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Section 26-7A-1 - Definition of terms. - 26-7A-1. Definition of terms. Terms used in this chapter and...
Section 26-7A-2 - Original jurisdiction of dependency and delinquency proceedings--Effect of custody award in prior divorce proceedings--Application of Indian Child Welfare Act. - 26-7A-2. Original jurisdiction of dependency and delinquency proceedings--Effect of custody...
Section 26-7A-3 - Venue of dependency and delinquency proceedings--Transfer of proceedings. - 26-7A-3. Venue of dependency and delinquency proceedings--Transfer of proceedings. Proceedings...
Section 26-7A-4 - No costs or fees assessed against abused or neglected child--Assessment to parents or guardian--Fees permitted against supervised or delinquent child. - 26-7A-4. No costs or fees assessed against abused or neglected...
Section 26-7A-5 - Proceedings in best interest of child. - 26-7A-5. Proceedings in best interest of child. Proceedings under this...
Section 26-7A-6 - Liberal construction for protection of child. - 26-7A-6. Liberal construction for protection of child. Provisions of this...
Section 26-7A-7 - Interference with court orders as contempt--Punishment. - 26-7A-7. Interference with court orders as contempt--Punishment. Any person who...
Section 26-7A-8 - Court services officers--Appointment--Duties. - 26-7A-8. Court services officers--Appointment--Duties. The presiding judge in each judicial...
Section 26-7A-9 - State's attorneys to represent state and Department of Social Services--Exemption. - 26-7A-9. State's attorneys to represent state and Department of Social...
Section 26-7A-10 - Preliminary investigation by state's attorney--Authorized procedure on basis of investigation. - 26-7A-10. Preliminary investigation by state's attorney--Authorized procedure on basis of...
Section 26-7A-11 - Requirements for referral for informal adjustment or action. - 26-7A-11. Requirements for referral for informal adjustment or action. A...
Section 26-7A-11.1 - Criteria for referral for informal adjustment or action. - 26-7A-11.1. Criteria for referral for informal adjustment or action. Any...
Section 26-7A-12 - Temporary custody by law enforcement officer or court services officer without court order. - 26-7A-12. Temporary custody by law enforcement officer or court services...
Section 26-7A-12.1 - Child in possession of firearms on school property may be taken into temporary custody. - 26-7A-12.1. Child in possession of firearms on school property may...
Section 26-7A-13 - Court-ordered temporary custody--Noticed hearing--Without noticed hearing. - 26-7A-13. Court-ordered temporary custody--Noticed hearing--Without noticed hearing. The court may...
Section 26-7A-13.1 - Hearing by intake officer. - 26-7A-13.1. Hearing by intake officer. Upon taking a child into...
Section 26-7A-13.2 - Delivery of juvenile to temporary custodian. - 26-7A-13.2. Delivery of juvenile to temporary custodian. The law enforcement...
Section 26-7A-14 - Temporary care of child by caretaker designated by court--Limitation of temporary custody--Release. - 26-7A-14. Temporary care of child by caretaker designated by court--Limitation...
Section 26-7A-15 - Notice to parents, guardian, or custodian of child taken into temporary custody--Notice of hearing--Information to Indian custodian or designated tribal agent--Failure to notify. - 26-7A-15. Notice to parents, guardian, or custodian of child taken...
Section 26-7A-15.1 - Proceedings under certain chapters to which the Indian Child Welfare Act applies--Procedures. - 26-7A-15.1. Proceedings under certain chapters to which the Indian Child...
Section 26-7A-15.2 - Form of notice to parent, custodian, or Indian tribe of child custody proceeding. - 26-7A-15.2. Form of notice to parent, custodian, or Indian tribe...
Section 26-7A-15.3 - Designated tribal agent defined. - 26-7A-15.3.Designated tribal agent defined. As used in this chapter, the...
Section 26-7A-16 - Child held until released by court. - 26-7A-16. Child held until released by court. Notwithstanding §26-7A-14, an...
Section 26-7A-17 - Notice to state's attorney of child taken into temporary custody--Written report--Notice to court. - 26-7A-17. Notice to state's attorney of child taken into temporary...
Section 26-7A-18 - Temporary custody hearing--Best interests of child--Conducted telephonically. - 26-7A-18. Temporary custody hearing--Best interests of child--Conducted telephonically. At the...
