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Section 11-7-1 - Definition of terms. - 11-7-1. Definition of terms. Terms used in this chapter mean:...
Section 11-7-2 - "Slum area" defined. - 11-7-2."Slum area" defined. Unless the context clearly indicates otherwise, for...
Section 11-7-3 - "Blighted area" defined. - 11-7-3."Blighted area" defined. Unless the context clearly indicates otherwise, for...
Section 11-7-4 - "Housing project" defined. - 11-7-4."Housing project" defined. Unless the context clearly indicates otherwise, for...
Section 11-7-5 - "Redevelopment project" defined. - 11-7-5."Redevelopment project" defined. Unless the context clearly indicates otherwise, for...
Section 11-7-6 - "Redevelopment plan" defined--Purposes of plan. - 11-7-6."Redevelopment plan" defined--Purposes of plan. Unless the context clearly indicates...
Section 11-7-7 - Housing and redevelopment commissions created--Findings and declaration of need required before exercise of powers. - 11-7-7. Housing and redevelopment commissions created--Findings and declaration of need...
Section 11-7-7.1 - Joint agreements between municipal and county commissions. - 11-7-7.1. Joint agreements between municipal and county commissions. Housing and...
Section 11-7-7.2 - Dissolution of municipal commission to participate in county commission--Transfer of rights, property, and obligations. - 11-7-7.2. Dissolution of municipal commission to participate in county commission--Transfer...
Section 11-7-8 - Factors considered in determining adequacy of dwelling accommodations. - 11-7-8. Factors considered in determining adequacy of dwelling accommodations. In...
Section 11-7-9 - Publication of notice and hearing on resolution to activate housing and redevelopment commission--Publication as ordinance. - 11-7-9. Publication of notice and hearing on resolution to activate...
Section 11-7-10 - Filing of resolution activating commission--Resolution conclusive as to powers of commission. - 11-7-10. Filing of resolution activating commission--Resolution conclusive as to powers...
Section 11-7-11 - Composition of commission--Certain public officers and employees ineligible. - 11-7-11. Composition of commission--Certain public officers and employees ineligible. A...
Section 11-7-12 - Appointment and terms of commissioners--Vacancies. - 11-7-12. Appointment and terms of commissioners--Vacancies. The commissioners constituting a...
Section 11-7-13 - Tenure of commissioners--Certificate of appointment. - 11-7-13. Tenure of commissioners--Certificate of appointment. Commissioners shall hold office...
Section 11-7-14 - Removal of commissioner from office--Notice and hearing--Suspension pending final action--Record of proceedings. - 11-7-14. Removal of commissioner from office--Notice and hearing--Suspension pending final...
Section 11-7-15 - Quorum of commission--Officers--Rules--Meetings open to public. - 11-7-15. Quorum of commission--Officers--Rules--Meetings open to public. The powers of...
Section 11-7-16 - Expenses of commissioners--Per diem. - 11-7-16. Expenses of commissioners--Per diem. Each commissioner may be reimbursed...
Section 11-7-17 - Commission as body corporate--General powers--Taxing and special assessment power denied. - 11-7-17. Commission as body corporate--General powers--Taxing and special assessment power...
Section 11-7-18 - Commission power to sue and be sued--Seal--Perpetual succession--Rules and regulations. - 11-7-18. Commission power to sue and be sued--Seal--Perpetual succession--Rules and...
Section 11-7-19 - Director, officers, and employees of commission--Legal services--Services of local public bodies. - 11-7-19. Director, officers, and employees of commission--Legal services--Services of local...
Section 11-7-20 - Delegation of powers and duties by commission. - 11-7-20. Delegation of powers and duties by commission. A commission...
Section 11-7-21 - Power to undertake, carry out, operate, construct, and repair projects. - 11-7-21. Power to undertake, carry out, operate, construct, and repair...
Section 11-7-21.1 - Power to manage subsidized housing projects. - 11-7-21.1. Power to manage subsidized housing projects. A commission shall...
Section 11-7-22 - Power to acquire property--Eminent domain power. - 11-7-22. Power to acquire property--Eminent domain power. A commission shall...
Section 11-7-22.1 - Acquisition of private property by eminent domain for certain uses prohibited. - 11-7-22.1. Acquisition of private property by eminent domain for certain...
