13-57-5. Equipment and instructional facilities for university.
The Board of Regents is authorized to expend so much of the money appropriated for the University of South Dakota as it may deem expedient in the purchase of apparatus, libraries, and cabinets of natural history, in providing suitable means to keep and preserve the same, and in procuring all other necessary facilities for giving instruction.
Source: SDC 1939, ยง15.1102.
Structure South Dakota Codified Laws
Chapter 57 - University Of South Dakota
Section 13-57-1 - Designation and location--Control by board of regents--Programs of instruction.
Section 13-57-3.1 - School of medicine created.
Section 13-57-3.2 - Indian studies center recognized--Purposes.
Section 13-57-4 - Sectarian religion and partisan politics prohibited in university.
Section 13-57-5 - Equipment and instructional facilities for university.
Section 13-57-6.1 - Museum continued within historical society.