Section 26-7A-19 - Options of court following temporary custody hearing for abused or neglected child. - 26-7A-19. Options of court following temporary custody hearing for abused...
Section 26-7A-19.1 - Preference for placement of abused or neglected child with relatives after hearing. - 26-7A-19.1. Preference for placement of abused or neglected child with...
Section 26-7A-19.2 - Action by division when relative desires to take temporary or permanent placement of abused or neglected child. - 26-7A-19.2. Action by division when relative desires to take temporary...
Section 26-7A-20 - Release of child in need of supervision after temporary custody hearing--Exceptions. - 26-7A-20. Release of child in need of supervision after temporary...
Section 26-7A-21 - Release of delinquent child after temporary custody hearing--Exceptions. - 26-7A-21. Release of delinquent child after temporary custody hearing--Exceptions. If...
Section 26-7A-22 - Temporary custody not an arrest. - 26-7A-22. Temporary custody not an arrest. The taking of any...
Section 26-7A-23 - Temporary care, shelter, or detention facilities maintained by board of county commissioners. - 26-7A-23. Temporary care, shelter, or detention facilities maintained by board...
Section 26-7A-24 - Intercounty contracts for use of facilities. - 26-7A-24. Intercounty contracts for use of facilities. If a board...
Section 26-7A-25 - County to care for children pending adjudication. - 26-7A-25. County to care for children pending adjudication. A board...
Section 26-7A-27 - Police records of children taken into temporary custody--Confidentiality. - 26-7A-27. Police records of children taken into temporary custody--Confidentiality. The...
Section 26-7A-28 - Release of information on identity of child prohibited except by court order or when child adjudicated delinquent offender. - 26-7A-28. Release of information on identity of child prohibited except...
Section 26-7A-29 - Release of information to persons, agencies, or facilities with legitimate interest in child. - 26-7A-29. Release of information to persons, agencies, or facilities with...
Section 26-7A-30 - Rights of child and parents, guardian, or custodian--Representation by attorney--Motion for new hearing--Appeal. - 26-7A-30. Rights of child and parents, guardian, or custodian--Representation by...
Section 26-7A-31 - Court appointed attorney--Compensation. - 26-7A-31. Court appointed attorney--Compensation. If the child or the child's...
Section 26-7A-32 - Lien against property of parents for payment of court-appointed attorney--Exceptions--Limitation. - 26-7A-32. Lien against property of parents for payment of court-appointed...
Section 26-7A-32.1 - Definition of terms regarding competency of juvenile. - 26-7A-32.1. Definition of terms regarding competency of juvenile. Terms used...
Section 26-7A-32.2 - Incompetent juvenile not subject to chapters 26-8B or 26-8C. - 26-7A-32.2. Incompetent juvenile not subject to chapters 26-8B or 26-8C....
Section 26-7A-32.3 - Raising issue of competency. - 26-7A-32.3. Raising issue of competency. The issue as to a...
Section 26-7A-32.4 - Competency examination. - 26-7A-32.4. Competency examination. If the court determines that a competency...
Section 26-7A-32.5 - Suspension of proceeding pending competency determination. - 26-7A-32.5. Suspension of proceeding pending competency determination. Pending an examination...
Section 26-7A-32.6 - Examiner's report. - 26-7A-32.6. Examiner's report. The provisions of this section govern criteria...
Section 26-7A-32.7 - Competency determination hearing. - 26-7A-32.7. Competency determination hearing. Following receipt of the competency evaluation...
Section 26-7A-32.8 - Burden of proving competence. - 26-7A-32.8. Burden of proving competence. If the juvenile, state, or...
Section 26-7A-32.9 - Statements by juvenile during competency evaluation not admissible. - 26-7A-32.9. Statements by juvenile during competency evaluation not admissible. Statements...
Section 26-7A-32.10 - Competency may be revisited upon transfer to adult court. - 26-7A-32.10. Competency may be revisited upon transfer to adult court....
Section 26-7A-32.11 - Procedure upon finding that juvenile not competent to proceed but probably will be competent in foreseeable future. - 26-7A-32.11. Procedure upon finding that juvenile not competent to proceed...
