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Section 1-16B-1 - Definitions. - 1-16B-1. Definitions. Terms used in this chapter mean: (1)"Agricultural enterprise,"...
Section 1-16B-7 - Finance authority created. - 1-16B-7. Finance authority created. There is hereby created a body...
Section 1-16B-8 - Board of directors--Appointment of members. - 1-16B-8. Board of directors--Appointment of members. The board of directors...
Section 1-16B-9 - Quorum of board--Action by majority present. - 1-16B-9. Quorum of board--Action by majority present. A majority of...
Section 1-16B-10 - Commissioner as chief administrative officer. - 1-16B-10. Commissioner as chief administrative officer. The commissioner of the...
Section 1-16B-11 - Staff services to authority--Funds from which expenses paid. - 1-16B-11. Staff services to authority--Funds from which expenses paid. All...
Section 1-16B-12 - Transfer of income from capital reserve fund to a general account--Continuous appropriation for purposes of chapter. - 1-16B-12. Transfer of income from capital reserve fund to a...
Section 1-16B-14 - Powers of authority. - 1-16B-14. Powers of authority. The authority may exercise all powers...
Section 1-16B-14.1 - Exemption of documentary material and data involving trade secrets, etc., from disclosure--Consideration by authority in executive session. - 1-16B-14.1. Exemption of documentary material and data involving trade secrets,...
Section 1-16B-15 - Power to issue notes and bonds--Maximum outstanding. - 1-16B-15. Power to issue notes and bonds--Maximum outstanding. The authority...
Section 1-16B-16 - Issuance, renewal, payment, and refunding of notes and bonds--Application of proceeds of refunding bonds. - 1-16B-16. Issuance, renewal, payment, and refunding of notes and bonds--Application...
Section 1-16B-17 - Notes and bonds as general obligations of authority--Funds from which payable. - 1-16B-17. Notes and bonds as general obligations of authority--Funds from...
Section 1-16B-18 - Terms of notes and bonds--Maturity--Interest--Registration--Redemption--Sale. - 1-16B-18. Terms of notes and bonds--Maturity--Interest--Registration--Redemption--Sale. Notes and bonds shall...
Section 1-16B-19 - State pledge not to impair powers of authority--Inclusion in terms of notes or bonds. - 1-16B-19. State pledge not to impair powers of authority--Inclusion in...
Section 1-16B-20 - Obligations payable only from assets of authority--Statement on face of obligations. - 1-16B-20. Obligations payable only from assets of authority--Statement on face...
Section 1-16B-21 - Repurchase and cancellation of notes and bonds--Maximum price paid. - 1-16B-21. Repurchase and cancellation of notes and bonds--Maximum price paid....
Section 1-16B-22 - Issuance of refunding obligations--Terms governed by chapter. - 1-16B-22. Issuance of refunding obligations--Terms governed by chapter. The authority...
Section 1-16B-23 - Disposition of refunding obligations--Application or investment of proceeds. - 1-16B-23. Disposition of refunding obligations--Application or investment of proceeds. Refunding...
Section 1-16B-24 - Bonds and notes as legal investments for public and fiduciary funds. - 1-16B-24. Bonds and notes as legal investments for public and...
Section 1-16B-25 - Appointment of trustee on default in payment of bonds or notes. - 1-16B-25. Appointment of trustee on default in payment of bonds...
Section 1-16B-26 - Trustee's powers in protection of bondholders or noteholders. - 1-16B-26. Trustee's powers in protection of bondholders or noteholders. The...
Section 1-16B-27 - Notice required of trustee before declaring principal due. - 1-16B-27. Notice required of trustee before declaring principal due. Before...
Section 1-16B-28 - Incidental powers of trustee. - 1-16B-28. Incidental powers of trustee. The trustee may also exercise...
Section 1-16B-29 - Capital reserve fund required--Moneys paid in. - 1-16B-29. Capital reserve fund required--Moneys paid in. The authority shall...
Section 1-16B-30 - Amounts required in capital reserve fund. - 1-16B-30. Amounts required in capital reserve fund. The maximum annual...
Section 1-16B-31 - Application of capital reserve fund--Transfer of income. - 1-16B-31. Application of capital reserve fund--Transfer of income. All moneys...
Section 1-16B-32 - Bonds and notes not issued when capital reserve below required amount. - 1-16B-32. Bonds and notes not issued when capital reserve below...
Section 1-16B-33 - Annual budget estimate for restoration of capital reserve fund--Governor's budget--Application of appropriated funds. - 1-16B-33. Annual budget estimate for restoration of capital reserve fund--Governor's...
Section 1-16B-34 - Establishment of loan funds--Investment. - 1-16B-34. Establishment of loan funds--Investment. The authority may establish other...
Section 1-16B-35 - Cooperation with local agencies. - 1-16B-35. Cooperation with local agencies. The authority may, as necessary...
Section 1-16B-36 - Determination of desirability of development projects. - 1-16B-36. Determination of desirability of development projects. The authority may,...
