effective date--Character and extent of...
Section 58-24-10.1 - Rating rules required to be filed with director--Filing date--Supporting information required. - 58-24-10.1. Rating rules required to be filed with director--Filing date--Supporting...
Section 58-24-10.2 - Rate information required to be filed prior to effective date on finding that closer supervision is required--Extension of waiting period--Approval or disapproval. - 58-24-10.2. Rate information required to be filed prior to effective...
Section 58-24-12 - Satisfaction of insurer's obligations by becoming member of or subscriber to licensed rating organization. - 58-24-12. Satisfaction of insurer's obligations by becoming member of or...
Section 58-24-13 - Information furnished in support of filing. - 58-24-13. Information furnished in support of filing. If a filing...
Section 58-24-14 - Filing open to public inspection--Specially rated inland marine risks. - 58-24-14. Filing open to public inspection--Specially rated inland marine risks....
Section 58-24-15 - Review of filings by director. - 58-24-15. Review of filings by director. The director shall review...
Section 58-24-17 - Filing with respect to specially rated risks--Effective date. - 58-24-17. Filing with respect to specially rated risks--Effective date. Specific...
Section 58-24-18 - Disapproval of filing prohibited if rates meet requirements. - 58-24-18. Disapproval of filing prohibited if rates meet requirements. No...
Section 58-24-19 - Disapproval of filings by director--Notice--Contents. - 58-24-19. Disapproval of filings by director--Notice--Contents. If the director finds...
Section 58-24-20 - Disapproval of filing with respect to specially rated risks--Notice, contents. - 58-24-20. Disapproval of filing with respect to specially rated risks--Notice,...
Section 58-24-21 - Effect of finding and order that filing does not comply with chapter. - 58-24-21. Effect of finding and order that filing does not...
Section 58-24-22 - Request by aggrieved party for hearing on filing--Grounds for application. - 58-24-22. Request by aggrieved party for hearing on filing--Grounds for...
Section 58-24-23 - Hearing on filing--Action by director--Notice of hearing. - 58-24-23. Hearing on filing--Action by director--Notice of hearing. If the...
Section 58-24-24 - Finding that filing does not comply--Order discontinuing filing--Effective date. - 58-24-24. Finding that filing does not comply--Order discontinuing filing--Effective date....
Section 58-24-25 - Issuance of contract or policy contrary to filings prohibited--Inland marine risks excepted. - 58-24-25. Issuance of contract or policy contrary to filings prohibited--Inland...
Section 58-24-26 - Excess rate approved for specific risk--Filing application. - 58-24-26. Excess rate approved for specific risk--Filing application. Upon written...
Section 58-24-27 - Assigned risks--Reasonable rate modifications. - 58-24-27. Assigned risks--Reasonable rate modifications. Agreements may be made among...
Section 58-24-28 - Information to be furnished insureds. - 58-24-28. Information to be furnished insureds. Every rating organization and...
Section 58-24-29 - Right of insured to hearing on application of rating system. - 58-24-29. Right of insured to hearing on application of rating...
Section 58-24-30 - Appeal to director from rating organization or insurer--Affirmance or reversal of action. - 58-24-30. Appeal to director from rating organization or insurer--Affirmance or...
Section 58-24-31 - Recording and reporting of loss and experience--Rules and statistical plans of director. - 58-24-31. Recording and reporting of loss and experience--Rules and statistical...
Section 58-24-33 - Exchange of information and experience data with other states--Consultation as to rate-making. - 58-24-33. Exchange of information and experience data with other states--Consultation...
Section 58-24-34 - Withholding of or giving false or misleading information--Penalties. - 58-24-34. Withholding of or giving false or misleading information--Penalties. No...
Section 58-24-35 - Application for license as rating organization--Contents. - 58-24-35. Application for license as rating organization--Contents. A corporation, unincorporated...
Section 58-24-36 - Issuance of license--Finding by director--Time for granting or denying application. - 58-24-36. Issuance of license--Finding by director--Time for granting or denying...
Section 58-24-37 - Duration of rating organization license--Fee. - 58-24-37. Duration of rating organization license--Fee. Each license issued pursuant...
Section 58-24-38 - Suspension or revocation of license. - 58-24-38. Suspension or revocation of license. Any license issued pursuant...
Section 58-24-39 - Notice to director of change in license application information. - 58-24-39. Notice to director of change in license application information....
Section 58-24-40 - Subscribers to rating services--Rules of rating organization. - 58-24-40. Subscribers to rating services--Rules of rating organization. Subject to...
Section 58-24-41 - Review by director of reasonableness of rule or refusal to admit insurer as subscriber. - 58-24-41. Review by director of reasonableness of rule or refusal...
Section 58-24-42 - Order affirming action of rating organization. - 58-24-42. Order affirming action of rating organization. If, after the...
Section 58-24-43 - Actuarial, technical, or other services provided to subscribers. - 58-24-43. Actuarial, technical, or other services provided to subscribers. Any...
Section 58-24-44 - Examination of evidences of insurance or cancellation--Rules as to submission--Information confidential. - 58-24-44. Examination of evidences of insurance or cancellation--Rules as to...