Section 26-7A-32.12 - Procedure upon finding that juvenile not competent to proceed and probably will not be competent in foreseeable future. - 26-7A-32.12. Procedure upon finding that juvenile not competent to proceed...
Section 26-7A-33 - Priority in scheduling hearings and trials. - 26-7A-33. Priority in scheduling hearings and trials. In scheduling hearings...
Section 26-7A-34 - Conduct of hearings. - 26-7A-34. Conduct of hearings. Hearings under this chapter and chapters...
Section 26-7A-35 - Record of hearings. - 26-7A-35. Record of hearings. A verbatim record shall be taken...
Section 26-7A-36 - Hearings closed unless court compelled otherwise--Exceptions. - 26-7A-36. Hearings closed unless court compelled otherwise--Exceptions. All hearings in...
Section 26-7A-36.1 - Attendance at juvenile hearings by crime victims. - 26-7A-36.1. Attendance at juvenile hearings by crime victims. Notwithstanding the...
Section 26-7A-37 - Persons authorized to inspect or receive copies of records of court proceedings. - 26-7A-37. Persons authorized to inspect or receive copies of records...
Section 26-7A-38 - Protection of identity of witnesses--Violation creates cause of action for civil damages--Contempt. - 26-7A-38. Protection of identity of witnesses--Violation creates cause of action...
Section 26-7A-39 - Compulsory process for attendance of defense witnesses. - 26-7A-39. Compulsory process for attendance of defense witnesses. A parent...
Section 26-7A-40 - Witness fees and expenses. - 26-7A-40. Witness fees and expenses. The court may authorize the...
Section 26-7A-41 - Physical and mental health examination--Placement in suitable facility--Report. - 26-7A-41. Physical and mental health examination--Placement in suitable facility--Report. The...
Section 26-7A-42 - Court-ordered protection, support or dental, medical or surgical treatment--Parental consent--Costs. - 26-7A-42. Court-ordered protection, support or dental, medical or surgical treatment--Parental...
Section 26-7A-43 - Petition alleging abused or neglected child, child in need of supervision or delinquent child--Required information--Verification. - 26-7A-43. Petition alleging abused or neglected child, child in need...
Section 26-7A-44 - Summons--Unknown parties--Contents. - 26-7A-44. Summons--Unknown parties--Contents. Upon the filing of the petition, the...
Section 26-7A-45 - Failure to appear before the court--Contempt. - 26-7A-45. Failure to appear before the court--Contempt. If the party...
Section 26-7A-46 - Hearing on petition upon waiver of notice. - 26-7A-46. Hearing on petition upon waiver of notice. If all...
Section 26-7A-47 - Service of summons. - 26-7A-47. Service of summons. The summons shall be served in...
Section 26-7A-48 - Publication of summons--Affidavit or certificate of publication. - 26-7A-48. Publication of summons--Affidavit or certificate of publication. If the...
Section 26-7A-49 - Warrant issued against parents, guardian, or custodian. - 26-7A-49. Warrant issued against parents, guardian, or custodian. If the...
Section 26-7A-50 - Apprehension of child on warrant--Promise of parent, guardian, or custodian to produce child at hearing. - 26-7A-50. Apprehension of child on warrant--Promise of parent, guardian, or...
Section 26-7A-51 - Failure to produce child at hearing as contempt. - 26-7A-51. Failure to produce child at hearing as contempt. If...
Section 26-7A-52 - Bond to secure court appearance of child in need of supervision or delinquent child. - 26-7A-52. Bond to secure court appearance of child in need...
Section 26-7A-53 - Appearance and answer by interested parties--Failure as default--Petition taken as admitted by default. - 26-7A-53. Appearance and answer by interested parties--Failure as default--Petition taken...
Section 26-7A-54 - Advisory hearing before adjudicatory hearing. - 26-7A-54. Advisory hearing before adjudicatory hearing. On appearance of the...
Section 26-7A-55 - Petition admitted to by all parties--Dispositional hearing--Petition not admitted to--Adjudicatory hearing--Interim order for temporary custody. - 26-7A-55. Petition admitted to by all parties--Dispositional hearing--Petition not admitted...
Section 26-7A-56 - Rules of procedure and evidence apply to adjudicatory hearings--Rules for other hearings prescribed by court. - 26-7A-56. Rules of procedure and evidence apply to adjudicatory hearings--Rules...
