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Section 11-3-1 - Townsite or subdivision survey and plat required--Contents. - 11-3-1. Townsite or subdivision survey and plat required--Contents. When any...
Section 11-3-1.1 - Definition of terms. - 11-3-1.1. Definition of terms. Terms used in this chapter mean:...
Section 11-3-2 - Corner markers to be planted--Marking on plat. - 11-3-2. Corner markers to be planted--Marking on plat. A registered...
Section 11-3-3 - Numbering of lots--Length and angle of lines to be shown on plat--Curves. - 11-3-3. Numbering of lots--Length and angle of lines to be...
Section 11-3-4 - Certification, acknowledgment and recording of plats. - 11-3-4. Certification, acknowledgment and recording of plats. Every plat provided...
Section 11-3-6 - Municipal approval for adjoining addition or subdivision--Conformity to existing plats and regulations--Taxes and special assessments--Certification--Appeal of denial. - 11-3-6. Municipal approval for adjoining addition or subdivision--Conformity to existing...
Section 11-3-7 - Naming of additions and subdivisions. - 11-3-7.Naming of additions and subdivisions. Every addition or subdivision within...
Section 11-3-8 - County commissioners' approval required for plats outside municipalities--Resolution and auditor's certificate--Appeal of denial. - 11-3-8. County commissioners' approval required for plats outside municipalities--Resolution and...
Section 11-3-8.1 - Protection of water from subdivision sewage. - 11-3-8.1. Protection of water from subdivision sewage. No board of...
Section 11-3-8.2 - Liability of developer for sewage pollution. - 11-3-8.2. Liability of developer for sewage pollution. The developer of...
Section 11-3-9 - Director of equalization to receive copy of plat--Treasurer's certificate of tax payment to be attached. - 11-3-9. Director of equalization to receive copy of plat--Treasurer's certificate...
Section 11-3-10 - Sizes of plats filed with register--Materials used. - 11-3-10. Sizes of plats filed with register--Materials used. Each plat...
Section 11-3-11 - Register's recording fee--Acceptance by governing body required. - 11-3-11. Register's recording fee--Acceptance by governing body required. The register...
Section 11-3-12 - Recorded plat as conveyance of dedications and grants marked on plat--General warranty--Use of land intended for streets and other public uses--Opening, improvement or maintenance not required. - 11-3-12. Recorded plat as conveyance of dedications and grants marked...
Section 11-3-12.1 - Approval of access to street or highway prerequisite to filing plat. - 11-3-12.1. Approval of access to street or highway prerequisite to...
Section 11-3-12.2 - Promulgation of rules for approval of access to state highways. - 11-3-12.2. Promulgation of rules for approval of access to state...
Section 11-3-16 - Vacation of plat before sale of lots--Recording of instrument--Vacation by joinder of owners of lots sold. - 11-3-16. Vacation of plat before sale of lots--Recording of instrument--Vacation...
Section 11-3-17 - Vacation of part of plat--Closing of public highways not authorized--Inclosure of public grounds adjoining lots. - 11-3-17. Vacation of part of plat--Closing of public highways not...
Section 11-3-18 - Register of deeds to mark vacated plat--Reference to instrument of vacation. - 11-3-18. Register of deeds to mark vacated plat--Reference to instrument...
Section 11-3-19 - Validation of prior vacations by instrument--Deadline for enforcing rights--Notice of pendency. - 11-3-19. Validation of prior vacations by instrument--Deadline for enforcing rights--Notice...
Section 11-3-20 - General procedure for vacation of plats--Supplemental to vacation by instrument. - 11-3-20. General procedure for vacation of plats--Supplemental to vacation by...
Section 11-3-20.1 - Vacation procedure within planning commission jurisdiction. - 11-3-20.1. Vacation procedure within planning commission jurisdiction. If a plat...
Section 11-3-20.2 - New plat vacating prior plats--References to prior plats. - 11-3-20.2. New plat vacating prior plats--References to prior plats. The...
Section 11-3-20.3 - Information required for vacation and replatting. - 11-3-20.3. Information required for vacation and replatting. Upon receipt of...
Section 11-3-20.4 - Recording of new plat on approval--Vacation of prior plats. - 11-3-20.4. Recording of new plat on approval--Vacation of prior plats....
Section 11-3-21.1 - Filing of petition for vacation of plat--Contents. - 11-3-21.1. Filing of petition for vacation of plat--Contents. Any person...
Section 11-3-22.1 - Setting of time and place for hearing on petition--Notice by publication. - 11-3-22.1. Setting of time and place for hearing on petition--Notice...
Section 11-3-23.1 - Grant of petition by board of county commissioners--Payment of property taxes. - 11-3-23.1. Grant of petition by board of county commissioners--Payment of...
Section 11-3-24.1 - Filing and recording of decision. - 11-3-24.1. Filing and recording of decision. The board of county...
Section 11-3-26 - Replatting after vacation of plat. - 11-3-26. Replatting after vacation of plat. The owner of any...