11-3-8.2. Liability of developer for sewage pollution.
The developer of any plat approved pursuant to §11-3-8.1 shall be liable for the execution of the provisions required by §11-3-8.1 to protect such water from pollution and shall be liable for any pollution that occurs for failure to execute such provisions.
Source: SL 1992, ch 106, §2A.
Structure South Dakota Codified Laws
Title 11 - Planning, Zoning and Housing Programs
Chapter 03 - Platting Of Townsites, Additions And Subdivisions
Section 11-3-1 - Townsite or subdivision survey and plat required--Contents.
Section 11-3-1.1 - Definition of terms.
Section 11-3-2 - Corner markers to be planted--Marking on plat.
Section 11-3-3 - Numbering of lots--Length and angle of lines to be shown on plat--Curves.
Section 11-3-4 - Certification, acknowledgment and recording of plats.
Section 11-3-7 - Naming of additions and subdivisions.
Section 11-3-8.1 - Protection of water from subdivision sewage.
Section 11-3-8.2 - Liability of developer for sewage pollution.
Section 11-3-10 - Sizes of plats filed with register--Materials used.
Section 11-3-11 - Register's recording fee--Acceptance by governing body required.
Section 11-3-12.1 - Approval of access to street or highway prerequisite to filing plat.
Section 11-3-12.2 - Promulgation of rules for approval of access to state highways.
Section 11-3-18 - Register of deeds to mark vacated plat--Reference to instrument of vacation.
Section 11-3-20 - General procedure for vacation of plats--Supplemental to vacation by instrument.
Section 11-3-20.1 - Vacation procedure within planning commission jurisdiction.
Section 11-3-20.2 - New plat vacating prior plats--References to prior plats.
Section 11-3-20.3 - Information required for vacation and replatting.
Section 11-3-20.4 - Recording of new plat on approval--Vacation of prior plats.
Section 11-3-21.1 - Filing of petition for vacation of plat--Contents.
Section 11-3-22.1 - Setting of time and place for hearing on petition--Notice by publication.
Section 11-3-23.1 - Grant of petition by board of county commissioners--Payment of property taxes.