11-10-10. Builder's energy efficiency disclosure statement.
The disclosure form required in §11-10-8 shall read as follows:
Builder ______________________________________________________
Property Address ______________________________________________
This Disclosure Statement concerns the real property identified above situated in the City of _______________ County of ____________, State of South Dakota.
Part 1. Builder shall provide the following information about the new residential building:
1. Has this new residential building been built or will it be built to meet the energy efficiency standards of the International Energy Conservation Code of 2009 (IECC 2009)?
Yes ______ No ______
2. Has this new residential building received or will it receive any other energy efficient certification?
Yes ______ No ______
If yes, which certification(s): ______________________________________
Part 2. Builder shall describe the following energy efficiency elements of the new residential building:
Part 3. Builder shall provide the following information about equipment:
1. Does the new residential building contain an Energy Star certified:
a. Water heater?
Yes ______ No ______
b. Heating system (furnace, heat pump, or other)?
Yes ______ No ______
c. Cooling system (air conditioner, heat pump, or other)?
Yes ______ No ______
Part 4. Builder's Notes and Comments:
*IECC stands for International Energy Conservation Code.
**The first R-Value applies to continuous insulation; the second to framing cavity insulation.
***One opaque door per building is exempt from this requirement.
Source: SL 2009, ch 63, §4; SL 2011, ch 72, §6.
Structure South Dakota Codified Laws
Title 11 - Planning, Zoning and Housing Programs
Chapter 10 - Building Codes And Standards
Section 11-10-5 - New construction standards--Building code ordinance.
Section 11-10-6 - New construction standards--No building code ordinance.
Section 11-10-9 - Alternative disclosure of information required by federal law.
Section 11-10-10 - Builder's energy efficiency disclosure statement.
Section 11-10-11 - Property maintenance--Local ordinance--Required standards--Modifications.
Section 11-10-13 - Commission of building codes--Establishment--Membership.