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Section 11-10-5 - New construction standards--Building code ordinance. - 11-10-5. New construction standards--Building code ordinance. If the governing body...
Section 11-10-6 - New construction standards--No building code ordinance. - 11-10-6. New construction standards--No building code ordinance. The design standard...
Section 11-10-7 - Energy conservation code adopted as voluntary standard for new residential buildings. - 11-10-7. Energy conservation code adopted as voluntary standard for new...
Section 11-10-8 - Disclosure of information regarding energy efficiency of residential building to buyer or prospective buyer--Time for providing form. - 11-10-8. Disclosure of information regarding energy efficiency of residential building...
Section 11-10-9 - Alternative disclosure of information required by federal law. - 11-10-9.Alternative disclosure of information required by federal law. If the...
Section 11-10-10 - Builder's energy efficiency disclosure statement. - 11-10-10. Builder's energy efficiency disclosure statement. The disclosure form required...
Section 11-10-11 - Property maintenance--Local ordinance--Required standards--Modifications. - 11-10-11. Property maintenance--Local ordinance--Required standards--Modifications. If the governing body of...
Section 11-10-12 - Enactment of standards of International Residential Code--Sprinkler system--Not Required. - 11-10-12. Enactment of standards of International Residential Code--Sprinkler system--Not Required....
Section 11-10-13 - Commission of building codes--Establishment--Membership. - 11-10-13. Commission of building codes--Establishment--Membership. Beginning in the year 2024,...