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Section 11-2-1 - Definition of terms. - 11-2-1. Definition of terms. Terms used in this chapter mean:...
Section 11-2-1.1 - Aggrieved persons--Requirements. - 11-2-1.1 . Aggrieved persons--Requirements. For the purposes of this chapter,...
Section 11-2-2 - Appointment of county planning commission--Number of members--Acting as zoning commission. - 11-2-2. Appointment of county planning commission--Number of members--Acting as zoning...
Section 11-2-3 - Term of office of appointed commission members--Removal for cause--Ex officio members. - 11-2-3. Term of office of appointed commission members--Removal for cause--Ex...
Section 11-2-3.1 - Meetings of planning commission. - 11-2-3.1. Meetings of planning commission. The planning commission shall meet...
Section 11-2-3.2 - Per diem and expenses of commission. - 11-2-3.2. Per diem and expenses of commission. Per diem and...
Section 11-2-3.3 - Information furnished by public officials--Examinations and surveys--General powers of commission. - 11-2-3.3. Information furnished by public officials--Examinations and surveys--General powers of...
Section 11-2-4 - Employment of planning staff--Contracts for planning services. - 11-2-4. Employment of planning staff--Contracts for planning services. To carry...
Section 11-2-5 - Joint planning by counties--Sharing of expenses--Objectives of joint planning. - 11-2-5. Joint planning by counties--Sharing of expenses--Objectives of joint planning....
Section 11-2-6 - Grants from and agreements with federal and state agencies. - 11-2-6. Grants from and agreements with federal and state agencies....
Section 11-2-7 - Contracts to provide planning and zoning services to municipalities--Municipal powers exercised by county board. - 11-2-7. Contracts to provide planning and zoning services to municipalities--Municipal...
Section 11-2-8 - Joint county-municipal planning activities--County planning commission as municipal planning commission. - 11-2-8. Joint county-municipal planning activities--County planning commission as municipal planning...
Section 11-2-9 - Funds, equipment, and accommodations provided by county--Expenses of planning commission members. - 11-2-9. Funds, equipment, and accommodations provided by county--Expenses of planning...
Section 11-2-10 - Temporary zoning controls--Purpose--Notice and public hearing required--Duration of controls--Renewal. - 11-2-10. Temporary zoning controls--Purpose--Notice and public hearing required--Duration of controls--Renewal....
Section 11-2-10.1 - Injunction available against temporary zoning control--Grounds for injunction. - 11-2-10.1. Injunction available against temporary zoning control--Grounds for injunction. Any...
Section 11-2-11 - Preparation of comprehensive county plan and official controls--Municipalities included. - 11-2-11. Preparation of comprehensive county plan and official controls--Municipalities included....
Section 11-2-12 - Purposes of comprehensive county plan. - 11-2-12. Purposes of comprehensive county plan. The comprehensive plan shall...
Section 11-2-13 - Adoption of zoning ordinance. - 11-2-13. Adoption of zoning ordinance. For the purpose of promoting...
Section 11-2-14 - Division of county into zoning districts--Matters regulated--Special considerations. - 11-2-14. Division of county into zoning districts--Matters regulated--Special considerations. For...
Section 11-2-15 - Highway, road and street maps--Features included--Setbacks. - 11-2-15. Highway, road and street maps--Features included--Setbacks. The regulations may...
Section 11-2-16 - Maps for public buildings and facilities--Protection of future sites. - 11-2-16. Maps for public buildings and facilities--Protection of future sites....
Section 11-2-17 - Land development and subdivision regulations--Dedications for public purposes. - 11-2-17. Land development and subdivision regulations--Dedications for public purposes. The...
Section 11-2-17.1 - Permanent subdivision ordinances enacted by county commissioners--Counties with comprehensive plans exempted--Notice and hearing requirements. - 11-2-17.1. Permanent subdivision ordinances enacted by county commissioners--Counties with comprehensive...
Section 11-2-17.3 - Conditional use of real property--Ordinance--Content--Approval or disapproval. - 11-2-17.3. Conditional use of real property--Ordinance--Content--Approval or disapproval. A county...
Section 11-2-17.4 - Conditional use defined. - 11-2-17.4. Conditional use defined. A conditional use is any use...
Section 11-2-17.5 - Special permitted uses. - 11-2-17.5. Special permitted uses. A zoning ordinance adopted under this...
Section 11-2-17.6 - Special permitted uses--Exceptions. - 11-2-17.6 . Special permitted uses--Exceptions. Any land use that meets...
Section 11-2-17.7 - Conditional use application--Impact on neighboring land. - 11-2-17.7 . Conditional use application--Impact on neighboring land. Any alteration,...
Section 11-2-18 - Planning commission hearings--Notice--Recommendations. - 11-2-18. Planning commission hearings--Notice--Recommendations. The planning commission shall hold at...
