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Section 26-6-1 - Agencies and institutions defined as child welfare agencies--Department of Social Services. - 26-6-1. Agencies and institutions defined as child welfare agencies--Department of...
Section 26-6-1.1 - Chapter not applicable to day care services provided by school board for children of enrolled students. - 26-6-1.1. Chapter not applicable to day care services provided by...
Section 26-6-1.2 - Definitions. - 26-6-1.2 . Definitions. Terms used in this chapter mean: (1)...
Section 26-6-6.1 - Continuing foster care to age twenty-one. - 26-6-6.1. Continuing foster care to age twenty-one. Notwithstanding the provisions...
Section 26-6-8 - License required to place child for adoption--Relatives and guardian excepted. - 26-6-8. License required to place child for adoption--Relatives and guardian...
Section 26-6-9 - License or registration required for child care or placement by public or private agency--Waiver violation as misdemeanor. - 26-6-9. License or registration required for child care or placement...
Section 26-6-11 - Application for license--Investigation--Issuance--Conditions--Records--Public inspection. - 26-6-11. Application for license--Investigation--Issuance--Conditions--Records--Public inspection. Applications for the license required...
Section 26-6-12 - Provisional license authorized. - 26-6-12. Provisional license authorized. A provisional license may be issued...
Section 26-6-13 - Duration of licenses--Suspension or revocation--Assignment prohibited--Display or availability for inspection. - 26-6-13. Duration of licenses--Suspension or revocation--Assignment prohibited--Display or availability for...
Section 26-6-14 - Categories of child welfare agency licenses. - 26-6-14. Categories of child welfare agency licenses. A child welfare...
Section 26-6-14.1 - Family day care defined--Number of children allowed. - 26-6-14.1. Family day care defined--Number of children allowed. For the...
Section 26-6-14.2 - Registration of family day care homes--Rules--Exemption--Investigation--Duration of registration--Assignment prohibited. - 26-6-14.2. Registration of family day care homes--Rules--Exemption--Investigation--Duration of registration--Assignment prohibited....
Section 26-6-14.3 - Issuance of child welfare license--Criminal record of applicant to be secured--Waiver by applicant--When application denied. - 26-6-14.3. Issuance of child welfare license--Criminal record of applicant to...
Section 26-6-14.4 - Persons to whom criminal record requirement applies. - 26-6-14.4. Persons to whom criminal record requirement applies. In addition...
Section 26-6-14.5 - Waiver, fingerprinting, and declaration as condition of employment--Time--Immediate termination of employee. - 26-6-14.5. Waiver, fingerprinting, and declaration as condition of employment--Time--Immediate termination...
Section 26-6-14.6 - Meaning of conviction--Evidence of conviction. - 26-6-14.6. Meaning of conviction--Evidence of conviction. For purposes of §§26-6-14.3...
Section 26-6-14.7 - Transfer of criminal record clearance when changing employment. - 26-6-14.7. Transfer of criminal record clearance when changing employment. For...
Section 26-6-14.8 - Unregistered family day care defined--Number of children allowed. - 26-6-14.8. Unregistered family day care defined--Number of children allowed. For...
Section 26-6-14.9 - Submission of employees' names to department--Central registry background checks--Notification to provider--Issuance of certificate. - 26-6-14.9. Submission of employees' names to department--Central registry background checks--Notification...
Section 26-6-14.10 - Prohibition of licensure, registration, or operation by person convicted of child abuse or other felony, or whose name appears on registry--Failure to report as misdemeanor. - 26-6-14.10. Prohibition of licensure, registration, or operation by person convicted...
Section 26-6-14.11 - Prohibition of child care by person convicted of child abuse, sex offense, or other felony, or whose name appears on registry--Violation as misdemeanor. - 26-6-14.11. Prohibition of child care by person convicted of child...
Section 26-6-14.12 - Before and after school day care exempt from zoning, uniform building, and safety provisions. - 26-6-14.12. Before and after school day care exempt from zoning,...
Section 26-6-14.13 - Information from another state's central registry or national crime database to be used only for background check. - 26-6-14.13. Information from another state's central registry or national crime...
