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Section 13-57-1 - Designation and location--Control by board of regents--Programs of instruction. - 13-57-1. Designation and location--Control by board of regents--Programs of instruction....
Section 13-57-3.1 - School of medicine created. - 13-57-3.1. School of medicine created. There is hereby created at...
Section 13-57-3.2 - Indian studies center recognized--Purposes. - 13-57-3.2. Indian studies center recognized--Purposes. The Legislature hereby recognizes the...
Section 13-57-4 - Sectarian religion and partisan politics prohibited in university. - 13-57-4. Sectarian religion and partisan politics prohibited in university. The...
Section 13-57-5 - Equipment and instructional facilities for university. - 13-57-5. Equipment and instructional facilities for university. The Board of...
Section 13-57-6.1 - Museum continued within historical society. - 13-57-6.1. Museum continued within historical society. The museum at the...