Section 11-2-19 - Publication of notice of hearing. - 11-2-19. Publication of notice of hearing. After receiving the recommendation...
Section 11-2-20 - Action upon comprehensive plan by resolution or ordinance--Majority vote of board required. - 11-2-20. Action upon comprehensive plan by resolution or ordinance--Majority vote...
Section 11-2-20.1 - Coordinating comprehensive plan with federal resource management plans. - 11-2-20.1. Coordinating comprehensive plan with federal resource management plans. The...
Section 11-2-21 - Filing of board action adopting comprehensive plan--Publication of notice of fact of adoption--Public inspection. - 11-2-21. Filing of board action adopting comprehensive plan--Publication of notice...
Section 11-2-22 - Referendum on comprehensive plan, zoning ordinance, or subdivision ordinance--Land uses suspended until referendum completed. - 11-2-22. Referendum on comprehensive plan, zoning ordinance, or subdivision ordinance--Land...
Section 11-2-22.1 - Revision of plan, zoning ordinance, or subdivision ordinance after rejection by voters. - 11-2-22.1. Revision of plan, zoning ordinance, or subdivision ordinance after...
Section 11-2-24 - Construction to be approved by planning commission when covered by comprehensive plan--County commissioners overruling commission's disapproval. - 11-2-24. Construction to be approved by planning commission when covered...
Section 11-2-24.1 - Approval by failure of planning commission to act in time--Exception if longer period granted. - 11-2-24.1. Approval by failure of planning commission to act in...
Section 11-2-25 - Enforcement provided by county commissioners. - 11-2-25. Enforcement provided by county commissioners. The board shall provide...
Section 11-2-26 - Continuance of nonconforming uses permitted--Discontinuance. - 11-2-26. Continuance of nonconforming uses permitted--Discontinuance. Any lawful use, lot,...
Section 11-2-27 - Regulations for control and elimination of nonconforming uses--Continuation of existing uses--Gradual elimination of discontinued nonconforming uses. - 11-2-27. Regulations for control and elimination of nonconforming uses--Continuation of...
Section 11-2-28 - Changes in comprehensive county plan--Initiation by board or petition of landowners. - 11-2-28. Changes in comprehensive county plan--Initiation by board or petition...
Section 11-2-28.1 - Petition by individual landowner for change in zoning--Notice to abutting and adjoining landowners--Notice to county auditor of adjacent county. - 11-2-28.1. Petition by individual landowner for change in zoning--Notice to...
Section 11-2-28.2 - Public hearing on petition by landowners--Consideration and recommendation by county planning commission. - 11-2-28.2. Public hearing on petition by landowners--Consideration and recommendation by...
Section 11-2-28.3 - Sign to notify public about petition and hearing on zoning change or conditional use permit. - 11-2-28.3. Sign to notify public about petition and hearing on...
Section 11-2-29 - Hearing on proposed change--Notice. - 11-2-29. Hearing on proposed change--Notice. The planning commission shall hold...
Section 11-2-30 - Adoption or rejection by board--Publication--Referendum provisions applicable. - 11-2-30. Adoption or rejection by board--Publication--Referendum provisions applicable. After the...
Section 11-2-31 - Preparation by county commission of municipal plans and ordinances--Adoption by municipality. - 11-2-31. Preparation by county commission of municipal plans and ordinances--Adoption...
Section 11-2-32 - Municipal planning and zoning powers unimpaired--Area of joint zoning authority. - 11-2-32. Municipal planning and zoning powers unimpaired--Area of joint zoning...
Section 11-2-34 - Injunction proceedings to prevent or abate violations. - 11-2-34. Injunction proceedings to prevent or abate violations. In the...
Section 11-2-35 - Mandamus proceedings instituted by taxpayer. - 11-2-35. Mandamus proceedings instituted by taxpayer. Any taxpayer of the...
Section 11-2-37 - Special zoning area--Establishment or enlargement--Prohibition where comprehensive plans or zoning ordinances adopted. - 11-2-37. Special zoning area--Establishment or enlargement--Prohibition where comprehensive plans or...
Section 11-2-37.1 - Proposed special zoning area defined. - 11-2-37.1. Proposed special zoning area defined. For the purposes of...
Section 11-2-38 - Survey and map of territory to be zoned--Affidavit. - 11-2-38. Survey and map of territory to be zoned--Affidavit. Persons...
Section 11-2-40 - Public examination of survey and map. - 11-2-40. Public examination of survey and map. The survey and...
Section 11-2-41 - Verified petition--Signatures required--Filing--Proposal by board resolution--Notice--Hearing. - 11-2-41. Verified petition--Signatures required--Filing--Proposal by board resolution--Notice--Hearing. The application for...