Section 26-6-15 - Specification in licenses and registration certificates of work authorized. - 26-6-15. Specification in licenses and registration certificates of work authorized....
Section 26-6-15.1 - Additional number of children in day care--Staff-to-child ratios. - 26-6-15.1. Additional number of children in day care--Staff-to-child ratios. In...
Section 26-6-15.2 - Additional number of children in day care center operating preschool program. - 26-6-15.2. Additional number of children in day care center operating...
Section 26-6-16 - Rules for child care by licensed or registered agencies promulgated by department--Matters included in rules. - 26-6-16. Rules for child care by licensed or registered agencies...
Section 26-6-18.1 - Establishment and support of day care centers by counties and municipalities. - 26-6-18.1. Establishment and support of day care centers by counties...
Section 26-6-18.3 - Appropriation for day care centers. - 26-6-18.3. Appropriation for day care centers. For the purpose of...
Section 26-6-18.4 - Approved programs required for payments to nonprofit organizations--Records and periodic audit. - 26-6-18.4. Approved programs required for payments to nonprofit organizations--Records and...
Section 26-6-18.5 - Exemption of program from zoning, building and fire and life safety codes. - 26-6-18.5. Exemption of program from zoning, building and fire and...
Section 26-6-19 - Department of Health visitations and inspections. - 26-6-19. Department of Health visitations and inspections. The State Department...
Section 26-6-20 - Records on children in care of agencies--Information confidential. - 26-6-20. Records on children in care of agencies--Information confidential. Each...
Section 26-6-20.1 - Definition of terms. - 26-6-20.1. Definition of terms. Terms used in §§26-6-20.1 to 26-6-20.10,...
Section 26-6-20.2 - Separation of residents' moneys required of homes and centers. - 26-6-20.2. Separation of residents' moneys required of homes and centers....
Section 26-6-20.3 - Demand trust account deposit of moneys not kept in center--Deposit with state treasurer by public agency. - 26-6-20.3. Demand trust account deposit of moneys not kept in...
Section 26-6-20.4 - Deposit of money for resident when over specified amount. - 26-6-20.4. Deposit of money for resident when over specified amount....
Section 26-6-20.5 - Surety bond required of facility handling more than specified monthly amount--Bond amount. - 26-6-20.5. Surety bond required of facility handling more than specified...
Section 26-6-20.6 - Safeguards and records required of facilities. - 26-6-20.6. Safeguards and records required of facilities. Every group home...
Section 26-6-20.7 - Public audit of records. - 26-6-20.7. Public audit of records. Records which are maintained pursuant...
Section 26-6-20.8 - Revocation of license--Cause. - 26-6-20.8. Revocation of license--Cause. Failure of any group home or...
Section 26-6-20.9 - Surrender of moneys and funds upon discharge of resident--Receipt--Deposited funds. - 26-6-20.9. Surrender of moneys and funds upon discharge of resident--Receipt--Deposited...
Section 26-6-20.10 - Escheat of unclaimed property under specified value after death of resident--Notice to relatives--Time--Disposition of property or money. - 26-6-20.10. Escheat of unclaimed property under specified value after death...
Section 26-6-21 - Placement of children for adoption--Consent by agency to adoption. - 26-6-21. Placement of children for adoption--Consent by agency to adoption....
Section 26-6-22 - Notice to remove child from child welfare agency. - 26-6-22. Notice to remove child from child welfare agency. If...
Section 26-6-23 - Grounds for revocation or refusal to issue or renew child welfare agency license or registration. - 26-6-23. Grounds for revocation or refusal to issue or renew...
Section 26-6-23.1 - Revocation or refusal to issue or renew license or registration for child abuse or violence. - 26-6-23.1. Revocation or refusal to issue or renew license or...
Section 26-6-23.2 - Central registry background checks on employees. - 26-6-23.2. Central registry background checks on employees. The department shall...
Section 26-6-24 - Notice of intended revocation or refusal of renewal of license or registration--Hearing on protest--Temporary suspension. - 26-6-24. Notice of intended revocation or refusal of renewal of...