Section 26-7A-57 - Discovery--"Respondent" defined--"Child" defined. - 26-7A-57. Discovery--"Respondent" defined--"Child" defined. Sections 26-7A-58 to 26-7A-73, inclusive, relate...
Section 26-7A-58 - Inspection by respondent or child of statements made by any respondent or child. - 26-7A-58. Inspection by respondent or child of statements made by...
Section 26-7A-59 - Request for copy of prior order of adjudication or final decree of disposition. - 26-7A-59. Request for copy of prior order of adjudication or...
Section 26-7A-60 - Right to inspect, copy, or photograph books, papers, documents, photographs, tangible objects, buildings, or places. - 26-7A-60. Right to inspect, copy, or photograph books, papers, documents,...
Section 26-7A-61 - Right of respondent or child to inspect, copy, or photograph results or reports of physical or mental examinations and scientific tests or experiments. - 26-7A-61. Right of respondent or child to inspect, copy, or...
Section 26-7A-62 - Inspection of internal documents of state prohibited--Exceptions--Inspection of statements of state's witnesses prohibited--Exceptions. - 26-7A-62. Inspection of internal documents of state prohibited--Exceptions--Inspection of statements...
Section 26-7A-63 - Statement of state's witness or prospective witness not subject to discovery until witness has testified. - 26-7A-63. Statement of state's witness or prospective witness not subject...
Section 26-7A-64 - Examination upon request of statement by state's witness relating to subject matter of witness' testimony. - 26-7A-64. Examination upon request of statement by state's witness relating...
Section 26-7A-65 - Excise of nonsubject matter related material from witness' statement to be produced--Appeal. - 26-7A-65. Excise of nonsubject matter related material from witness' statement...
Section 26-7A-66 - Witness' testimony struck from record upon state's attorney's election not to deliver statement to respondent or child. - 26-7A-66. Witness' testimony struck from record upon state's attorney's election...
Section 26-7A-67 - "Statement" defined. - 26-7A-67."Statement" defined. The term, "statement," as used in §§26-7A-64 to...
Section 26-7A-68 - State's attorney may inspect, copy, or photograph documents or objects in possession of respondent or child. - 26-7A-68. State's attorney may inspect, copy, or photograph documents or...
Section 26-7A-69 - State's attorney's right to inspect, copy, or photograph physical or mental examination results and reports of scientific tests or experiments. - 26-7A-69. State's attorney's right to inspect, copy, or photograph physical...
Section 26-7A-70 - State's attorney prohibited from inspection of internal documents made by respondent or child or attorneys in connection with case. - 26-7A-70. State's attorney prohibited from inspection of internal documents made...
Section 26-7A-71 - Notice of additional evidence. - 26-7A-71. Notice of additional evidence. If, prior to or during...
Section 26-7A-72 - Court order upon discovery motion. - 26-7A-72. Court order upon discovery motion. On a sufficient showing...
Section 26-7A-73 - Failure of party to comply with discovery provisions. - 26-7A-73. Failure of party to comply with discovery provisions. If,...
Section 26-7A-74 - Depositions--"Respondent" defined--"Child" defined. - 26-7A-74. Depositions--"Respondent" defined--"Child" defined. Sections 26-7A-75 to 26-7A-81, inclusive, relate...
Section 26-7A-75 - Depositions only as provided by statute or rule--Motion by party due to exceptional circumstances. - 26-7A-75. Depositions only as provided by statute or rule--Motion by...
Section 26-7A-76 - Notice of deposition--Right of child or respondent to be present--Waiver. - 26-7A-76. Notice of deposition--Right of child or respondent to be...
Section 26-7A-77 - Manner of taking and filing deposition--Examination and cross examination. - 26-7A-77. Manner of taking and filing deposition--Examination and cross examination....
Section 26-7A-78 - Deposition enclosed, sealed, and endorsed--Transmitted to county clerk. - 26-7A-78. Deposition enclosed, sealed, and endorsed--Transmitted to county clerk. A...
Section 26-7A-79 - Use of depositions. - 26-7A-79. Use of depositions. At any hearing, a part or...
Section 26-7A-80 - Objections to deposition testimony or evidence--Basis. - 26-7A-80. Objections to deposition testimony or evidence--Basis. Objections to deposition...
