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Section 1-16A-1 - Legislative findings and intent. - 1-16A-1. Legislative findings and intent. For the benefit of the...
Section 1-16A-2 - Definitions. - 1-16A-2. Definitions. As used in this chapter, unless the context...
Section 1-16A-2.2 - Out-of-state participating health institution--Eligibility for financing. - 1-16A-2.2 . Out-of-state participating health institution--Eligibility for financing. To be...
Section 1-16A-3 - Authority created--Public function. - 1-16A-3. Authority created--Public function. There is hereby created a body...
Section 1-16A-3.1 - Authority continued within Bureau of Finance and Management--Records and reports. - 1-16A-3.1. Authority continued within Bureau of Finance and Management--Records and...
Section 1-16A-4 - Appointment of members of authority--Qualifications. - 1-16A-4. Appointment of members of authority--Qualifications. The authority shall consist...
Section 1-16A-5 - Terms of office of members--Vacancies. - 1-16A-5. Terms of office of members--Vacancies. Upon the expiration of...
Section 1-16A-6 - Business interests not disqualifying for membership--Abstention where conflict of interest. - 1-16A-6. Business interests not disqualifying for membership--Abstention where conflict of...
Section 1-16A-7 - Annual election of chairman and vice-chairman. - 1-16A-7. Annual election of chairman and vice-chairman. Annually after the...
Section 1-16A-8 - Meetings open to public--Notice--Resolutions not published. - 1-16A-8. Meetings open to public--Notice--Resolutions not published. Each meeting of...
Section 1-16A-9 - Quorum of authority--Vote required for action. - 1-16A-9. Quorum of authority--Vote required for action. Four members of...
Section 1-16A-10 - Expenses of members of authority. - 1-16A-10. Expenses of members of authority. Members of the authority...
Section 1-16A-11 - Removal of member from authority. - 1-16A-11. Removal of member from authority. Any member of the...
Section 1-16A-12 - Executive director and associate--Compensation. - 1-16A-12. Executive director and associate--Compensation. The authority shall appoint an...
Section 1-16A-13 - Employment of consultants and agents--Compensation. - 1-16A-13. Employment of consultants and agents--Compensation. The authority shall have...
Section 1-16A-14 - Surety bonds required--Payment of cost. - 1-16A-14. Surety bonds required--Payment of cost. Each member of the...
Section 1-16A-15 - Corporate powers of authority. - 1-16A-15. Corporate powers of authority. The authority has the following...
Section 1-16A-15.1 - Authority to approve financing of facilities in the state by out-of-state issuers-Public hearing. - 1-16A-15.1. Authority to approve financing of facilities in the state...
Section 1-16A-15.2 - Determination of minimum amount of cash and investment reserves. - 1-16A-15.2. Determination of minimum amount of cash and investment reserves....
Section 1-16A-16 - Delegation of powers and duties. - 1-16A-16. Delegation of powers and duties. The authority may delegate...
Section 1-16A-17 - Records maintained by authority--Certified copies. - 1-16A-17. Records maintained by authority--Certified copies. The executive director or...
Section 1-16A-17.1 - Informational budget required. - 1-16A-17.1. Informational budget required. Notwithstanding any other provisions of law,...
Section 1-16A-18 - Acceptance of loans and gifts. - 1-16A-18. Acceptance of loans and gifts. The authority shall have...
Section 1-16A-19 - Investment of surplus funds--Maturity of securities--Manner of investment. - 1-16A-19. Investment of surplus funds--Maturity of securities--Manner of investment. The...
Section 1-16A-20 - Location, construction, operation and maintenance of facilities--Designation of agent. - 1-16A-20. Location, construction, operation and maintenance of facilities--Designation of agent....
Section 1-16A-21 - Acquisition of property--Title taken. - 1-16A-21. Acquisition of property--Title taken. The authority is authorized and...
Section 1-16A-22 - Restrictions of other laws not applicable. - 1-16A-22. Restrictions of other laws not applicable. Facilities may be...
Section 1-16A-23 - Public works laws not applicable--Competitive bidding not required. - 1-16A-23. Public works laws not applicable--Competitive bidding not required. Facilities...
Section 1-16A-24 - Mortgages for security of bondholders. - 1-16A-24. Mortgages for security of bondholders. The authority shall have...
