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Section 11-11-1 - Legislative findings. - 11-11-1. Legislative findings. It is hereby declared: (1)That there exists...
Section 11-11-2 - Declaration of necessity for development authority. - 11-11-2. Declaration of necessity for development authority. It is further...
Section 11-11-3 - Powers necessary for development authority. - 11-11-3. Powers necessary for development authority. It is hereby further...
Section 11-11-4 - Declaration of public purposes and public interest. - 11-11-4. Declaration of public purposes and public interest. It is...
Section 11-11-5 - Definition of terms. - 11-11-5. Definition of terms. Terms used in this chapter mean:...
Section 11-11-6 - Developments and projects subject to chapter. - 11-11-6. Developments and projects subject to chapter. As used in...
Section 11-11-7 - Sponsors eligible under chapter. - 11-11-7. Sponsors eligible under chapter. As used in this chapter,...
Section 11-11-9 - Costs covered by chapter. - 11-11-9. Costs covered by chapter. As used in this chapter,...
Section 11-11-10 - Development authority established--Administrator of federal housing program. - 11-11-10. Development authority established--Administrator of federal housing program. There is...
Section 11-11-11 - Reporting to Governor's Office of Economic Development. - 11-11-11. Reporting to Governor's Office of Economic Development. The authority...
Section 11-11-12 - Appointment of commissioners--Political affiliations. - 11-11-12. Appointment of commissioners--Political affiliations. The powers of the authority...
Section 11-11-13 - State officers and employees eligible as commissioners. - 11-11-13. State officers and employees eligible as commissioners. Notwithstanding the...
Section 11-11-14 - Corporate officers and employees eligible as commissioners--Abstention on conflict of interests. - 11-11-14. Corporate officers and employees eligible as commissioners--Abstention on conflict...
Section 11-11-15 - Terms of office of commissioners--Vacancy--Restrictions on reappointment. - 11-11-15. Terms of office of commissioners--Vacancy--Restrictions on reappointment. The commissioners...
Section 11-11-16 - Surety bonds of commissioners and executive director--Blanket bond--Payment of cost. - 11-11-16. Surety bonds of commissioners and executive director--Blanket bond--Payment of...
Section 11-11-17 - Removal of commissioner from office. - 11-11-17. Removal of commissioner from office. A commissioner shall be...
Section 11-11-18 - Officers of commissioners. - 11-11-18. Officers of commissioners. The commissioners shall elect from among...
Section 11-11-19 - Meetings of commissioners--Quorum--Majority required for action. - 11-11-19. Meetings of commissioners--Quorum--Majority required for action. Meetings shall be...
Section 11-11-20 - Compensation of commissioners. - 11-11-20. Compensation of commissioners. Commissioners shall receive compensation for the...
Section 11-11-21 - Executive director--Appointment and duties--Other personnel. - 11-11-21. Executive director--Appointment and duties--Other personnel. The Governor shall appoint...
Section 11-11-22 - Salaries. - 11-11-22. Salaries. The Governor shall set the salary of the...
Section 11-11-23 - Benefits of state employees provided. - 11-11-23. Benefits of state employees provided. The executive director and...
Section 11-11-24 - Records maintained by secretary--Certified copies--Publication of resolutions. - 11-11-24. Records maintained by secretary--Certified copies--Publication of resolutions. The secretary...
Section 11-11-25 - Powers of local commissions conferred upon authority--Approval by local governing body required--Cooperation with local commissions. - 11-11-25. Powers of local commissions conferred upon authority--Approval by local...
Section 11-11-26 - Power to carry out chapter. - 11-11-26. Power to carry out chapter. The authority may carry...
Section 11-11-27 - Power to sue and be sued--Seal--Perpetual succession--Office. - 11-11-27. Power to sue and be sued--Seal--Perpetual succession--Office. The authority...
Section 11-11-28 - Consolidation of processing for developments and projects. - 11-11-28. Consolidation of processing for developments and projects. The authority...
Section 11-11-29 - Policy favoring private business firms. - 11-11-29. Policy favoring private business firms. It is the intent...
Section 11-11-30 - Bylaws, rules, and regulations. - 11-11-30. Bylaws, rules, and regulations. The authority may adopt and...
