South Dakota Codified Laws
Chapter 06 - Comprehensive City Planning
Section 11-6-1 - Definition of terms.

11-6-1. Definition of terms.
Terms used in this chapter mean:
(1)"Commission," "planning and zoning commission," or "planning commission," any city planning and zoning commission created under the terms of this chapter;
(2)"Comprehensive plan," any document which describes in words, and may illustrate by maps, plats, charts, and other descriptive matter, the goals, policies, and objectives of the municipality to interrelate all functional and natural systems and activities relating to the development of the territory under its jurisdiction;
(3)"Council," the chief legislative body or governing body of the municipality;
(4)"Mayor," the chief executive of the municipality, whether the official designation of such official be mayor, city manager, or otherwise;
(5)"Municipality" or "city," any incorporated city or town;
(6)Deleted by SL 2000, ch 69, §63;
(7)"Street," any street, avenue, boulevard, road, lane, alley, or other roadway;
(8)"Subdivision," the division of any tract or parcel of land into two or more lots, sites, or other division for the purpose, whether immediate or future, of sale or building development and includes resubdivision. This definition does not apply to the conveyance of a portion of any previously platted tract, parcel, lot, or site if the conveyance does not cause the tract, parcel, lot, or site from which the portion is severed to be in violation of any existing zoning ordinance or subdivision regulation applying to such tract, parcel, lot, or site;
(9)"Subdivision ordinance," any ordinance adopted by the municipality to regulate the subdivision of land so as to provide coordination of streets with other subdivisions and the major street plan, adequate areas set aside for public uses, water and sanitation facilities, drainage and flood control, and conformity with the comprehensive plan;
(9A)"Temporary zoning or subdivision ordinance," an ordinance adopted as an emergency measure for a limited duration;
(10)"Zoning map," any map adopted as an ordinance by the municipality that delineates the extent of each district or zone established in the zoning ordinance;
(11)"Zoning ordinance," any ordinance adopted by the municipality to implement the comprehensive plan by regulating the location and use of buildings and uses of land.

Source: SL 1949, ch 198, §1; SDC Supp 1960, §45.3301; SL 1966, ch 145; SL 1975, ch 116, §1; SL 1975, ch 117; SL 2000, ch 69, §63.

Structure South Dakota Codified Laws

South Dakota Codified Laws

Title 11 - Planning, Zoning and Housing Programs

Chapter 06 - Comprehensive City Planning

Section 11-6-1 - Definition of terms.

Section 11-6-2 - Planning and zoning commission required in municipality--Comprehensive plan to be effected.

Section 11-6-3 - Contract for county planning and zoning services--Fees--Powers of county commission--Designation of planning commission--Contracts for special services.

Section 11-6-4.1 - Temporary addition to planning commission of resident of affected outside area.

Section 11-6-7 - Employees appointed by city council--Contracts for special services.

Section 11-6-8 - Information furnished by public officials--Examinations and surveys--General powers of commission.

Section 11-6-9 - Expenditures of planning and zoning commission--Funds, equipment and accommodations.

Section 11-6-10 - Territorial extent of powers granted by chapter--Electrical service areas not affected.

Section 11-6-11 - Territorial extent of general zoning powers--Express provision as to extraterritorial operation--Division of overlapping extraterritorial zones.

Section 11-6-12 - Zoning regulations in joint jurisdictional areas--Public hearing--Recommendation of each planning commission.

Section 11-6-12.1 - Joint meeting to act on recommendations--County concurrence required for municipal extraterritorial powers--Petition for relinquishment of zoning jurisdiction.

Section 11-6-13.2 - Referendum applicable--Time of election on referred measures.

Section 11-6-14 - Preparation of comprehensive plan for municipal development--Contents of plan--Changes or additions.

Section 11-6-15 - Surveys and studies in preparation of comprehensive plan--Purposes of plan.

Section 11-6-16 - Plan proposed as a whole or in part.

Section 11-6-17 - Public hearing required before recommendation of plan to council--Notice--Submission.

Section 11-6-18 - Vote required for adoption of plan--Notice and hearing--Reference to maps and descriptive matters--Signature of mayor--Ordinance subject to publication and protest provisions.

Section 11-6-18.1 - Filing of action adopting comprehensive plan.

Section 11-6-18.2 - Summary of city council action to be published--Notice of public inspection.

Section 11-6-24 - Recommendation and adoption of building and setback regulations--Public hearing and notice required.

Section 11-6-25 - Board of adjustment to consider variances in hardship cases--Municipal planning and zoning adjustment provisions apply.

Section 11-6-26 - Subdivisions outside municipal corporate limits not approved pursuant to § 11-3-6.

Section 11-6-26.1 - Review and recommendation by county commission when land subject to joint municipal-county jurisdiction--Vote of city council required upon disapproval by county commission--Board may designate county official to make recommendati...

Section 11-6-27 - Recommendation and adoption of subdivision regulations--Purposes of regulations--Notice and public hearing required.

Section 11-6-28 - Streets and utilities covered by subdivision regulations--Provision for tentative approval of plats.

Section 11-6-29 - Bond for completion of subdivision work--Remedies for enforcement of bond.

Section 11-6-30 - Special assessment provisions in lieu of bond for completion of subdivision work.

Section 11-6-31 - Subdivision plats or replats to be submitted to planning commission--Recommendation to council.

Section 11-6-32 - Time allowed for approval or disapproval of plat--Plat deemed approved in absence of action--Ground of disapproval stated.

Section 11-6-33 - Dedication not accepted by approval of plat.

Section 11-6-34 - Register of deeds not to record plat unless approved by city council or other designated official.

Section 11-6-35 - Sale, transfer, or negotiation to sell lots before approval and recording of plat as petty offense--Injunction.

Section 11-6-36 - Approved plat required for street or utility work after attachment of platting jurisdiction.

Section 11-6-37 - Street construction specifically authorized by ordinance--Vote required to overrule planning commission.

Section 11-6-38 - Buildings prohibited on unapproved streets--Injunction action available.

Section 11-6-39 - Continuation of lawful uses existing when zoning ordinance adopted--If nonconforming use discontinued one year, subsequent use must conform.

Section 11-6-40 - Platting of certain land required.

Section 11-6-40.1 - Transfer of ownership plat.

Section 11-6-41 - Sign to notify public about petition and hearing on zoning change or conditional use permit.