Section 1-16A-25 - Operation of facilities restricted to leasing. - 1-16A-25. Operation of facilities restricted to leasing. The authority shall...
Section 1-16A-26 - Leasing of facilities--Terms of lease--Option to purchase. - 1-16A-26. Leasing of facilities--Terms of lease--Option to purchase. The authority...
Section 1-16A-27 - Duration of leases--Rentals required. - 1-16A-27. Duration of leases--Rentals required. Any lease of the facilities...
Section 1-16A-28 - Establishment of rents and charges. - 1-16A-28. Establishment of rents and charges. The authority shall have...
Section 1-16A-29 - Rules and regulations for use of facilities. - 1-16A-29. Rules and regulations for use of facilities. The authority...
Section 1-16A-30 - Laws and ordinances applicable to facilities. - 1-16A-30. Laws and ordinances applicable to facilities. All facilities shall...
Section 1-16A-31 - Loans to participating institutions--Maximum amount. - 1-16A-31. Loans to participating institutions--Maximum amount. The authority shall have...
Section 1-16A-32 - Refunding loans to participating institutions--Findings required. - 1-16A-32. Refunding loans to participating institutions--Findings required. The authority shall...
Section 1-16A-33 - Initial planning service fee to accompany applications. - 1-16A-33. Initial planning service fee to accompany applications. When any...
Section 1-16A-34 - Annual planning service fee payable to authority. - 1-16A-34. Annual planning service fee payable to authority. In addition...
Section 1-16A-35 - Purpose of planning service fees--Agencies used in planning. - 1-16A-35. Purpose of planning service fees--Agencies used in planning. It...
Section 1-16A-36 - Planning services and surveys obtained from other agencies. - 1-16A-36. Planning services and surveys obtained from other agencies. In...
Section 1-16A-37 - Proration of planning service fees between institutions. - 1-16A-37. Proration of planning service fees between institutions. In the...
Section 1-16A-38 - Issuance and refunding of bonds and obligations. - 1-16A-38. Issuance and refunding of bonds and obligations. The authority...
Section 1-16A-39 - Terms and form of bonds issued. - 1-16A-39. Terms and form of bonds issued. The bonds may...
Section 1-16A-40 - Sale of bonds--Expenses of issuance. - 1-16A-40. Sale of bonds--Expenses of issuance. The bonds of the...
Section 1-16A-41 - Negotiability of bonds. - 1-16A-41. Negotiability of bonds. All bonds of the authority and...
Section 1-16A-42 - Bonds payable only from revenues. - 1-16A-42. Bonds payable only from revenues. All bonds issued by...
Section 1-16A-43 - Pledge of revenues to secure bonds. - 1-16A-43. Pledge of revenues to secure bonds. The principal of...
Section 1-16A-44 - Pledge continuing until bonds paid. - 1-16A-44. Pledge continuing until bonds paid. Each pledge, agreement, lease,...
Section 1-16A-45 - Maintenance, rental and funding agreements in bond resolution. - 1-16A-45. Maintenance, rental and funding agreements in bond resolution. The...
Section 1-16A-46 - Pooling of leases for pledge of revenues. - 1-16A-46. Pooling of leases for pledge of revenues. In addition...
Section 1-16A-47 - Bond redemption privileges retained. - 1-16A-47. Bond redemption privileges retained. If deemed advisable by the...
Section 1-16A-48 - Additional bonds for facilities or HEAL loans--Protection of prior bondholders. - 1-16A-48. Additional bonds for facilities or HEAL loans--Protection of prior...
Section 1-16A-49 - Remedies of bondholders on default. - 1-16A-49. Remedies of bondholders on default. In the event of...
Section 1-16A-50 - General obligation not created by issuance of bonds--Tax levy not promised. - 1-16A-50. General obligation not created by issuance of bonds--Tax levy...
Section 1-16A-51 - State debt not created--Disclaimer in bonds. - 1-16A-51. State debt not created--Disclaimer in bonds. Nothing in this...
Section 1-16A-52 - Pledge of full faith and credit of authority or institution. - 1-16A-52. Pledge of full faith and credit of authority or...
Section 1-16A-52.1 - Financing through federally guaranteed securities authorized. - 1-16A-52.1.Financing through federally guaranteed securities authorized. Notwithstanding any other provisions...
Section 1-16A-52.2 - Commitments and agreements for financing through federally guaranteed securities. - 1-16A-52.2. Commitments and agreements for financing through federally guaranteed securities....