Section 26-7A-81 - Deposition by agreement of parties not precluded. - 26-7A-81. Deposition by agreement of parties not precluded. Nothing in...
Section 26-7A-82 - Adjudicatory hearing following advisory hearing--Support of evidence. - 26-7A-82. Adjudicatory hearing following advisory hearing--Support of evidence. Following an...
Section 26-7A-83 - Evidence considered at adjudicatory hearing--Appearance of party preparing reports and materials used as evidence. - 26-7A-83. Evidence considered at adjudicatory hearing--Appearance of party preparing reports...
Section 26-7A-84 - Order to amend petition. - 26-7A-84. Order to amend petition. The court, on the motion...
Section 26-7A-85 - Child with mental illness or intellectual disability--Suspension of hearing--Examination. - 26-7A-85. Child with mental illness or intellectual disability--Suspension of hearing--Examination....
Section 26-7A-86 - Final order when allegations not supported by evidence--Additional findings and conclusions for abused or neglected child--Appeal. - 26-7A-86. Final order when allegations not supported by evidence--Additional findings...
Section 26-7A-87 - Adjudication subject to intermediate appeal--Dispositional proceedings--Interim dispositional decree. - 26-7A-87. Adjudication subject to intermediate appeal--Dispositional proceedings--Interim dispositional decree. If...
Section 26-7A-88 - Examination, investigation, and reports of adjudicated child before final disposition. - 26-7A-88. Examination, investigation, and reports of adjudicated child before final...
Section 26-7A-89 - Continuance of case--Custody of child pending disposition--Term of continuance. - 26-7A-89. Continuance of case--Custody of child pending disposition--Term of continuance....
Section 26-7A-90 - Evidence heard at dispositional hearing--Interim decree--Final decree. - 26-7A-90. Evidence heard at dispositional hearing--Interim decree--Final decree. After adjudication,...
Section 26-7A-91 - Notice of entry of order of adjudication or final decree--Service of publication. - 26-7A-91. Notice of entry of order of adjudication or final...
Section 26-7A-92 - Guardian of placed child. - 26-7A-92. Guardian of placed child. In every case under this...
Section 26-7A-93 - Placement subject to availability of space. - 26-7A-93. Placement subject to availability of space. No child governed...
Section 26-7A-94 - Provisions for payment of custodial care costs. - 26-7A-94. Provisions for payment of custodial care costs. The following...
Section 26-7A-95 - Parents' duty to support child--Costs of custodial care payable on demand. - 26-7A-95. Parents' duty to support child--Costs of custodial care payable...
Section 26-7A-96 - Acceptance and expenditure of additional funds for custodial care costs. - 26-7A-96. Acceptance and expenditure of additional funds for custodial care...
Section 26-7A-97 - Order or decree of guardianship of child--Certified copy as authority for custody--Social studies, clinical reports, and other information transmitted with order. - 26-7A-97. Order or decree of guardianship of child--Certified copy as...
Section 26-7A-98 - Order for payment of, or reimbursement for, support to guardian or conservator or institution--Reasonable payment--Security and enforcement of order--Modification. - 26-7A-98. Order for payment of, or reimbursement for, support to...
Section 26-7A-99 - Order of wage assignment for support of child--Discovery of employment--Disobedience as contempt. - 26-7A-99. Order of wage assignment for support of child--Discovery of...
Section 26-7A-100 - Conservatorship of estate of child. - 26-7A-100. Conservatorship of estate of child. Unless otherwise specifically ordered...
Section 26-7A-101 - Period of continuation of guardianship or conservatorship--Application for new guardian or conservator, restoration to parents or discharge of guardian or conservator. - 26-7A-101. Period of continuation of guardianship or conservatorship--Application for new...
Section 26-7A-102 - Jurisdiction of court. - 26-7A-102. Jurisdiction of court. If the court commits the child...
Section 26-7A-103 - Court order for report by guardian or institution. - 26-7A-103. Court order for report by guardian or institution. The...
Section 26-7A-104 - Review dispositional hearing to remove guardian or institution or restore child to parents. - 26-7A-104. Review dispositional hearing to remove guardian or institution or...