Section 11-11-31 - Research and development. - 11-11-31. Research and development. The authority may conduct research and...
Section 11-11-33 - Advice and technical assistance to developments, projects and residents. - 11-11-33. Advice and technical assistance to developments, projects and residents....
Section 11-11-34 - Cooperation with federal and other governmental agencies. - 11-11-34. Cooperation with federal and other governmental agencies. The authority...
Section 11-11-36 - Execution of necessary instruments. - 11-11-36. Execution of necessary instruments. The authority may make and...
Section 11-11-37 - Acceptance of legislative appropriations--Purposes to which applied. - 11-11-37. Acceptance of legislative appropriations--Purposes to which applied. The authority...
Section 11-11-38 - Annual informational budget required--Inclusion in Governor's budget report. - 11-11-38. Annual informational budget required--Inclusion in Governor's budget report. In...
Section 11-11-39 - Acceptance of grants and contributions--Purposes to which applied. - 11-11-39. Acceptance of grants and contributions--Purposes to which applied. The...
Section 11-11-40 - Residual powers of authority. - 11-11-40. Residual powers of authority. The authority shall have the...
Section 11-11-41 - Power to borrow and issue evidence of indebtedness. - 11-11-41. Power to borrow and issue evidence of indebtedness. The...
Section 11-11-42 - Financing, reserves, and incidental costs included in amounts borrowed. - 11-11-42. Financing, reserves, and incidental costs included in amounts borrowed....
Section 11-11-43 - Issuance of notes and bonds--Purposes for which used. - 11-11-43. Issuance of notes and bonds--Purposes for which used. The...
Section 11-11-45 - Qualified private activity bonds--Maximum aggregate principal amount. - 11-11-45. Qualified private activity bonds--Maximum aggregate principal amount. The authority...
Section 11-11-47 - Authority as state issuing agency and housing credit agency. - 11-11-47. Authority as state issuing agency and housing credit agency....
Section 11-11-48 - Compliance with federal conditions for qualified mortgage bonds. - 11-11-48. Compliance with federal conditions for qualified mortgage bonds. The...
Section 11-11-49 - Public debt not created by authority obligations--Statement on face of obligations. - 11-11-49. Public debt not created by authority obligations--Statement on face...
Section 11-11-50 - Refunding of notes and bonds. - 11-11-50. Refunding of notes and bonds. The authority shall have...
Section 11-11-51 - Consent of other public agencies not required for bonds or notes--Procedural requirements of other laws not applicable. - 11-11-51. Consent of other public agencies not required for bonds...
Section 11-11-52 - Terms of notes and bonds--Maturity--Form of instruments--Interest--Redemption--Sale. - 11-11-52. Terms of notes and bonds--Maturity--Form of instruments--Interest--Redemption--Sale. The notes...
Section 11-11-53 - Notes and bonds as general obligations of authority--Exception. - 11-11-53. Notes and bonds as general obligations of authority--Exception. Except...
Section 11-11-54 - Bond resolution provisions--Contracts with bondholders. - 11-11-54. Bond resolution provisions--Contracts with bondholders. Any resolutions authorizing any...
Section 11-11-65 - Trust indenture to secure bonds--Contents--Expenses of trust indenture--Separate trustee not authorized. - 11-11-65. Trust indenture to secure bonds--Contents--Expenses of trust indenture--Separate trustee...
Section 11-11-66 - Pledge binding when made--Attachment of lien. - 11-11-66. Pledge binding when made--Attachment of lien. Any pledge made...
Section 11-11-67 - Continuing validity of signatures by commissioners or officers. - 11-11-67. Continuing validity of signatures by commissioners or officers. If...
Section 11-11-69 - Purpose of capital reserve fund requirements. - 11-11-69. Purpose of capital reserve fund requirements. To assure the...
Section 11-11-70 - Establishment of capital reserve funds--Moneys paid into funds. - 11-11-70. Establishment of capital reserve funds--Moneys paid into funds. The...
Section 11-11-71 - Amount required in capital reserve fund for each year. - 11-11-71. Amount required in capital reserve fund for each year....
Section 11-11-72 - Valuation of securities held by capital reserve funds. - 11-11-72. Valuation of securities held by capital reserve funds. In...