Section 11-2-42 - Order declaring territory a special zoning area with voters' assent--Notice of election. - 11-2-42. Order declaring territory a special zoning area with voters'...
Section 11-2-43 - Notice by publication and by posting. - 11-2-43. Notice by publication and by posting. The board shall...
Section 11-2-44 - Voting hours. - 11-2-44.Voting hours. At all elections held under this chapter, the...
Section 11-2-45 - Judges of election appointed--Election costs and supplies. - 11-2-45. Judges of election appointed--Election costs and supplies. The board...
Section 11-2-46 - Form of ballot--Majority vote required. - 11-2-46. Form of ballot--Majority vote required. The vote upon the...
Section 11-2-47 - Verified statement of number of ballots and votes--Hearing on board proposal--Order incorporating special zoning area. - 11-2-47. Verified statement of number of ballots and votes--Hearing on...
Section 11-2-47.1 - Referendum on incorporation of special zoning area. - 11-2-47.1. Referendum on incorporation of special zoning area. The board's...
Section 11-2-47.2 - Special zoning area commission or planning and zoning commission to have jurisdiction. - 11-2-47.2. Special zoning area commission or planning and zoning commission...
Section 11-2-47.3 - Special zoning area commission member appointment--Terms--Removal. - 11-2-47.3. Special zoning area commission member appointment--Terms--Removal. The term of...
Section 11-2-48 - County funds authorized for payment of costs. - 11-2-48. County funds authorized for payment of costs. The board...
Section 11-2-49 - Appointment of board of adjustment or commission as board of adjustment--Rules--Variances to terms of ordinance. - 11-2-49. Appointment of board of adjustment or commission as board...
Section 11-2-50 - Board of adjustment--Composition--Vacancies--Alternates. - 11-2-50. Board of adjustment--Composition--Vacancies--Alternates. A board of adjustment, other than...
Section 11-2-51 - Meetings of board of adjustment--Powers of chair--Meetings public. - 11-2-51. Meetings of board of adjustment--Powers of chair--Meetings public. Meetings...
Section 11-2-52 - Minutes of board meetings--Filing--Destruction of records. - 11-2-52. Minutes of board meetings--Filing--Destruction of records. The board of...
Section 11-2-53 - Board of adjustment--Powers. - 11-2-53. Board of adjustment--Powers. The board of adjustment may: (1)Hear...
Section 11-2-54 - Board of adjustment--Rules. - 11-2-54. Board of adjustment--Rules. The board of adjustment shall adopt...
Section 11-2-55 - Appeals--Notice--Records transmitted--Expedited process. - 11-2-55. Appeals--Notice--Records transmitted--Expedited process. An appeal to the board of...
Section 11-2-56 - Stay of proceedings pending appeal--Exceptions. - 11-2-56. Stay of proceedings pending appeal--Exceptions. An appeal to the...
Section 11-2-57 - Public hearing of appeal--Notice. - 11-2-57. Public hearing of appeal--Notice. The board of adjustment shall...
Section 11-2-58 - Decisions of board. - 11-2-58. Decisions of board. In exercising the powers mentioned in...
Section 11-2-59 - Reversal--Two-thirds majority vote. - 11-2-59. Reversal--Two-thirds majority vote. The concurring vote of two-thirds of...
Section 11-2-60 - County commissioners as board of adjustment--Powers--Chair--Two-thirds majority vote. - 11-2-60. County commissioners as board of adjustment--Powers--Chair--Two-thirds majority vote. In...
Section 11-2-61 - Petition to court contesting decision of board--Requirements. - 11-2-61. Petition to court contesting decision of board--Requirements. Any person...
Section 11-2-61.1 - Appeal of grant or denial of conditional use permit. - 11-2-61.1. Appeal of grant or denial of conditional use permit....
Section 11-2-62 - Writ of certiorari to board to review decision--Time limit--Writ not stay of proceedings--Restraining order. - 11-2-62. Writ of certiorari to board to review decision--Time limit--Writ...
Section 11-2-62.1 - Expedited determinations. - 11-2-62.1 . Expedited determinations. Upon filing of a petition for...
Section 11-2-63 - Board may return certified copies of papers--Grounds of decision set forth. - 11-2-63. Board may return certified copies of papers--Grounds of decision...
Section 11-2-64 - Court may take evidence. - 11-2-64. Court may take evidence. If upon the hearing it...
Section 11-2-65 - Court may reverse or affirm decision of board--Costs. - 11-2-65. Court may reverse or affirm decision of board--Costs. The...
Section 11-2-65.1 - Special permitted use, conditional use, variance--Expiration. - 11-2-65.1 . Special permitted use, conditional use, variance--Expiration. Any special...
Section 11-2-66 - Cement Plant Commission property zoned as private business. - 11-2-66. Cement Plant Commission property zoned as private business. All...