Section 11-7-22.2 - Certain transfers of property acquired by eminent domain prohibited without prior resale offer to original owner or heirs. - 11-7-22.2. Certain transfers of property acquired by eminent domain prohibited...
Section 11-7-23 - Power to lease or dispose of property--Contracts and instruments. - 11-7-23. Power to lease or dispose of property--Contracts and instruments....
Section 11-7-24 - Acquisition of property devoted to prior public use--Approval by governing body required--Increase in value arising from project not considered in awarding compensation. - 11-7-24. Acquisition of property devoted to prior public use--Approval by...
Section 11-7-25 - Voluntary acquisition of project property by commission member or employee prohibited--Disclosure of interest--Violation as misdemeanor. - 11-7-25. Voluntary acquisition of project property by commission member or...
Section 11-7-26 - Payments in lieu of taxes on property. - 11-7-26. Payments in lieu of taxes on property. A commission...
Section 11-7-27 - Cooperation with federal government or state in carrying out projects. - 11-7-27. Cooperation with federal government or state in carrying out...
Section 11-7-28 - Acceptance of grants and loans--Power to make loans. - 11-7-28. Acceptance of grants and loans--Power to make loans. A...
Section 11-7-29 - Compliance with conditions for federal aid--Conveyance to federal government on default. - 11-7-29. Compliance with conditions for federal aid--Conveyance to federal government...
Section 11-7-30 - Power to issue evidences of indebtedness. - 11-7-30. Power to issue evidences of indebtedness. A commission shall...
Section 11-7-31 - Power to invest reserve and debt service funds. - 11-7-31. Power to invest reserve and debt service funds. A...
Section 11-7-32 - Power to determine slum and blighted areas. - 11-7-32. Power to determine slum and blighted areas. A commission...
Section 11-7-33 - Power to establish income standards for admission to housing projects. - 11-7-33. Power to establish income standards for admission to housing...
Section 11-7-34 - Power to make and disseminate housing and economic studies and analyses. - 11-7-34. Power to make and disseminate housing and economic studies...
Section 11-7-35 - Power to prepare plan for municipal or county development. - 11-7-35. Power to prepare plan for municipal or county development....
Section 11-7-36 - Power to rent accommodations, buildings, and facilities. - 11-7-36. Power to rent accommodations, buildings, and facilities. A commission...
Section 11-7-37 - Power to hold, improve, lease, or dispose of property. - 11-7-37. Power to hold, improve, lease, or dispose of property....
Section 11-7-38 - Power to insure property. - 11-7-38. Power to insure property. A commission shall have further...
Section 11-7-39 - Power to obtain federal or state guaranty of bonds--Premiums. - 11-7-39. Power to obtain federal or state guaranty of bonds--Premiums....
Section 11-7-40 - Power to contract for services and facilities of other agencies--Enforcement of federal labor standard requirements. - 11-7-40. Power to contract for services and facilities of other...
Section 11-7-41 - Power to make expenditures. - 11-7-41. Power to make expenditures. A commission shall have further...
Section 11-7-42 - Exercise of combination of powers. - 11-7-42. Exercise of combination of powers. A commission may exercise...
Section 11-7-43 - Projects subject to zoning, sanitary, and building regulations. - 11-7-43. Projects subject to zoning, sanitary, and building regulations. All...
Section 11-7-44 - Work contracts and purchases to be awarded on competitive bids. - 11-7-44. Work contracts and purchases to be awarded on competitive...
Section 11-7-49 - Approval required for initiation of low-rent housing projects. - 11-7-49. Approval required for initiation of low-rent housing projects. A...
Section 11-7-49.1 - Construction of low-rent housing project by housing and redevelopment commission upon approval. - 11-7-49.1. Construction of low-rent housing project by housing and redevelopment...
Section 11-7-53 - Approval by governing body required for low-rent housing project. - 11-7-53. Approval by governing body required for low-rent housing project....
Section 11-7-53.1 - Housing development project--Necessity--Eminent domain requirements--Sale or lease of interest to private developers--Sale or lease for other purposes--Power of commission. - 11-7-53.1. Housing development project--Necessity--Eminent domain requirements--Sale or lease of interest...
Section 11-7-53.2 - Approval of housing development project plan required before issuance of bonds or obligations. - 11-7-53.2. Approval of housing development project plan required before issuance...
Section 11-7-53.3 - Competitive bidding on construction of housing development project. - 11-7-53.3. Competitive bidding on construction of housing development project. A...