Section 11-11-73 - Transfer to other funds of capital reserve fund income. - 11-11-73. Transfer to other funds of capital reserve fund income....
Section 11-11-74 - Purposes to which moneys in reserve funds applied--Maintenance of required amount. - 11-11-74. Purposes to which moneys in reserve funds applied--Maintenance of...
Section 11-11-75 - Deposit in reserve fund of bond proceeds necessary to maintain required amount. - 11-11-75. Deposit in reserve fund of bond proceeds necessary to...
Section 11-11-76 - Annual budget estimate for restoration of capital reserve fund--Governor's budget--Deposit of appropriated funds. - 11-11-76. Annual budget estimate for restoration of capital reserve fund--Governor's...
Section 11-11-77 - Other funds created by authority. - 11-11-77. Other funds created by authority. The authority shall create...
Section 11-11-78 - Purchase of authority's own bonds--Cancellation--Resale. - 11-11-78. Purchase of authority's own bonds--Cancellation--Resale. The authority may, subject...
Section 11-11-79 - Price of bonds repurchased for cancellation. - 11-11-79. Price of bonds repurchased for cancellation. The authority, subject...
Section 11-11-80 - Refunding obligations authorized--Application of provisions applicable to original obligations. - 11-11-80. Refunding obligations authorized--Application of provisions applicable to original obligations....
Section 11-11-81 - Sale or exchange of refunding obligations--Investment of proceeds pending redemption of original obligations. - 11-11-81. Sale or exchange of refunding obligations--Investment of proceeds pending...
Section 11-11-82 - Compliance with certain other state laws not required. - 11-11-82. Compliance with certain other state laws not required. The...
Section 11-11-83 - Appointment of trustee by bondholders after authority default. - 11-11-83. Appointment of trustee by bondholders after authority default. If...
Section 11-11-84 - Enforcement of bondholders' rights. - 11-11-84. Enforcement of bondholders' rights. A trustee appointed pursuant to...
Section 11-11-91 - Circuit court jurisdiction of proceedings by trustee. - 11-11-91. Circuit court jurisdiction of proceedings by trustee. The circuit...
Section 11-11-93 - State pledge to bondholders. - 11-11-93. State pledge to bondholders. The state hereby pledges to...
Section 11-11-94 - Commissioners and executive director not personally liable. - 11-11-94. Commissioners and executive director not personally liable. Neither the...
Section 11-11-95 - Negotiability of bonds. - 11-11-95. Negotiability of bonds. Whether or not the bonds are...
Section 11-11-96 - Securities regulation--Bonds treated as securities of state instrumentality. - 11-11-96. Securities regulation--Bonds treated as securities of state instrumentality. For...
Section 11-11-97 - Bonds as legal investments for financial institutions and fiduciaries. - 11-11-97. Bonds as legal investments for financial institutions and fiduciaries....
Section 11-11-97.1 - Authority may contract to manage payment or interest rate risk for bonds. - 11-11-97.1. Authority may contract to manage payment or interest rate...
Section 11-11-98 - Investment of authority funds. - 11-11-98. Investment of authority funds. The authority may, subject to...
Section 11-11-100 - Acquisition and disposition of property. - 11-11-100. Acquisition and disposition of property. The authority may acquire...
Section 11-11-101 - Exemption of authority from taxes, recording fees and transfer taxes. - 11-11-101. Exemption of authority from taxes, recording fees and transfer...
Section 11-11-102 - Contracts--Mortgage loans--Foreclosure. - 11-11-102. Contracts--Mortgage loans--Foreclosure. The authority, to carry out and effectuate...
Section 11-11-114 - Confidentiality of applications and financial information. - 11-11-114. Confidentiality of applications and financial information. All applications for...
Section 11-11-115 - Applications--Signatures and certification required--Perjury. - 11-11-115. Applications--Signatures and certification required--Perjury. Each application submitted to the...
Section 11-11-117 - Construction to be substantially completed, or final insurance or guarantee certificate issued before loan disbursed. - 11-11-117. Construction to be substantially completed, or final insurance or...
Section 11-11-118 - Additional lending powers of authority. - 11-11-118. Additional lending powers of authority. The authority shall have...