Section 58-24-45 - Regulation of payment of dividends, savings, or unabsorbed premium deposits prohibited. - 58-24-45. Regulation of payment of dividends, savings, or unabsorbed premium...
Section 58-24-45.1 - Group insurance marketing permitted--Conditions. - 58-24-45.1. Group insurance marketing permitted--Conditions. An insurer may market insurance...
Section 58-24-46 - Cooperation between organizations and insurers authorized--Review of cooperative activities by director. - 58-24-46. Cooperation between organizations and insurers authorized--Review of cooperative activities...
Section 58-24-47 - Appeal to director from action of rating organization--Hearing--Order. - 58-24-47. Appeal to director from action of rating organization--Hearing--Order. Any...
Section 58-24-48 - Appeal based on failure to file for different expense system--Application of rate-making standards. - 58-24-48. Appeal based on failure to file for different expense...
Section 58-24-49 - Application of insurer to file deviation--Basis for modification--Copy to rating organization. - 58-24-49. Application of insurer to file deviation--Basis for modification--Copy to...
Section 58-24-50 - Deviations to be uniform within class. - 58-24-50. Deviations to be uniform within class. As to all...
Section 58-24-51 - Criteria considered on application for deviation--Order permitting or denying deviation. - 58-24-51. Criteria considered on application for deviation--Order permitting or denying...
Section 58-24-52 - Duration of permitted deviation. - 58-24-52. Duration of permitted deviation. Each deviation permitted to be...
Section 58-24-53 - Advisory organization license required. - 58-24-53. Advisory organization license required. Each group, association, or other...
Section 58-24-54 - Advisory organization filing requirements. - 58-24-54. Advisory organization filing requirements. Each advisory organization shall file...
Section 58-24-55 - Unfair or unreasonable advisory organization practices--Order requiring discontinuance. - 58-24-55. Unfair or unreasonable advisory organization practices--Order requiring discontinuance. If...
Section 58-24-56 - Filings based on information furnished by noncompliant advisory organization prohibited--Order requiring discontinuance. - 58-24-56. Filings based on information furnished by noncompliant advisory organization...
Section 58-24-57 - Insurers engaging in joint underwriting or joint reinsurance subject to regulation. - 58-24-57. Insurers engaging in joint underwriting or joint reinsurance subject...
Section 58-24-58 - Unfair or unreasonable practices of joint underwriters or joint reinsurers--Order requiring discontinuance. - 58-24-58. Unfair or unreasonable practices of joint underwriters or joint...
Section 58-24-59 - Examination of rating organizations, advisory organizations, joint underwriters, and joint reinsurers--Acceptance of report of official of another state. - 58-24-59. Examination of rating organizations, advisory organizations, joint underwriters, and...
Section 58-24-61 - Violation of chapter--Penalties. - 58-24-61. Violation of chapter--Penalties. The director may, if the director...
Section 58-24-62 - Suspension of license of rating organization or insurer. - 58-24-62. Suspension of license of rating organization or insurer. The...
Section 58-24-63 - Written order of director for imposition of penalty and suspension of license--Hearing, notice, findings. - 58-24-63. Written order of director for imposition of penalty and...
Section 58-24-64 - Request for hearing on order or decision--Notice--Affirmance, reversal, or modification. - 58-24-64. Request for hearing on order or decision--Notice--Affirmance, reversal, or...
Section 58-24-65 - Rehearing and appeal from order of director. - 58-24-65. Rehearing and appeal from order of director. Any order...
Section 58-24-66 - Notice required for filing for workers' compensation insurance. - 58-24-66. Notice required for filing for workers' compensation insurance. At...
Section 58-24-67 - Notice to workers' compensation purchaser organizations. - 58-24-67. Notice to workers' compensation purchaser organizations. Within thirty days...
Section 58-24-68 - Exempt commercial policyholder--Definition. - 58-24-68. Exempt commercial policyholder--Definition. For the purposes of §§58-24-68 to...
Section 58-24-69 - "Risk manager" defined. - 58-24-69. Risk manager defined. For the purposes of §§58-24-68 to...
Section 58-24-70 - Exemption from rate and form filing requirements for policy issued to exempt commercial policyholder--Disclosure requirements. - 58-24-70. Exemption from rate and form filing requirements for policy...
Section 58-24-71 - Third-party consultant disclosure requirements. - 58-24-71. Third-party consultant disclosure requirements. If a third-party consultant is...
Section 58-24-72 - Promulgation of rules. - 58-24-72. Promulgation of rules. The director may promulgate rules, pursuant...
Section 58-24-73 - Insurer to maintain and provide copies of disclosures--Examination. - 58-24-73. Insurer to maintain and provide copies of disclosures--Examination. The...
Section 58-24-74 - Insurer to maintain records relating to insurance sales to exempt commercial policyholder--Examination by director. - 58-24-74. Insurer to maintain records relating to insurance sales to...
Section 58-24-75 - Premium increase prohibited for certain accidents involving law enforcement, emergency, or snow removal personnel--Exception. - 58-24-75. Premium increase prohibited for certain accidents involving law enforcement,...