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Section 19-19-101 - Scope--Definitions. - 19-19-101. Scope--Definitions. (a) Scope. This chapter governs proceedings in the...
Section 19-19-102 - Purpose. - 19-19-102. Purpose. This chapter should be construed so as to...
Section 19-19-103 - Rulings on evidence. - 19-19-103. Rulings on evidence. (a) Preserving a claim of error....
Section 19-19-104 - Preliminary questions. - 19-19-104. Preliminary questions. (a) In general. The court must decide...
Section 19-19-105 - Limiting evidence that is not admissible against other parties or for other purposes. - 19-19-105. Limiting evidence that is not admissible against other parties...
Section 19-19-106 - Remainder of or related writings or recorded statements. - 19-19-106. Remainder of or related writings or recorded statements. If...
Section 19-19-201 - Judicial notice of adjudicative facts. - 19-19-201. Judicial notice of adjudicative facts. (a) Scope. This section...
Section 19-19-301 - Presumptions in civil cases. - 19-19-301. Presumptions in civil cases. In all civil actions and...
Section 19-19-302 - Presumptions in criminal cases. - 19-19-302. Presumptions in criminal cases. (a) Scope. Except as otherwise...
Section 19-19-401 - Test for relevant evidence. - 19-19-401. Test for relevant evidence. Evidence is relevant if: (a)It...
Section 19-19-402 - Relevant evidence generally admissible--Irrelevant evidence inadmissible. - 19-19-402. Relevant evidence generally admissible--Irrelevant evidence inadmissible. All relevant evidence...
Section 19-19-403 - Excluding relevant evidence for prejudice, confusion, waste of time, or other reasons. - 19-19-403. Excluding relevant evidence for prejudice, confusion, waste of time,...
Section 19-19-404 - Character evidence--Crimes or other acts. - 19-19-404. Character evidence--Crimes or other acts. (a) Character evidence. (1)Prohibited...
Section 19-19-405 - Methods of proving character. - 19-19-405. Methods of proving character. (a) By reputation or opinion....
Section 19-19-406 - Habit--Routine practice. - 19-19-406. Habit--Routine practice. Evidence of a person's habit or an...
Section 19-19-407 - Subsequent remedial measures. - 19-19-407. Subsequent remedial measures. When measures are taken that would...
Section 19-19-408 - Compromise offers and negotiations. - 19-19-408. Compromise offers and negotiations. (a) Prohibited uses. Evidence of...
Section 19-19-409 - Offers to pay medical and similar expenses. - 19-19-409. Offers to pay medical and similar expenses. Evidence of...
Section 19-19-410 - Pleas, plea discussions, and related statements. - 19-19-410. Pleas, plea discussions, and related statements. (a) Prohibited uses....
Section 19-19-411 - Liability insurance. - 19-19-411. Liability insurance. Evidence that a person was or was...
Section 19-19-411.1 - Statements and actions by health care providers not admissible to prove negligence in medical malpractice actions. - 19-19-411.1. Statements and actions by health care providers not admissible...
Section 19-19-412 - Sex-offense cases--Victim's sexual behavior or predisposition. - 19-19-412. Sex-offense cases--Victim's sexual behavior or predisposition. (a) Prohibited uses....
Section 19-19-501 - Privileges recognized only as provided. - 19-19-501. Privileges recognized only as provided. Except as otherwise provided...
Section 19-19-502 - Lawyer-client privilege. - 19-19-502. Lawyer-client privilege. (a) Definitions. As used in this section:...
Section 19-19-503 - Physician and psychotherapist-patient privilege. - 19-19-503. Physician and psychotherapist-patient privilege. (a) Definitions. As used in...
Section 19-19-504 - Spousal privilege. - 19-19-504. Spousal privilege. (a) Definition. A communication is confidential if...
Section 19-19-505 - Religious privilege. - 19-19-505. Religious privilege. (a) Definitions. As used in this section:...
Section 19-19-506 - Vote at public election. - 19-19-506. Vote at public election. Every person has a privilege...
Section 19-19-507 - Trade secrets. - 19-19-507. Trade secrets. A person has a privilege, which may...
Section 19-19-508 - Confidential communications to public officer. - 19-19-508. Confidential communications to public officer. A public officer cannot...