Section 11-11-119 - Purchase of mortgages from mortgage lenders. - 11-11-119. Purchase of mortgages from mortgage lenders. The authority may...
Section 11-11-120 - Purchase of securities from mortgage lenders. - 11-11-120. Purchase of securities from mortgage lenders. The authority may,...
Section 11-11-122 - Loans to mortgage lenders for new residential mortgages. - 11-11-122. Loans to mortgage lenders for new residential mortgages. The...
Section 11-11-123 - Requirements for transactions with mortgage lenders. - 11-11-123. Requirements for transactions with mortgage lenders. Terms and conditions...
Section 11-11-124 - Eligibility of obligations purchased from mortgage lenders for purchase or purchase commitment--Criteria. - 11-11-124. Eligibility of obligations purchased from mortgage lenders for purchase...
Section 11-11-134 - Purchase of federally insured housing mortgages. - 11-11-134. Purchase of federally insured housing mortgages. The authority may...
Section 11-11-135 - Sale or transfer of mortgage loan or obligation. - 11-11-135. Sale or transfer of mortgage loan or obligation. The...
Section 11-11-137 - Court actions to enforce loans or protect the public interest--Foreclosure. - 11-11-137. Court actions to enforce loans or protect the public...
Section 11-11-138 - Receiver appointed to safeguard authority's loan. - 11-11-138. Receiver appointed to safeguard authority's loan. In connection with...
Section 11-11-139 - Reorganization of housing sponsor subject to control by authority. - 11-11-139. Reorganization of housing sponsor subject to control by authority....
Section 11-11-140 - Notice to authority before sale of real property on judgment against housing sponsor--Protective steps taken by authority. - 11-11-140. Notice to authority before sale of real property on...
Section 11-11-141 - Promulgation of rules regarding borrowers, admission of occupants, and ancillary commercial facilities. - 11-11-141. Promulgation of rules regarding borrowers, admission of occupants, and...
Section 11-11-144 - Provisions governing loans and other financing to sponsors of multifamily units and day-care facilities. - 11-11-144. Provisions governing loans and other financing to sponsors of...
Section 11-11-148 - Loans restricted to sponsors meeting statutory definition. - 11-11-148. Loans restricted to sponsors meeting statutory definition. No application...
Section 11-11-149 - Amount and amortization period of FHA loans. - 11-11-149. Amount and amortization period of FHA loans. The ratio...
Section 11-11-150 - Amount and amortization of non-FHA loans. - 11-11-150. Amount and amortization of non-FHA loans. In the case...
Section 11-11-151 - Terms and form of loans or other financing--Investment in multifamily residential housing projects and day-care facilities. - 11-11-151. Terms and form of loans or other financing--Investment in...
Section 11-11-152 - Interest rates on which loans made--Additional charges. - 11-11-152. Interest rates on which loans made--Additional charges. The authority...
Section 11-11-155 - Surety bonds and other assurances of payment and performance. - 11-11-155. Surety bonds and other assurances of payment and performance....
Section 11-11-161 - Conditions of mortgage loan or other financing. - 11-11-161. Conditions of mortgage loan or other financing. As a...
Section 11-11-163 - Supervision of multifamily residential housing units and day-care facilities. - 11-11-163. Supervision of multifamily residential housing units and day-care facilities....
Section 11-11-179 - Retirement and redemption of investments in sponsor of multifamily units and day-care facilities. - 11-11-179. Retirement and redemption of investments in sponsor of multifamily...
Section 11-11-180 - General power to make rules and regulations. - 11-11-180. General power to make rules and regulations. The authority...
Section 11-11-181 - Annual report by authority to Governor and Legislature. - 11-11-181. Annual report by authority to Governor and Legislature. The...
Section 11-11-182 - Annual audit of authority. - 11-11-182. Annual audit of authority. Notwithstanding any other provision of...
Section 11-11-183 - Chapter cumulative and supplemental to other laws. - 11-11-183. Chapter cumulative and supplemental to other laws. Neither this...
Section 11-11-184 - Chapter controlling over other laws. - 11-11-184. Chapter controlling over other laws. Insofar as the provisions...
Section 11-11-185 - Citation of chapter. - 11-11-185. Citation of chapter. This chapter may be cited as...