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Section 13-58-1 - Name and location--Control by Board of Regents--Programs of instruction. - 13-58-1. Name and location--Control by Board of Regents--Programs of instruction....
Section 13-58-11 - Agricultural experiment station continued--Control by Board of Regents. - 13-58-11. Agricultural experiment station continued--Control by Board of Regents. The...
Section 13-58-11.1 - Agricultural experiment stations--Assent to federal act--Acceptance of grants. - 13-58-11.1. Agricultural experiment stations--Assent to federal act--Acceptance of grants. In...
Section 13-58-13 - Animal disease research and diagnostic laboratory established--Supervision by Board of Regents. - 13-58-13. Animal disease research and diagnostic laboratory established--Supervision by Board...
Section 13-58-14 - Director of animal disease laboratory--Employment of personnel. - 13-58-14. Director of animal disease laboratory--Employment of personnel. The Board...
Section 13-58-15 - Direction of animal disease research activities--Cooperation with Animal Industry Board. - 13-58-15. Direction of animal disease research activities--Cooperation with Animal Industry...
Section 13-58-16 - Budget for animal disease laboratory--Submission to Board of Regents and Legislature. - 13-58-16. Budget for animal disease laboratory--Submission to Board of Regents...
Section 13-58-17 - Fees charged for animal diagnostic services--Revolving account. - 13-58-17. Fees charged for animal diagnostic services--Revolving account. Such fees...
Section 13-58-19 - South Dakota Art Museum. - 13-58-19. South Dakota Art Museum. The South Dakota Art Museum...
Section 13-58-25 - Sale of real property to fraternal organizations--Reversion. - 13-58-25. Sale of real property to fraternal organizations--Reversion. The Board...