South Dakota Codified Laws
Chapter 16B - Economic Development Finance Authority
Section 1-16B-1 - Definitions.

1-16B-1. Definitions.
Terms used in this chapter mean:
(1)"Agricultural enterprise," the acquisition, construction, reconstruction, rehabilitation, or improvement of land, buildings, improvements thereto, or personal property located in the state that are necessary or suitable for use in farming, ranching, or the production of agricultural commodities or necessary or suitable for treating, processing, storing, or transporting raw agricultural commodities;
(2)"Authority," the South Dakota Economic Development Finance Authority created by this chapter;
(3)"Beginning farmer," an individual or partnership with a low or moderate net worth that engages in or wishes to engage in farming or ranching;
(4)"Board," the board of directors of the authority;
(5)"Bonds," bonds, notes and certificates, and bond, grant, or revenue anticipation notes or any other evidence of indebtedness representing an obligation to pay money;
(6)"Business enterprise," a work or improvement located within the state including real property, buildings, equipment, furnishings and, any other real and personal property or any interest therein, financed, refinanced, acquired, owned, constructed, reconstructed, extended, rehabilitated, improved, or equipped, directly or indirectly, in whole or in part, by the authority or through loans made by the authority and which is designed and intended for the purpose of providing facilities for manufacturing, industry, processing, warehousing, commerce (including wholesale or retail trade), recreation, hotel, office, research, business (whether or not for profit), or other related purposes, including the machinery and equipment necessary or desirable for the operation thereof;
(7)"Cost" or "Cost of establishing a development project," any or all of the following:
(a)The cost of construction, including the cost of acquisition and remodeling of existing buildings and structures, demolishing, removing, or relocating existing buildings or structures, the construction of new buildings and structures, and heating, air conditioning, lighting, and plumbing;
(b)The cost of all lands, property, rights, easements, and franchises acquired, that are necessary for the construction;
(c)Financing charges, interest prior to and during construction, the cost of engineering, legal expenses, plans, specifications, surveys, and necessary reserves;
(d)Estimates of costs and other expenses necessary or incidental to determining the feasibility or practicability of any development project together with any other expenses necessary or incidental to the financing and construction of the development project and the placing of the development project in operation; and
(e)The cost of acquisition and installation of machinery, equipment, and other tangible personal property;
(8)"Development project," any site, structure, facility, service, utility, or undertaking comprising, serving, or being a part of any industrial or agricultural or nonagricultural products, storage, distribution, or manufacturing enterprise;
(9)"Enterprise," except when a part of the term, business enterprise, any person, partnership, firm, limited liability company, company, or corporation, organized for profit or not, which is determined by the authority, after proper investigation, to be financially responsible to assume all loan payments and all other obligations prescribed by the authority in the purchase of a development project and in the operation of an industrial, processing, storage, distribution, or manufacturing enterprise therein or thereon;
(10)"Lender," any federal or state chartered bank, insurance company, credit union, mortgage loan company, federal land bank, production credit association, bank for cooperatives, federal or state chartered savings and loan association or building and loan association, small business investment company, or any other institution or association qualified within this state to originate and service loans;
(11)"Working capital needs of business," the requirements of any manufacturing, industrial, processing, warehousing, commercial (including wholesale or retail trade), recreational, hotel, office, research, farming, or ranching enterprise located in the state or enterprise located in the state engaged in the production of agricultural commodities to finance cash flow, inventory, receivables or other current assets or to finance the cost of operating expenses of the enterprise or any combination of the foregoing.

Source: SL 1978, ch 9, §1(1) to (3); SL 1986, ch 14, §1; SL 2009, ch 1, §3; SL 2020, ch 4, § 3.

Structure South Dakota Codified Laws

South Dakota Codified Laws

Title 1 - State Affairs and Government

Chapter 16B - Economic Development Finance Authority

Section 1-16B-1 - Definitions.

Section 1-16B-7 - Finance authority created.

Section 1-16B-8 - Board of directors--Appointment of members.

Section 1-16B-9 - Quorum of board--Action by majority present.

Section 1-16B-10 - Commissioner as chief administrative officer.

Section 1-16B-11 - Staff services to authority--Funds from which expenses paid.

Section 1-16B-12 - Transfer of income from capital reserve fund to a general account--Continuous appropriation for purposes of chapter.

Section 1-16B-14 - Powers of authority.