Section 11-7-56 - Purchase or lease of existing buildings in lieu of new construction for housing project. - 11-7-56. Purchase or lease of existing buildings in lieu of...
Section 11-7-57 - Conditions required for purchase or lease of existing buildings for housing project. - 11-7-57. Conditions required for purchase or lease of existing buildings...
Section 11-7-58 - Low-rent policy--Operation of housing projects for profit prohibited--Costs to be covered by rentals. - 11-7-58. Low-rent policy--Operation of housing projects for profit prohibited--Costs to...
Section 11-7-59 - Income and accommodation standards in selection of tenants and rental of housing projects. - 11-7-59. Income and accommodation standards in selection of tenants and...
Section 11-7-60 - Noncitizens not accepted as tenants in housing projects. - 11-7-60. Noncitizens not accepted as tenants in housing projects. A...
Section 11-7-61 - Religious and political discrimination prohibited in selection of tenants. - 11-7-61. Religious and political discrimination prohibited in selection of tenants....
Section 11-7-62 - Preference in rental to persons displaced by commission operations. - 11-7-62. Preference in rental to persons displaced by commission operations....
Section 11-7-63 - Preference in rentals to servicemembers and veterans. - 11-7-63. Preference in rentals to servicemembers and veterans. As between...
Section 11-7-64 - Welfare recipients considered for admission to housing projects. - 11-7-64. Welfare recipients considered for admission to housing projects. In...
Section 11-7-65 - Periodic investigation of circumstances of tenants in housing projects. - 11-7-65. Periodic investigation of circumstances of tenants in housing projects....
Section 11-7-66 - Conditions waived in admitting servicemembers and veterans to housing projects. - 11-7-66. Conditions waived in admitting servicemembers and veterans to housing...
Section 11-7-67 - Families with increased income required to move from project. - 11-7-67. Families with increased income required to move from project....
Section 11-7-68 - Rules and regulations for occupancy of housing projects. - 11-7-68. Rules and regulations for occupancy of housing projects. The...
Section 11-7-69 - Commission liable in contract or tort--Personal liability of commission members. - 11-7-69. Commission liable in contract or tort--Personal liability of commission...
Section 11-7-72 - Commission property exempt from taxes and special assessments--Exemption terminated on transfer to private ownership--Utility and service charges payable. - 11-7-72. Commission property exempt from taxes and special assessments--Exemption terminated...
Section 11-7-73 - Annual statement to director of equalization of shelter rentals on housing project--Percentage of rentals paid in lieu of taxes--Distribution of payments to governmental units. - 11-7-73. Exempt housing project to make payments in lieu of...
Section 11-7-74 - General development plan required before recommendation of redevelopment plan. - 11-7-74. General development plan required before recommendation of redevelopment plan....
Section 11-7-75 - Initiation of redevelopment plans--Submission to and recommendations by planning agency. - 11-7-75. Initiation of redevelopment plans--Submission to and recommendations by planning...
Section 11-7-76 - Recommendation of redevelopment plan to governing body--Statements to accompany redevelopment plan. - 11-7-76. Recommendation of redevelopment plan to governing body--Statements to accompany...
Section 11-7-77 - Notice and hearing by governing body on redevelopment plan--Decision by governing body. - 11-7-77. Notice and hearing by governing body on redevelopment plan--Decision...
Section 11-7-78 - Findings of governing body required for approval of redevelopment plan. - 11-7-78. Findings of governing body required for approval of redevelopment...
Section 11-7-79 - Resubmission to governing body of modified redevelopment plan--Recommendation and approval conclusive of public need. - 11-7-79. Resubmission to governing body of modified redevelopment plan--Recommendation and...
Section 11-7-80 - Lease or transfer of real property in redevelopment project--Price of lease or sale--Appraisal. - 11-7-80. Lease or transfer of real property in redevelopment project--Price...
Section 11-7-82 - Terms of lease or sale of redevelopment property--Development to be carried out by lessee or purchaser--Security provisions--Rental charges to tenants. - 11-7-82. Terms of lease or sale of redevelopment property--Development to...
Section 11-7-83 - Commission consent required for grant or assignment of lessee's or purchaser's interest in redevelopment property--Agreements required of grantee or assignee. - 11-7-83. Commission consent required for grant or assignment of lessee's...
