26-7A-15.2. Form of notice to parent, custodian, or Indian tribe of child custody proceeding.
The form of the notice provided for in §26-7A-15.1 is as follows:
) ss
COUNTY OF ______________)
OF ____________________________, )
CONCERNING __________________, )
_______________________________, )
TO: [Name and Address of the Parent/Custodian/Tribe]:
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that, pursuant to the Indian Child Welfare Act of 1978 (25 U.S.C. §1901, et. seq.), a child custody proceeding is now pending in the above-named court. The child(ren) who (is/are) the subject of this proceeding (is/are) believed to be (an) "Indian child(ren)" (as defined in 25 U.S.C. §1903(4)) affiliated with the __________ Tribe.
A HEARING HAS BEEN SCHEDULED FOR __________ [date] AT __________ [time] (a.m./ p.m.) (CST/MST) IN THE COURTROOM OF THE __________ COUNTY COURTHOUSE, __________, SOUTH DAKOTA. A copy of the Petition by which this proceeding was initiated is attached.
You are further notified that:
1.The following information is known regarding the parents, grandparents and Indian custodians:
a.The names and last known addresses of the parents, grandparents and great grandparents or Indian custodians are as follows:
b.Any maiden, married and former names and aliases are as follows:
c.Birthdates and places of birth and death are as follows:
d.Tribal enrollment number(s):
2.You, as the parent(s) or Indian custodian, and the child(ren)'s tribe, may have a right to intervene in these proceedings.
3.If you, as the parent(s) or Indian custodian, are unable to afford an attorney, an attorney may be appointed to represent you. If you desire a court-appointed attorney, you should contact the court using the information provided in paragraph 7 below.
4.You may have the right, as the parent(s), Indian custodian, or Indian tribe, to have, upon request, 20 additional days to prepare for the hearing. If you desire additional time to prepare for the hearing, you should contact the court using the information provided in paragraph 7 below.
5.You may have the right, as (a) parent(s), Indian custodian, or Indian tribe, to petition this Court for transfer of the proceeding to tribal court.
6.The Petitioner in this action is the State of South Dakota, and the name and address of the attorney for the Petitioner is: __________, State's Attorney for __________ County, __________, South Dakota.
7.The Court's phone number is __________. The Court's mailing address is __________. Please report to the Court or to the State all information you have as to the status of the above-named child(ren), including the eligibility/membership of the child(ren) or the parent(s) in any Indian tribe.
8.If you are the child(ren)'s parent, it is possible that your parental rights will be terminated in this proceeding. If your parental rights are terminated in this proceeding, you will no longer be able to exercise parental, custodial or any other rights with regard to the child(ren).
9.Since custody proceedings are conducted on a confidential basis, you are requested to keep confidential all information contained in this Notice.
Dated this __________ day of __________, 20__________.
State's Attorney
Source: SL 2005, ch 139, §4.
Structure South Dakota Codified Laws
Section 26-7A-1 - Definition of terms.
Section 26-7A-3 - Venue of dependency and delinquency proceedings--Transfer of proceedings.
Section 26-7A-5 - Proceedings in best interest of child.
Section 26-7A-6 - Liberal construction for protection of child.
Section 26-7A-7 - Interference with court orders as contempt--Punishment.
Section 26-7A-8 - Court services officers--Appointment--Duties.
Section 26-7A-9 - State's attorneys to represent state and Department of Social Services--Exemption.
Section 26-7A-11 - Requirements for referral for informal adjustment or action.
Section 26-7A-11.1 - Criteria for referral for informal adjustment or action.
Section 26-7A-13 - Court-ordered temporary custody--Noticed hearing--Without noticed hearing.
Section 26-7A-13.1 - Hearing by intake officer.
Section 26-7A-13.2 - Delivery of juvenile to temporary custodian.
Section 26-7A-15.3 - Designated tribal agent defined.
Section 26-7A-16 - Child held until released by court.
Section 26-7A-18 - Temporary custody hearing--Best interests of child--Conducted telephonically.
Section 26-7A-21 - Release of delinquent child after temporary custody hearing--Exceptions.
Section 26-7A-22 - Temporary custody not an arrest.
Section 26-7A-24 - Intercounty contracts for use of facilities.
Section 26-7A-25 - County to care for children pending adjudication.
Section 26-7A-27 - Police records of children taken into temporary custody--Confidentiality.
Section 26-7A-31 - Court appointed attorney--Compensation.
Section 26-7A-32.1 - Definition of terms regarding competency of juvenile.
Section 26-7A-32.2 - Incompetent juvenile not subject to chapters 26-8B or 26-8C.
Section 26-7A-32.3 - Raising issue of competency.
Section 26-7A-32.4 - Competency examination.
Section 26-7A-32.5 - Suspension of proceeding pending competency determination.
Section 26-7A-32.6 - Examiner's report.