Section 19-19-508.1 - Student and counselor, psychologist, or social worker--Exceptions. - 19-19-508.1. Student and counselor, psychologist, or social worker--Exceptions. No counselor...
Section 19-19-508.2 - College or university counselor and student--Exceptions--Qualifications of counselor. - 19-19-508.2. College or university counselor and student--Exceptions--Qualifications of counselor. No...
Section 19-19-509 - Identity of informer. - 19-19-509. Identity of informer. (a) Rule of privilege. The United...
Section 19-19-510 - Waiver of privilege by voluntary disclosure. - 19-19-510. Waiver of privilege by voluntary disclosure. A person upon...
Section 19-19-511 - Privilege not waived by involuntary disclosure. - 19-19-511. Privilege not waived by involuntary disclosure. A claim of...
Section 19-19-512 - Comment upon or inference from claim of privilege--Instruction. - 19-19-512. Comment upon or inference from claim of privilege--Instruction. (a)...
Section 19-19-513 - Motorist's refusal to submit to chemical test of intoxication admissible--Privilege against self-incrimination may not be claimed. - 19-19-513. Motorist's refusal to submit to chemical test of intoxication...
Section 19-19-514 - Sign language interpreter or relay service operator privilege. - 19-19-514. Sign language interpreter or relay service operator privilege. No...
Section 19-19-515 - Mediation privilege. - 19-19-515. Mediation privilege. All verbal or written information relating to...
Section 19-19-516 - Communications concerning execution of inmate. - 19-19-516. Communications concerning execution of inmate. The secretary of corrections,...
Section 19-19-601 - Competency to testify in general. - 19-19-601. Competency to testify in general. Every person is competent...
Section 19-19-602 - Need for personal knowledge--Exception for expert opinion. - 19-19-602. Need for personal knowledge--Exception for expert opinion. A witness...
Section 19-19-603 - Oath or affirmation to testify truthfully. - 19-19-603. Oath or affirmation to testify truthfully. Before testifying, a...
Section 19-19-603.1 - Form for oath of witness. - 19-19-603.1. Form for oath of witness. The following oath may...
Section 19-19-603.2 - Form for affirmation of witness. - 19-19-603.2. Form for affirmation of witness. The following affirmation may...
Section 19-19-604 - Form for oath of interpreter. - 19-19-604. Form for oath of interpreter. The following oath, as...
Section 19-19-605 - Judge's competency as a witness. - 19-19-605. Judge's competency as a witness. The presiding judge may...
Section 19-19-606 - Juror's competency as a witness. - 19-19-606. Juror's competency as a witness. (a) At the trial....
Section 19-19-607 - Who may impeach a witness. - 19-19-607. Who may impeach a witness. Any party, including the...
Section 19-19-608 - A witness's character for truthfulness or untruthfulness. - 19-19-608. A witness's character for truthfulness or untruthfulness. (a) Reputation...
Section 19-19-609 - Impeachment by evidence of a criminal conviction. - 19-19-609. Impeachment by evidence of a criminal conviction. (a) In...
Section 19-19-610 - Religious beliefs or opinions. - 19-19-610. Religious beliefs or opinions. Evidence of a witness's religious...
Section 19-19-611 - Mode and order of examining witnesses and presenting evidence. - 19-19-611. Mode and order of examining witnesses and presenting evidence....
Section 19-19-611.1 - Address of witness--Release in open court restricted. - 19-19-611.1. Address of witness--Release in open court restricted. The courts...
Section 19-19-612 - Writing used to refresh a witness's memory. - 19-19-612. Writing used to refresh a witness's memory. (a) Scope....
Section 19-19-613 - Witness's prior statement. - 19-19-613. Witness's prior statement. (a) Showing or disclosing the statement...
Section 19-19-614 - Court's calling or examining a witness. - 19-19-614. Court's calling or examining a witness. (a) Calling. The...
Section 19-19-615 - Excluding witnesses. - 19-19-615. Excluding witnesses. At a party's request, the court must...
Section 19-19-701 - Opinion testimony by lay witnesses. - 19-19-701. Opinion testimony by lay witnesses. If a witness is...
Section 19-19-702 - Testimony by expert. - 19-19-702. Testimony by expert. A witness who is qualified as...