Section 26-7A-105 - Child not disqualified from public office, civil service, or military service--Not a criminal conviction. - 26-7A-105. Child not disqualified from public office, civil service, or...
Section 26-7A-106 - Proceedings not admissible in criminal or civil action against child. - 26-7A-106. Proceedings not admissible in criminal or civil action against...
Section 26-7A-107 - Order of protection--Authorized provisions--Termination, modification or extension of order. - 26-7A-107. Order of protection--Authorized provisions--Termination, modification or extension of order....
Section 26-7A-107.1 - Provisions for violation of order of protection. - 26-7A-107.1. Provisions for violation of order of protection. The following...
Section 26-7A-107.2 - Violation of order of protection as a misdemeanor. - 26-7A-107.2. Violation of order of protection as a misdemeanor. If...
Section 26-7A-108 - Modifying or setting aside order or decree--Hearing required on probation violation or change in legal custody. - 26-7A-108. Modifying or setting aside order or decree--Hearing required on...
Section 26-7A-108.1 - Suspension of probationary period under certain conditions. - 26-7A-108.1. Suspension of probationary period under certain conditions. The running...
Section 26-7A-109 - Petition for modification or termination of custody decree on change of circumstances. - 26-7A-109. Petition for modification or termination of custody decree on...
Section 26-7A-110 - Petition for new hearing on ground of new evidence. - 26-7A-110. Petition for new hearing on ground of new evidence....
Section 26-7A-111 - Interstate compacts not affected by provisions. - 26-7A-111. Interstate compacts not affected by provisions. Provisions of this...
Section 26-7A-112 - Rules of procedure govern appeals--Notice to attorney general. - 26-7A-112. Rules of procedure govern appeals--Notice to attorney general. An...
Section 26-7A-113 - Sealing records in action involving abused or neglected child--Inspection. - 26-7A-113. Sealing records in action involving abused or neglected child--Inspection....
Section 26-7A-114 - Sealing records in action involving child in need of supervision--Inspection. - 26-7A-114. Sealing records in action involving child in need of...
Section 26-7A-115 - Sealing records in action involving delinquent child--Inspection. - 26-7A-115. Sealing records in action involving delinquent child--Inspection. In any...
Section 26-7A-115.1 - Victim of human trafficking or sexual exploitation--Expungement of delinquency record. - 26-7A-115.1. Victim of human trafficking or sexual exploitation--Expungement of delinquency...
Section 26-7A-116 - Distribution of copies of order sealing records--Inspection of sealed records. - 26-7A-116. Distribution of copies of order sealing records--Inspection of sealed...
Section 26-7A-117 - Maximum age for which committed. - 26-7A-117. Maximum age for which committed. A child may be...
Section 26-7A-118 - Parent or guardian required to appear at certain hearings. - 26-7A-118. Parent or guardian required to appear at certain hearings....
Section 26-7A-120 - Confidentiality of records. - 26-7A-120. Confidentiality of records. Records prepared or maintained by court...
Section 26-7A-122 - Court discharge of child from Department of Corrections--Restoration to parent, guardian, or custodian or change in placement--Resisting discharge. - 26-7A-122. Court discharge of child from Department of Corrections--Restoration to...
Section 26-7A-123 - Department of Corrections to file periodic report on child in custody--Contents of report. - 26-7A-123. Department of Corrections to file periodic report on child...
Section 26-7A-124 - Judicial review of report--Court may issue show cause order against department. - 26-7A-124. Judicial review of report--Court may issue show cause order...
Section 26-7A-125 - Graduated sanctions and incentives program for responding to probation violations. - 26-7A-125. Graduated sanctions and incentives program for responding to probation...
Section 26-7A-126 - Law enforcement treatment as juvenile cited violation--Procedure--Report to state's attorney. - 26-7A-126. Law enforcement treatment as juvenile cited violation--Procedure--Report to state's...
Section 26-7A-127 - Action by state's attorney for juvenile cited violation. - 26-7A-127. Action by state's attorney for juvenile cited violation. If...
Section 26-7A-128 - Admission or denial of alleged juvenile cited violation--Procedure. - 26-7A-128. Admission or denial of alleged juvenile cited violation--Procedure. If...
Section 26-7A-129 - Judgment on juvenile cited violation. - 26-7A-129. Judgment on juvenile cited violation. If a child is...