Section 26-6-25 - Investigation by department of unlicensed and unregistered operations--Further action by department. - 26-6-25. Investigation by department of unlicensed and unregistered operations--Further action...
Section 26-6-27 - Educational and incidental activities exempt from chapter--State institutions. - 26-6-27. Educational and incidental activities exempt from chapter--State institutions. Nothing...
Section 26-6-28 - Reduction of number of children in foster care. - 26-6-28. Reduction of number of children in foster care. Each...
Section 26-6-29 - Shelters for battered spouses exempt. - 26-6-29. Shelters for battered spouses exempt. This chapter does not...
Section 26-6-35 - Foster care for person under continuing juvenile jurisdiction who is over the age of majority. - 26-6-35. Foster care for person under continuing juvenile jurisdiction who...
Section 26-6-36 - Definitions relating to religious child-placement agencies. - 26-6-36. Definitions relating to religious child-placement agencies. Terms used in...
Section 26-6-37 - Adverse action defined. - 26-6-37. Adverse action defined. For the purposes of §§26-6-36 to...
Section 26-6-38 - Child-placement agency not required to provide service that conflicts with sincere written religious policy. - 26-6-38. Child-placement agency not required to provide service that conflicts...
Section 26-6-39 - State may not take adverse action against child-placement agency acting on basis of sincere written religious policy. - 26-6-39. State may not take adverse action against child-placement agency...
Section 26-6-40 - Licensure and state benefit programs available to religious child-placement agency. - 26-6-40. Licensure and state benefit programs available to religious child-placement...
Section 26-6-41 - Religious child-placement agency to be independent from state. - 26-6-41. Religious child-placement agency to be independent from state. A...
Section 26-6-42 - Child-placement agency may not decline service on basis of race, ethnicity, or national origin. - 26-6-42. Child-placement agency may not decline service on basis of...
Section 26-6-43 - Claim or defense based on §§ 26-6-36 to 26-6-50. - 26-6-43. Claim or defense based on §§26-6-36 to 26-6-50. A...
Section 26-6-44 - Relief available for successful claim or defense. - 26-6-44. Relief available for successful claim or defense. Any person...
Section 26-6-45 - Sovereign immunity not waived. - 26-6-45. Sovereign immunity not waived. A person may sue the...
Section 26-6-46 - Broad protection of free exercise of religious beliefs and moral convictions. - 26-6-46. Broad protection of free exercise of religious beliefs and...
Section 26-6-47 - Other law in conflict preempted. - 26-6-47. Other law in conflict preempted. The provisions of §§26-6-36...
Section 26-6-48 - Time for asserting claim. - 26-6-48. Time for asserting claim. To assert a claim under...
Section 26-6-49 - Construction with federal law. - 26-6-49. Construction with federal law. The provisions of §§26-6-36 to...
Section 26-6-50 - Other child-placement agencies not limited by actions of religious child-placement agency--Best interest of child. - 26-6-50. Other child-placement agencies not limited by actions of religious...
Section 26-6-51 - Monitor--Designation--Primary duty. - 26-6-51 . Monitor--Designation--Primary duty. The secretary of the Department of...
Section 26-6-52 - Monitor--Powers and duties. - 26-6-52 . Monitor--Powers and duties. The monitor designated as provided...
Section 26-6-53 - Findings of abuse or neglect--Report. - 26-6-53 . Findings of abuse or neglect--Report. If the monitor...
Section 26-6-54 - Persons requesting assistance--Identity--Confidentiality. - 26-6-54 . Persons requesting assistance--Identity--Confidentiality. For purposes of any audit,...
Section 26-6-55 - Hinderance of monitor--Violation as misdemeanor. - 26-6-55 . Hinderance of monitor--Violation as misdemeanor. A person who...
Section 26-6-56 - Retaliatory acts--Prohibition--Violation as misdemeanor. - 26-6-56 . Retaliatory acts--Prohibition--Violation as misdemeanor. No state agency, facility,...
Section 26-6-57 - Persons making report--Identity--Confidentiality. - 26-6-57 . Persons making report--Identity--Confidentiality. The identity of the youth...