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Section 11-6-1 - Definition of terms. - 11-6-1. Definition of terms. Terms used in this chapter mean:...
Section 11-6-2 - Planning and zoning commission required in municipality--Comprehensive plan to be effected. - 11-6-2. Planning and zoning commission required in municipality--Comprehensive plan to...
Section 11-6-3 - Contract for county planning and zoning services--Fees--Powers of county commission--Designation of planning commission--Contracts for special services. - 11-6-3. Contract for county planning and zoning services--Fees--Powers of county...
Section 11-6-4.1 - Temporary addition to planning commission of resident of affected outside area. - 11-6-4.1. Temporary addition to planning commission of resident of affected...
Section 11-6-7 - Employees appointed by city council--Contracts for special services. - 11-6-7. Employees appointed by city council--Contracts for special services. The...
Section 11-6-8 - Information furnished by public officials--Examinations and surveys--General powers of commission. - 11-6-8. Information furnished by public officials--Examinations and surveys--General powers of...
Section 11-6-9 - Expenditures of planning and zoning commission--Funds, equipment and accommodations. - 11-6-9. Expenditures of planning and zoning commission--Funds, equipment and accommodations....
Section 11-6-10 - Territorial extent of powers granted by chapter--Electrical service areas not affected. - 11-6-10. Territorial extent of powers granted by chapter--Electrical service areas...
Section 11-6-11 - Territorial extent of general zoning powers--Express provision as to extraterritorial operation--Division of overlapping extraterritorial zones. - 11-6-11. Territorial extent of general zoning powers--Express provision as to...
Section 11-6-12 - Zoning regulations in joint jurisdictional areas--Public hearing--Recommendation of each planning commission. - 11-6-12. Zoning regulations in joint jurisdictional areas--Public hearing--Recommendation of each...
Section 11-6-12.1 - Joint meeting to act on recommendations--County concurrence required for municipal extraterritorial powers--Petition for relinquishment of zoning jurisdiction. - 11-6-12.1. Joint meeting to act on recommendations--County concurrence required for...
Section 11-6-13.2 - Referendum applicable--Time of election on referred measures. - 11-6-13.2. Referendum applicable--Time of election on referred measures. The referendum...
Section 11-6-14 - Preparation of comprehensive plan for municipal development--Contents of plan--Changes or additions. - 11-6-14. Preparation of comprehensive plan for municipal development--Contents of plan--Changes...
Section 11-6-15 - Surveys and studies in preparation of comprehensive plan--Purposes of plan. - 11-6-15. Surveys and studies in preparation of comprehensive plan--Purposes of...
Section 11-6-16 - Plan proposed as a whole or in part. - 11-6-16. Plan proposed as a whole or in part. The...
Section 11-6-17 - Public hearing required before recommendation of plan to council--Notice--Submission. - 11-6-17. Public hearing required before recommendation of plan to council--Notice--Submission....
Section 11-6-18 - Vote required for adoption of plan--Notice and hearing--Reference to maps and descriptive matters--Signature of mayor--Ordinance subject to publication and protest provisions. - 11-6-18. Vote required for adoption of plan--Notice and hearing--Reference to...
Section 11-6-18.1 - Filing of action adopting comprehensive plan. - 11-6-18.1. Filing of action adopting comprehensive plan. The action of...
Section 11-6-18.2 - Summary of city council action to be published--Notice of public inspection. - 11-6-18.2. Summary of city council action to be published--Notice of...
Section 11-6-24 - Recommendation and adoption of building and setback regulations--Public hearing and notice required. - 11-6-24. Recommendation and adoption of building and setback regulations--Public hearing...
Section 11-6-25 - Board of adjustment to consider variances in hardship cases--Municipal planning and zoning adjustment provisions apply. - 11-6-25. Board of adjustment to consider variances in hardship cases--Municipal...
Section 11-6-26 - Subdivisions outside municipal corporate limits not approved pursuant to § 11-3-6. - 11-6-26. Subdivisions outside municipal corporate limits not approved pursuant to...
Section 11-6-26.1 - Review and recommendation by county commission when land subject to joint municipal-county jurisdiction--Vote of city council required upon disapproval by county commission--Board may designate county official to make recommendati... - 11-6-26.1. Review and recommendation by county commission when land subject...
Section 11-6-27 - Recommendation and adoption of subdivision regulations--Purposes of regulations--Notice and public hearing required. - 11-6-27. Recommendation and adoption of subdivision regulations--Purposes of regulations--Notice and...
Section 11-6-28 - Streets and utilities covered by subdivision regulations--Provision for tentative approval of plats. - 11-6-28. Streets and utilities covered by subdivision regulations--Provision for tentative...
Section 11-6-29 - Bond for completion of subdivision work--Remedies for enforcement of bond. - 11-6-29. Bond for completion of subdivision work--Remedies for enforcement of...
Section 11-6-30 - Special assessment provisions in lieu of bond for completion of subdivision work. - 11-6-30. Special assessment provisions in lieu of bond for completion...
Section 11-6-31 - Subdivision plats or replats to be submitted to planning commission--Recommendation to council. - 11-6-31. Subdivision plats or replats to be submitted to planning...
Section 11-6-32 - Time allowed for approval or disapproval of plat--Plat deemed approved in absence of action--Ground of disapproval stated. - 11-6-32. Time allowed for approval or disapproval of plat--Plat deemed...
Section 11-6-33 - Dedication not accepted by approval of plat. - 11-6-33. Dedication not accepted by approval of plat. The approval...
Section 11-6-34 - Register of deeds not to record plat unless approved by city council or other designated official. - 11-6-34. Register of deeds not to record plat unless approved...
Section 11-6-35 - Sale, transfer, or negotiation to sell lots before approval and recording of plat as petty offense--Injunction. - 11-6-35. Sale, transfer, or negotiation to sell lots before approval...
Section 11-6-36 - Approved plat required for street or utility work after attachment of platting jurisdiction. - 11-6-36. Approved plat required for street or utility work after...
Section 11-6-37 - Street construction specifically authorized by ordinance--Vote required to overrule planning commission. - 11-6-37. Street construction specifically authorized by ordinance--Vote required to overrule...
Section 11-6-38 - Buildings prohibited on unapproved streets--Injunction action available. - 11-6-38. Buildings prohibited on unapproved streets--Injunction action available. From and...
Section 11-6-39 - Continuation of lawful uses existing when zoning ordinance adopted--If nonconforming use discontinued one year, subsequent use must conform. - 11-6-39. Continuation of lawful uses existing when zoning ordinance adopted--If...
Section 11-6-40 - Platting of certain land required. - 11-6-40. Platting of certain land required. Any municipality with a...
Section 11-6-40.1 - Transfer of ownership plat. - 11-6-40.1. Transfer of ownership plat. Any municipality authorized under §11-6-40...
Section 11-6-41 - Sign to notify public about petition and hearing on zoning change or conditional use permit. - 11-6-41. Sign to notify public about petition and hearing on...