Section 1-16B-14.1 - Exemption of documentary material and data involving trade secrets, etc., from disclosure--Consideration by authority in executive session.

Section 1-16B-15 - Power to issue notes and bonds--Maximum outstanding.

Section 1-16B-16 - Issuance, renewal, payment, and refunding of notes and bonds--Application of proceeds of refunding bonds.

Section 1-16B-17 - Notes and bonds as general obligations of authority--Funds from which payable.

Section 1-16B-18 - Terms of notes and bonds--Maturity--Interest--Registration--Redemption--Sale.

Section 1-16B-19 - State pledge not to impair powers of authority--Inclusion in terms of notes or bonds.

Section 1-16B-20 - Obligations payable only from assets of authority--Statement on face of obligations.

Section 1-16B-21 - Repurchase and cancellation of notes and bonds--Maximum price paid.

Section 1-16B-22 - Issuance of refunding obligations--Terms governed by chapter.

Section 1-16B-23 - Disposition of refunding obligations--Application or investment of proceeds.

Section 1-16B-24 - Bonds and notes as legal investments for public and fiduciary funds.

Section 1-16B-25 - Appointment of trustee on default in payment of bonds or notes.

Section 1-16B-26 - Trustee's powers in protection of bondholders or noteholders.

Section 1-16B-27 - Notice required of trustee before declaring principal due.

Section 1-16B-28 - Incidental powers of trustee.

Section 1-16B-29 - Capital reserve fund required--Moneys paid in.

Section 1-16B-30 - Amounts required in capital reserve fund.

Section 1-16B-31 - Application of capital reserve fund--Transfer of income.

Section 1-16B-32 - Bonds and notes not issued when capital reserve below required amount.

Section 1-16B-33 - Annual budget estimate for restoration of capital reserve fund--Governor's budget--Application of appropriated funds.

Section 1-16B-34 - Establishment of loan funds--Investment.

Section 1-16B-35 - Cooperation with local agencies.

Section 1-16B-36 - Determination of desirability of development projects.

Section 1-16B-37 - Power to make loans to local agencies--Repayment provisions.

Section 1-16B-38 - Maximum loan to local agency--Vote required for approval.

Section 1-16B-40 - Application by local agency for loan--Contents.

Section 1-16B-41 - Loans made only when other loans not available.

Section 1-16B-42 - Preference to projects for processing raw materials produced in state.

Section 1-16B-43 - Maximum percentage of cost loaned to local agency--Assurances as to other financing.

Section 1-16B-44 - Adjustment of local funding requirements when federal agency participates--Subordination to mortgage held by federal agency.

Section 1-16B-45 - Pledge to United States not to impair powers of authority.

Section 1-16B-46 - Terms of loan to local agency--Subordination to other loans.

Section 1-16B-47 - Foreclosure to take title to development project--Sale or lease.

Section 1-16B-48 - Annual reports of authority--Contents.

Section 1-16B-49 - Cumulative rights and powers of authority.

Section 1-16B-50 - Annual action plan--Annual informational report.

Section 1-16B-53 - Preferred development project defined.

Section 1-16B-54 - Direct mortgage loans for preferred development projects.

Section 1-16B-55 - Authority may contract to manage payment or interest rate risk for bonds.

Section 1-16B-57 - Duties and goals--Agricultural production.

Section 1-16B-58 - Lending power of authority.

Section 1-16B-59 - Bond authorization, terms, and sale--Interest rate--Noninterest-bearing bonds.

Section 1-16B-60 - Pledges by authority.

Section 1-16B-61 - Redemption of bonds.

Section 1-16B-62 - Trust indenture securing authority bonds.

Section 1-16B-63 - Proceeds of bonds--Investments.

Section 1-16B-64 - Bonds as negotiable instruments.

Section 1-16B-65 - Execution of bonds--Seal.

Section 1-16B-66 - Immunity from personal liability on bonds.

Section 1-16B-67 - Conflict of interest --Disclosure--Participation in transaction.

Section 1-16B-68 - Tax exemption--Filing fee exemption.

Section 1-16B-69 - Bonds as authorized investments and securities for deposits.

Section 1-16B-70 - Promulgation of rules.

Section 1-16B-71 - Liberal construction of chapter.

Section 1-16B-72 - Disposition of authority assets on dissolution.

Section 1-16B-73 - Compliance with Internal Revenue Code.