Section 1-16A-52.3 - Bonds not to exceed cost of facility--Expenses included--Terms and sale of bonds. - 1-16A-52.3. Bonds not to exceed cost of facility--Expenses included--Terms and...
Section 1-16A-52.4 - Title to facility financed through federally guaranteed securities--Mortgage--Lease prohibited. - 1-16A-52.4. Title to facility financed through federally guaranteed securities--Mortgage--Lease prohibited....
Section 1-16A-52.5 - Return of securities to issuer when provision made for payment. - 1-16A-52.5. Return of securities to issuer when provision made for...
Section 1-16A-53 - Refunding bonds authorized--Amount. - 1-16A-53. Refunding bonds authorized--Amount. Any bonds of the authority at...
Section 1-16A-54 - Methods of refunding--Maturity dates. - 1-16A-54. Methods of refunding--Maturity dates. Any such refunding may be...
Section 1-16A-54.1 - Bond issue authorized to refund securities of participating institution. - 1-16A-54.1. Bond issue authorized to refund securities of participating institution....
Section 1-16A-54.2 - Amount and terms of securities purchased--Mortgage--Insurance and guaranties. - 1-16A-54.2. Amount and terms of securities purchased--Mortgage--Insurance and guaranties. Any...
Section 1-16A-54.3 - Pledge of securities to secure bonds--Income used for payment--Maximum principal--Bonds subject to other provisions of chapter. - 1-16A-54.3. Pledge of securities to secure bonds--Income used for payment--Maximum...
Section 1-16A-54.4 - Title of financed facility to remain in participating institution--Mortgage--Lease prohibited. - 1-16A-54.4. Title of financed facility to remain in participating institution--Mortgage--Lease...
Section 1-16A-55 - Bonds of authority as legal investments. - 1-16A-55. Bonds of authority as legal investments. The state and...
Section 1-16A-56 - Conveyance of facility to participating institution when debt paid. - 1-16A-56. Conveyance of facility to participating institution when debt paid....
Section 1-16A-56.1 - Conveyance provisions inapplicable to refinanced facility--Return of securities when bonds paid or payment provided for. - 1-16A-56.1. Conveyance provisions inapplicable to refinanced facility--Return of securities when...
Section 1-16A-57 - Expenses paid from authority funds--Borrowing for initial operation. - 1-16A-57. Expenses paid from authority funds--Borrowing for initial operation. All...
Section 1-16A-58 - Tax exemption of authority. - 1-16A-58. Tax exemption of authority. The authority is hereby declared...
Section 1-16A-59 - Securities regulation. - 1-16A-59. Securities regulation. For purposes of chapter 47-31B, bonds issued...
Section 1-16A-61 - Powers supplementary. - 1-16A-61. Powers supplementary. The powers conferred by this chapter shall...
Section 1-16A-62 - Powers under other law unimpaired. - 1-16A-62. Powers under other law unimpaired. Neither this chapter nor...
Section 1-16A-63 - Liberal construction of chapter. - 1-16A-63. Liberal construction of chapter. This chapter shall be liberally...
Section 1-16A-64 - Short title of chapter. - 1-16A-64. Short title of chapter. This chapter may be referred...
Section 1-16A-65 - Health education assistance loan program established. - 1-16A-65.Health education assistance loan program established. There is established to...
Section 1-16A-66 - Health education assistance loan program--Powers of authority. - 1-16A-66. Health education assistance loan program--Powers of authority. The authority...
Section 1-16A-67 - Health education assistance loan program--Funding of HEAL loan purchases by bonds, notes or other obligations of authority. - 1-16A-67. Health education assistance loan program--Funding of HEAL loan purchases...
Section 1-16A-68 - Health education assistance loan program--Payment of bonds. - 1-16A-68. Health education assistance loan program--Payment of bonds. Notwithstanding §1-16A-42,...
Section 1-16A-69 - Health education assistance loan program--Security for principal and interest of bonds. - 1-16A-69. Health education assistance loan program--Security for principal and interest...
Section 1-16A-70 - Health education assistance loan program--Repayment fund created. - 1-16A-70. Health education assistance loan program--Repayment fund created. There is...
Section 1-16A-74 - Power to act as public instrumentality. - 1-16A-74. Power to act as public instrumentality. The authority is...