Section 19-19-703 - Bases of opinion testimony by experts. - 19-19-703. Bases of opinion testimony by experts. An expert may...
Section 19-19-704 - Opinion on an ultimate issue. - 19-19-704. Opinion on an ultimate issue. An opinion is not...
Section 19-19-705 - Disclosure of facts or data underlying expert opinion. - 19-19-705. Disclosure of facts or data underlying expert opinion. Unless...
Section 19-19-706 - Court-appointed expert witnesses. - 19-19-706. Court-appointed expert witnesses. (a) Appointment process. On a party's...
Section 19-19-707 - Experts called by parties. - 19-19-707. Experts called by parties. (a) Limitation on number called....
Section 19-19-801 - Definitions that apply to this article--Exclusions from hearsay. - 19-19-801. Definitions that apply to this article--Exclusions from hearsay. The...
Section 19-19-802 - Rule against hearsay. - 19-19-802. Rule against hearsay. Hearsay is not admissible unless any...
Section 19-19-803 - Exceptions to the rule against hearsay--Regardless of whether the declarant is available as a witness. - 19-19-803. Exceptions to the rule against hearsay--Regardless of whether the...
Section 19-19-803.1 - Physician's written report in lieu of deposition or in-court testimony admissible. - 19-19-803.1. Physician's written report in lieu of deposition or in-court...
Section 19-19-803.2 - Physician's written report--Affidavit--Notice--Objection. - 19-19-803.2. Physician's written report--Affidavit--Notice--Objection. In personal injury and wrongful death...
Section 19-19-804 - Exceptions to rule against hearsay--When declarant unavailable as witness. - 19-19-804. Exceptions to rule against hearsay--When declarant unavailable as witness....
Section 19-19-805 - Hearsay within hearsay. - 19-19-805. Hearsay within hearsay. Hearsay within hearsay is not excluded...
Section 19-19-806 - Attacking and supporting the declarant. - 19-19-806. Attacking and supporting the declarant. When a hearsay statement--or...
Section 19-19-806.1 - Statement by child under age thirteen or child with developmental disability regarding sex crime, physical abuse, or neglect. - 19-19-806.1. Statement by child under age thirteen or child with...
Section 19-19-806.2 - Statements alleging child abuse or neglect. - 19-19-806.2. Statements alleging child abuse or neglect. An out-of-court statement...
Section 19-19-807 - Residual exception. - 19-19-807. Residual exception. (a) In general. Under the following conditions,...
Section 19-19-901 - Authenticating or identifying evidence. - 19-19-901. Authenticating or identifying evidence. (a) In general. To satisfy...
Section 19-19-902 - Evidence that is self-authenticating. - 19-19-902. Evidence that is self-authenticating. The following items of evidence...
Section 19-19-903 - Subscribing witnesses. - 19-19-903. Subscribing witnesses. A subscribing witness's testimony is necessary to...
Section 19-19-1001 - Definitions that apply to this article. - 19-19-1001. Definitions that apply to this article. (a) A "writing"...
Section 19-19-1002 - Requirement of the original. - 19-19-1002. Requirement of the original. An original writing, recording, or...
Section 19-19-1003 - Admissibility of duplicates. - 19-19-1003. Admissibility of duplicates. A duplicate is admissible to the...
Section 19-19-1004 - Admissibility of other evidence of content. - 19-19-1004. Admissibility of other evidence of content. An original is...
Section 19-19-1005 - Copies of public records to prove content. - 19-19-1005. Copies of public records to prove content. The proponent...
Section 19-19-1006 - Summaries to prove content. - 19-19-1006. Summaries to prove content. The proponent may use a...
Section 19-19-1007 - Testimony or statement of a party to prove content. - 19-19-1007. Testimony or statement of a party to prove content....
Section 19-19-1008 - Functions of the court and jury. - 19-19-1008. Functions of the court and jury. Ordinarily, the court...
Section 19-19-1009 - TDD and TTY communications inadmissible as evidence. - 19-19-1009. TDD and TTY communications inadmissible as evidence. The writings...
Section 19-19-1101 - Applicability of chapter. - 19-19-1101. Applicability of chapter. Except as otherwise provided in this...
Section 19-19-1102 - Title. - 19-19-1102. Title. This chapter shall be known and may be...