Section 26-7A-32.7 - Competency determination hearing.
Section 26-7A-32.8 - Burden of proving competence.
Section 26-7A-32.9 - Statements by juvenile during competency evaluation not admissible.
Section 26-7A-32.10 - Competency may be revisited upon transfer to adult court.
Section 26-7A-33 - Priority in scheduling hearings and trials.
Section 26-7A-34 - Conduct of hearings.
Section 26-7A-35 - Record of hearings.
Section 26-7A-36 - Hearings closed unless court compelled otherwise--Exceptions.
Section 26-7A-36.1 - Attendance at juvenile hearings by crime victims.
Section 26-7A-37 - Persons authorized to inspect or receive copies of records of court proceedings.
Section 26-7A-39 - Compulsory process for attendance of defense witnesses.
Section 26-7A-40 - Witness fees and expenses.
Section 26-7A-41 - Physical and mental health examination--Placement in suitable facility--Report.
Section 26-7A-44 - Summons--Unknown parties--Contents.
Section 26-7A-45 - Failure to appear before the court--Contempt.
Section 26-7A-46 - Hearing on petition upon waiver of notice.
Section 26-7A-47 - Service of summons.
Section 26-7A-48 - Publication of summons--Affidavit or certificate of publication.
Section 26-7A-49 - Warrant issued against parents, guardian, or custodian.
Section 26-7A-51 - Failure to produce child at hearing as contempt.
Section 26-7A-54 - Advisory hearing before adjudicatory hearing.
Section 26-7A-57 - Discovery--"Respondent" defined--"Child" defined.
Section 26-7A-58 - Inspection by respondent or child of statements made by any respondent or child.
Section 26-7A-59 - Request for copy of prior order of adjudication or final decree of disposition.
Section 26-7A-67 - "Statement" defined.
Section 26-7A-71 - Notice of additional evidence.
Section 26-7A-72 - Court order upon discovery motion.
Section 26-7A-73 - Failure of party to comply with discovery provisions.
Section 26-7A-74 - Depositions--"Respondent" defined--"Child" defined.
Section 26-7A-76 - Notice of deposition--Right of child or respondent to be present--Waiver.
Section 26-7A-77 - Manner of taking and filing deposition--Examination and cross examination.
Section 26-7A-78 - Deposition enclosed, sealed, and endorsed--Transmitted to county clerk.
Section 26-7A-79 - Use of depositions.
Section 26-7A-80 - Objections to deposition testimony or evidence--Basis.
Section 26-7A-81 - Deposition by agreement of parties not precluded.
Section 26-7A-82 - Adjudicatory hearing following advisory hearing--Support of evidence.
Section 26-7A-84 - Order to amend petition.
Section 26-7A-89 - Continuance of case--Custody of child pending disposition--Term of continuance.
Section 26-7A-90 - Evidence heard at dispositional hearing--Interim decree--Final decree.
Section 26-7A-91 - Notice of entry of order of adjudication or final decree--Service of publication.
Section 26-7A-92 - Guardian of placed child.
Section 26-7A-93 - Placement subject to availability of space.
Section 26-7A-94 - Provisions for payment of custodial care costs.
Section 26-7A-95 - Parents' duty to support child--Costs of custodial care payable on demand.
Section 26-7A-96 - Acceptance and expenditure of additional funds for custodial care costs.
Section 26-7A-100 - Conservatorship of estate of child.
Section 26-7A-102 - Jurisdiction of court.
Section 26-7A-103 - Court order for report by guardian or institution.
Section 26-7A-106 - Proceedings not admissible in criminal or civil action against child.
Section 26-7A-107.1 - Provisions for violation of order of protection.
Section 26-7A-107.2 - Violation of order of protection as a misdemeanor.
Section 26-7A-108.1 - Suspension of probationary period under certain conditions.
Section 26-7A-110 - Petition for new hearing on ground of new evidence.
Section 26-7A-111 - Interstate compacts not affected by provisions.
Section 26-7A-112 - Rules of procedure govern appeals--Notice to attorney general.
Section 26-7A-113 - Sealing records in action involving abused or neglected child--Inspection.
Section 26-7A-114 - Sealing records in action involving child in need of supervision--Inspection.
Section 26-7A-115 - Sealing records in action involving delinquent child--Inspection.
Section 26-7A-116 - Distribution of copies of order sealing records--Inspection of sealed records.
Section 26-7A-117 - Maximum age for which committed.
Section 26-7A-118 - Parent or guardian required to appear at certain hearings.
Section 26-7A-120 - Confidentiality of records.
Section 26-7A-124 - Judicial review of report--Court may issue show cause order against department.
Section 26-7A-127 - Action by state's attorney for juvenile cited violation.
Section 26-7A-128 - Admission or denial of alleged juvenile cited violation--Procedure.