Section 11-7-84 - Modification of redevelopment plans--Consent of lessee or purchaser required. - 11-7-84. Modification of redevelopment plans--Consent of lessee or purchaser required....
Section 11-7-85 - Performance bond required of purchaser or lessee of redevelopment property. - 11-7-85. Performance bond required of purchaser or lessee of redevelopment...
Section 11-7-86 - Notice and forfeiture on failure of purchaser or lessee to carry out required development--Repossession and completion of work by commission. - 11-7-86. Notice and forfeiture on failure of purchaser or lessee...
Section 11-7-87 - Estimate of costs and proceeds of redevelopment projects--Sufficiency of proceeds and public grants required--Capitalization of estimated revenues. - 11-7-87. Estimate of costs and proceeds of redevelopment projects--Sufficiency of...
Section 11-7-88 - Sale or lease for variety of uses as purpose of redevelopment. - 11-7-88. Sale or lease for variety of uses as purpose...
Section 11-7-89 - Local public funds used for redevelopment only to extent not available from other sources. - 11-7-89. Local public funds used for redevelopment only to extent...
Section 11-7-90 - Commission power to issue bonds and obligations--Housing projects and redevelopment projects kept separate. - 11-7-90. Commission power to issue bonds and obligations--Housing projects and...
Section 11-7-91 - Provision for project revenues to be placed in debt service funds. - 11-7-91. Provision for project revenues to be placed in debt...
Section 11-7-92 - Commission power to issue bonds--Refunding bonds. - 11-7-92. Commission power to issue bonds--Refunding bonds. A commission shall...
Section 11-7-93 - Income and revenues from which bonds payable--Additional pledge of other funds or assets. - 11-7-93. Income and revenues from which bonds payable--Additional pledge of...
Section 11-7-94 - Conditions and covenants of bonds. - 11-7-94. Conditions and covenants of bonds. In connection with the...
Section 11-7-95 - Submission of bonds for examination by attorney general--Certification of validity. - 11-7-95. Submission of bonds for examination by attorney general--Certification of...
Section 11-7-96 - Issuance of bonds--Maturity dates--Interest rate--Denominations--Registration--Redemption provisions--Signatures. - 11-7-96. Issuance of bonds--Maturity dates--Interest rate--Denominations--Registration--Redemption provisions--Signatures. Bonds of a...
Section 11-7-97 - Private or public sale of bonds--Notice of sale. - 11-7-97. Private or public sale of bonds--Notice of sale. The...
Section 11-7-98 - Validity of signatures on bonds--Negotiable investment securities. - 11-7-98. Validity of signatures on bonds--Negotiable investment securities. If any...
Section 11-7-99 - Tax exemption of bonds. - 11-7-99. Tax exemption of bonds. Bonds of a commission are...
Section 11-7-100 - Recital in bond conclusive as to purpose. - 11-7-100. Recital in bond conclusive as to purpose. In any...
Section 11-7-101 - Remedies conferred on bondholders by terms of bond. - 11-7-101. Remedies conferred on bondholders by terms of bond. A...
Section 11-7-102 - Investment in bonds authorized for public funds, financial institutions, trusts, and fiduciaries. - 11-7-102. Investment in bonds authorized for public funds, financial institutions,...
Section 11-7-103 - Acceptance of federal loans and grants authorized--Compliance with conditions. - 11-7-103. Acceptance of federal loans and grants authorized--Compliance with conditions....
Section 11-7-104 - Mandamus available to obligee of commission--Injunction. - 11-7-104. Mandamus available to obligee of commission--Injunction. An obligee of...
Section 11-7-105 - Commissioners not personally liable on bonds--Public debt not created--Debt limitations not applicable. - 11-7-105. Commissioners not personally liable on bonds--Public debt not created--Debt...
Section 11-7-106 - Commission accounts and annual report to auditor-general and governing body. - 11-7-106. Commission accounts and annual report to auditor-general and governing...
Section 11-7-107 - Investigations and examinations by auditor-general. - 11-7-107. Investigations and examinations by auditor-general. The auditor-general may investigate...
Section 11-7-108 - Enforcement of compliance with chapter and rules and regulations. - 11-7-108. Enforcement of compliance with chapter and rules and regulations....
Section 11-7-109 - Citation of chapter. - 11-7-109. Citation of chapter. This chapter may be cited as...