Section 1-16B-37 - Power to make loans to local agencies--Repayment provisions. - 1-16B-37. Power to make loans to local agencies--Repayment provisions. The...
Section 1-16B-38 - Maximum loan to local agency--Vote required for approval. - 1-16B-38. Maximum loan to local agency--Vote required for approval. If...
Section 1-16B-40 - Application by local agency for loan--Contents. - 1-16B-40. Application by local agency for loan--Contents. Prior to loaning...
Section 1-16B-41 - Loans made only when other loans not available. - 1-16B-41. Loans made only when other loans not available. The...
Section 1-16B-42 - Preference to projects for processing raw materials produced in state. - 1-16B-42. Preference to projects for processing raw materials produced in...
Section 1-16B-43 - Maximum percentage of cost loaned to local agency--Assurances as to other financing. - 1-16B-43. Maximum percentage of cost loaned to local agency--Assurances as...
Section 1-16B-44 - Adjustment of local funding requirements when federal agency participates--Subordination to mortgage held by federal agency. - 1-16B-44. Adjustment of local funding requirements when federal agency participates--Subordination...
Section 1-16B-45 - Pledge to United States not to impair powers of authority. - 1-16B-45. Pledge to United States not to impair powers of...
Section 1-16B-46 - Terms of loan to local agency--Subordination to other loans. - 1-16B-46. Terms of loan to local agency--Subordination to other loans....
Section 1-16B-47 - Foreclosure to take title to development project--Sale or lease. - 1-16B-47. Foreclosure to take title to development project--Sale or lease....
Section 1-16B-48 - Annual reports of authority--Contents. - 1-16B-48. Annual reports of authority--Contents. The authority shall submit annual...
Section 1-16B-49 - Cumulative rights and powers of authority. - 1-16B-49. Cumulative rights and powers of authority. The rights, powers,...
Section 1-16B-50 - Annual action plan--Annual informational report. - 1-16B-50. Annual action plan--Annual informational report. The South Dakota Economic...
Section 1-16B-53 - Preferred development project defined. - 1-16B-53. Preferred development project defined. The term, preferred development project,...
Section 1-16B-54 - Direct mortgage loans for preferred development projects. - 1-16B-54. Direct mortgage loans for preferred development projects. Notwithstanding any...
Section 1-16B-55 - Authority may contract to manage payment or interest rate risk for bonds. - 1-16B-55. Authority may contract to manage payment or interest rate...
Section 1-16B-57 - Duties and goals--Agricultural production. - 1-16B-57 . Duties and goals--Agricultural production. The board shall administer...
Section 1-16B-58 - Lending power of authority. - 1-16B-58 . Lending power of authority. The authority may: (1)...
Section 1-16B-59 - Bond authorization, terms, and sale--Interest rate--Noninterest-bearing bonds. - 1-16B-59 . Bond authorization, terms, and sale--Interest rate--Noninterest-bearing bonds. The...
Section 1-16B-60 - Pledges by authority. - 1-16B-60 . Pledges by authority. Any pledge made by the...
Section 1-16B-61 - Redemption of bonds. - 1-16B-61 . Redemption of bonds. The authority, subject to any...
Section 1-16B-62 - Trust indenture securing authority bonds. - 1-16B-62 . Trust indenture securing authority bonds. The bonds may...
Section 1-16B-63 - Proceeds of bonds--Investments. - 1-16B-63 . Proceeds of bonds--Investments. Any proceeds of bonds not...
Section 1-16B-64 - Bonds as negotiable instruments. - 1-16B-64 . Bonds as negotiable instruments. Whether or not the...
Section 1-16B-65 - Execution of bonds--Seal. - 1-16B-65 . Execution of bonds--Seal. Bonds of the authority may...
Section 1-16B-66 - Immunity from personal liability on bonds. - 1-16B-66 . Immunity from personal liability on bonds. Neither the...
Section 1-16B-67 - Conflict of interest --Disclosure--Participation in transaction. - 1-16B-67 . Conflict of interest --Disclosure--Participation in transaction. Any member...
Section 1-16B-68 - Tax exemption--Filing fee exemption. - 1-16B-68 . Tax exemption--Filing fee exemption. The exercise of the...
Section 1-16B-69 - Bonds as authorized investments and securities for deposits. - 1-16B-69 . Bonds as authorized investments and securities for deposits....
Section 1-16B-70 - Promulgation of rules. - 1-16B-70 . Promulgation of rules. The authority may, pursuant to...
Section 1-16B-71 - Liberal construction of chapter. - 1-16B-71 . Liberal construction of chapter. This chapter, being necessary...
Section 1-16B-72 - Disposition of authority assets on dissolution. - 1-16B-72 . Disposition of authority assets on dissolution. If, after...
Section 1-16B-73 - Compliance with Internal Revenue Code. - 1-16B-73 . Compliance with Internal Revenue Code. Notwithstanding any other...