Section 1-16A-74.1 - Establishment of funding program for financing of property by public bodies--Assistance--Pledging of payments--Compliance with statutory limitations. - 1-16A-74.1. Establishment of funding program for financing of property by...
Section 1-16A-75 - Funding program for purchase of notes--Issuance of bonds or notes. - 1-16A-75. Funding program for purchase of notes--Issuance of bonds or...
Section 1-16A-76 - Jurisdiction of federal bankruptcy courts--Written contracts concerning bonds or notes enforceable. - 1-16A-76. Jurisdiction of federal bankruptcy courts--Written contracts concerning bonds or...
Section 1-16A-78 - Authority to issue education savings bonds. - 1-16A-78. Authority to issue education savings bonds. The authority may...
Section 1-16A-79 - Criteria for issuance of education savings bonds. - 1-16A-79. Criteria for issuance of education savings bonds. Bonds issued...
Section 1-16A-80 - Additional criteria for issuance of education savings bonds. - 1-16A-80. Additional criteria for issuance of education savings bonds. In...
Section 1-16A-81 - Discounted sale of education savings bonds--Interest--Payment at maturity. - 1-16A-81. Discounted sale of education savings bonds--Interest--Payment at maturity. Education...
Section 1-16A-82 - Sale of education savings bonds--Computation of aggregate principal. - 1-16A-82. Sale of education savings bonds--Computation of aggregate principal. Education...
Section 1-16A-83 - Plan of implementation for issuance and sale of education savings bonds. - 1-16A-83. Plan of implementation for issuance and sale of education...
Section 1-16A-84 - Designation by authority required for education savings bonds. - 1-16A-84. Designation by authority required for education savings bonds. No...
Section 1-16A-85 - Pool arrangement defined. - 1-16A-85. Pool arrangement defined. For the purposes of §§1-16A-85 to...
Section 1-16A-86 - Authority as funding authority for pool arrangement. - 1-16A-86. Authority as funding authority for pool arrangement. The authority...
Section 1-16A-87 - Program for issuance of bonds or certificates of participation that constitute debt of participating agencies--Secured for payment by proceeds of irrepealable tax levies. - 1-16A-87. Program for issuance of bonds or certificates of participation...
Section 1-16A-88 - Bonds or certificates of participation not secured for payment by proceeds of irrepealable tax levies. - 1-16A-88. Bonds or certificates of participation not secured for payment...
Section 1-16A-89 - Credit enhancement obligation--Conditions. - 1-16A-89. Credit enhancement obligation--Conditions. No credit enhancement obligation is valid...
Section 1-16A-90 - Agreements with other entities involving credit enhancement obligations. - 1-16A-90. Agreements with other entities involving credit enhancement obligations. In...
Section 1-16A-91 - Issued indebtedness for accounts receivable program. - 1-16A-91. Issued indebtedness for accounts receivable program. The authority may...
Section 1-16A-92 - Authority may contract to manage payment or interest rate risk for bonds. - 1-16A-92. Authority may contract to manage payment or interest rate...
Section 1-16A-93 - Proposed issuance of obligations--Determination of board. - 1-16A-93. Proposed issuance of obligations--Determination of board. Any bonds, notes...
Section 1-16A-94 - Promulgation of rules establishing forecasting methodology. - 1-16A-94. Promulgation of rules establishing forecasting methodology. The South Dakota...
Section 1-16A-95 - Issuance of additional obligations--Legislative approval. - 1-16A-95. Issuance of additional obligations--Legislative approval. The issuance of any...
Section 1-16A-96 - Appropriation for payments pursuant to lease purchase agreements--Agreement dated August 1, 1988 ratified. - 1-16A-96. Appropriation for payments pursuant to lease purchase agreements--Agreement dated...
Section 1-16A-97 - Procedures to facilitate school district issuance of capital outlay certificates and terms for lease purchase agreements secured by pledge of state aid to education funds. - 1-16A-97. Procedures to facilitate school district issuance of capital outlay...
Section 1-16A-98 - State not liable for capital outlay certificates and lease purchase agreements sponsored by authority or secured by pledge of state aid to education. - 1-16A-98. State not liable for capital outlay certificates and lease...
Section 1-16A-99 - Contracts made by school district, state, or authority not to be impaired. - 1-16A-99. Contracts made by school district, state, or authority not...